Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
In my house when someone says something mean, they have to put money in a mason jar that I like to refer to as "the Douchebag."
In my house if someone says something mean I say something meaner. If they say anything back I hit them in the head with a book or a brick.....sometimes a fireplace poker.. but it's hard to clean up all the blood spatters.


OK ppl this is a _5_ Part Question

A. So what is every ones favorite way to burn ? bong, bowl, blunt , jays ,vape, or other

B. Where is your favorite place to relax y you burn ? on a boat, in the woods, cool spot in the backyard, in a hot tub, in bed, on the beach, maybe a smoke room, All Good Music Fest or other place ?

C. What kinda music do you like to jam with when your burning your good stuff in your spot favorite spot?

D. What time of day or maybe year like a birthday or maybe thanksgiven kinda thing is your favorite time to burn?

I for got an E so add what ever you like to add LOL. ______________________

F. Do you like to burn by yourself in this spot with this music or with a friend or group or with that one friend you go back way back with?

I'm hoping to find new way to chill and friend that like to get down like I do.


Well-Known Member
2013-03-069519.22.52.jpgMy first time trying sushi! (Yesterday). That one on the top right was friggin nasty. The rest was good though. Definitely gotta get used to the texture...


Well-Known Member
OK ppl this is a _5_ Part Question

A. So what is every ones favorite way to burn ? bong, bowl, blunt , jays ,vape, or other

B. Where is your favorite place to relax y you burn ? on a boat, in the woods, cool spot in the backyard, in a hot tub, in bed, on the beach, maybe a smoke room, All Good Music Fest or other place ?

C. What kinda music do you like to jam with when your burning your good stuff in your spot favorite spot?

D. What time of day or maybe year like a birthday or maybe thanksgiven kinda thing is your favorite time to burn?

F. Do you like to burn by yourself in this spot with this music or with a friend or group or with that one friend you go back way back with?

I'm hoping to find new way to chill and friend that like to get down like I do.


A blunt
B and D boat y out fishing for tuna when the sun is going down and you cant see land and the stars shine so nice out there.
C I like to b playing Bob y the sun is setting
E. I love to eat fresh tuna steaks when I'm high
F My Ex Girlfriends lil brother and I have the best times fishing.

So I think my best relaxing smoke is a good fishing trip with 2 to 3 pot head 24 hours out on the open water when the sun is setting and we are just relaxing riding the lil rock of the boat just chilling with no one around for miles then the wake and bake with the sunrise is like magic to a go day of fishing.


Well-Known Member
A. Bowl B. My living room C. Anything with a good rhythm D. All day is pretty good WHY IS THERE NO E? F. Either alone or with just my wife. She's cool to smoke with.


Well-Known Member
Any good documentary suggestions on YouTube? I'll probably dig through some old vice docs. I haven't seen yet.
I don't know if it's there but The Canary Effect is a real good doc. Also Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles is good as well, I didn't expect to watch the whole thing but I did.