TIPS: I used this tutorial over a year ago I'll share my findings as I have become rather proficient:
1) Don't set it and forget it. Even in a crock pot, it will boil on you so check on it periodically. Setting it at night and leaving it for when you wake up is a mistake. Intense bubbling for too long is bad, mkay?
2) Use good weed (popcorn nugs and prefer sativa dominant) and a coffee grinder. Grind it fine. Ounce of ground weed per pound of butter. Mulitply or divide as neccesary and account for potency (more or less) by smoking first.
3) Get a crockpot with a low and a WARM setting. This way you can dial it back to warm if it starts to bubble too much.
4) Add water to the cook. This only acts as a buffer to burning your butter and separates out in the fridge.
5) Time: 24 hours seems like overkill, 2 hours is underkill. My personal opinion is that 10-14hrs is the strike zone. Stir and lift the lid every couple hours.
6) Wash your butter. After your butter hardens in the fridge, separate from the old water and throw it back in the crockpot on warm with some fresh water for about a half hour. Stir. Refridge. Repeat. I do 2 wash cycles and it cuts the canna taste down dramatically. Doesn't hurt potency IMO.
7) Get 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup plastic tupperware type containers for storage since this is what recipes typically call for. Place in warm water to melt to spread more evenly.
8 ) For high grade butter, fuck cookies, brownies etc. The last batch I made was way too strong for cookies (Mix of Laughing Budha, SLH and AK-47 shake)
My preference is chocolate truffles. A) They are small and easy to dose more or less, B) You can buy foil confectioners wrappers and throw em in the freezer forever. C) Easy to transport. D) You can make a lot at once and they take up little room. Only downside is that working with chocolate is a pain in the ass. If you do make truffles, do the french egg yolk ones and not the ones with cream. Also buy high grade (cacao %) chocolate bars and use powdered sugar...get a silcone mold. 2 of my tiny truffles take you about as far as you want to go and still have a good time.
I had a lot questions when I first started. Hopefully this irons out some of the wrinkles so your first batch is kickass.