The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt drink english tap water, its fuckin rank rotten , anytime im down i break out into spots with the stuff, honestly i dont know how anybody can drink it, and you couldnt pay me drink the stuff in london, holy fuck its disgustin.
i remember visiting family in glasgow, and when we got a bath, the water was like yellow, remember my dad saying it was because of the shit the english add to there water, well, lol, i'm now tryna defend that same shit, or at least the fact it dont seem to bother my plants, or myself.


Well-Known Member
glasgows water aint great, its definetly to do with how close you are to the reservoir, the more mil;es of pipes it passes thru has got to affect water ive ever had is straight out a highland burn though, fresh off the mountain snow.


Well-Known Member
glasgows water aint great, its definetly to do with how close you are to the reservoir, the more mil;es of pipes it passes thru has got to affect water ive ever had is straight out a highland burn though, fresh off the mountain snow.
i like th water in the countryside too,,coming down the streams whatnot,fucking ace!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
yeh yorkie i cant grow for shit,, sure,, try getting to the end of a grow more often beofre u start putting statements like that out, just coz u can talk all scientificy and throw 6 sylable words about several times in the same sentance dont mean shit, and what has all ur familiys qualifications got to do with anything? lol. got a spare soapbox if u need a lend, just a thought, showing ya true colours really aint we my man, just goes to show wen u thik ur pals with sum1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Get to the end of a grow? The reason why I've had a shit year crop wise is because I've moved house twice, the grow site 4 times AND had 2 crops fucked by other people!
So think on before you try to imply that it's my fault, but besides that it's all about the quality not the quantity of which you've had neither.

Can you not read either? I've got to repeat myself again?
If I wanted conversation I wouldn't get it from folks like you, I would get it from family and friends but that conversation would still be of an intelligent nature because that's what intelligent folks do.
Do you really think that I discuss insignificant tripe like how spanking movies are on the new 3D with postgrad's, nurses and registered geniuses!?

No you are not pals with me IC3, you made that apparent when you betrayed me over the clones.
You are the one slowly showing his true colours, I've been rock solid from day one.


Well-Known Member
i'm going back 30 years like, old tennaments on rye road lol, so reckon it'd have been a little rough, none the less, i'd still at least try and use it if i had too, without reaching a non verified scientific conclusion because i'm a bit of a know it all, i just know what works for me, and tapwater does :)


Well-Known Member
hey, had an uncle that got a B+ in maths at school, guess i aint as thick as i thought! and our lass is thinking of running for prime minister, once she gets her diploma in talking shit (and fuck, she's good at that) does that make me anymore right in what i say?


Well-Known Member
Get to the end of a grow? The reason why I've had a shit year crop wise is because I've moved house twice, the grow site 4 times AND had 2 crops fucked by other people!
So think on before you try to imply that it's my fault, but besides that it's all about the quality not the quantity of which you've had neither.

Can you not read either? I've got to repeat myself again?
If I wanted conversation I wouldn't get it from folks like you, I would get it from family and friends but that conversation would still be of an intelligent nature because that's what intelligent folks do.
Do you really think that I discuss insignificant tripe like how spanking movies are on the new 3D with postgrad's, nurses and registered geniuses!?

No you are not pals with me IC3, you made that apparent when you betrayed me over the clones.
You are the one slowly showing his true colours, I've been rock solid from day one.
Yorkie give fuckin over would u, u ever consider this thread just maybe isn't for you. You seem to be making enemies on here on a weekly basis. The last time you wer caught talking shite and I pulled up a post of yours u seemed to disappear for a while then come back saying fuckall about it like people forgot. I'm not goin go into a war of posts with u cause half the time I don't read yours anyway but just thot I'd put my thots out there, most people probly don't want to hear your scientific bullshit here so keep it for another thread

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
  • I don't spend my time thinking up counter arguments for what folk say IC3, I'm capable of reasoning which means I don't need to.
    Illogical people who lack the mental capacity to rationalise will only be their own downfall.''​

there you go again with your condescending bullshit quotes,

and no, i dont know much about steroids, but then and again, my dad was a miner, and so i am just the offspring of mere mortals, unlike your good self, a bi-product of an almost superior breed of human, CBA anymore, it is obvious my non-mensa capable brain is not sufficient in pleasing a cock end like you.

FUCK ME all this because i use tapwater..........mate, fuck up, you starting to annoy me now :/
I wasn't even fucking talking to you with that statement so don't come striding over with rolls of carpet under your arms!

If you don't know much about steroids then why fucking mention them? I know.....because you THINK you do, point proven!

It's the internet (good job really), like I give 2 shits about you getting annoyed!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Yorkie give fuckin over would u, u ever consider this thread just maybe isn't for you. You seem to be making enemies on here on a weekly basis. The last time you wer caught talking shite and I pulled up a post of yours u seemed to disappear for a while then come back saying fuckall about it like people forgot. I'm not goin go into a war of posts with u cause half the time I don't read yours anyway but just thot I'd put my thots out there, most people probly don't want to hear your scientific bullshit here so keep it for another thread
When did you catch me talking shite, hmm? Because I've been waiting for this........I do remember a post being taken out of context without you actually paying attention to a post further along the conversation.

Which is why I fucked off for a bit, it is futile to discuss anything with people who have trouble grasping....

1) The English language and it's tenses
2) Context
3) Logic


Well-Known Member
I wasn't even fucking talking to you with that statement so don't come striding over with rolls of carpet under your arms!

If you don't know much about steroids then why fucking mention them? I know.....because you THINK you do, point proven!

It's the internet (good job really), like I give 2 shits about you getting annoyed!
so your saying you aint slagged off my ability to think logically?

i aint got no rolls of carpet under my arms, and dont need or want steroids, you are just starting to annoy me, simple as. did have a respect for you yorkie when i first subbed to this thread, you looked like you knew what you were doing (and i reckon you actually do at times) but the way you gone about shit lately, i just cba anymore.


Well-Known Member
Why ask the question if u know the answer to it, u were simply caught talkin shite and if u want to spend the time go pull up the posts and prove otherwise I think that's what I done at the time??


Well-Known Member
So boys stop biccering and answer this quesrion... what's the best light for starting clones can u do it under a 400mh or is a t5 the best option?


Well-Known Member
until then, this is an mj forum, with a load of potheads growing pot (allegedly) more still, this is the uk growers thread, were peeps are more interested in what's going down on SR than they are in advanced cultivation, with the odd bit of bud porn, half the time, cannabis chat is out of place on this thread.


Well-Known Member
No you are not pals with me IC3, you made that apparent when you betrayed me over the clones.
You are the one slowly showing his true colours, I've been rock solid from day one.

LOL how did i bertray u with the clones,, plz do enlighten me with your infinate wisdom? i ahev no clue on that stement and thats a fact,

no yorkie u just seme to want to cunt everybody off, and dont talk to master about ca[prets under his arms, u forget ur not so big or anything yourself, yet u get all larey on a fucking website like wtf, yeh i thought we wa spals, even after u tried mugging me of a few weeks bak i let it go, coz wen it comes down to it im one of the more solid trusted honest guys on the thread. but i bet im just talking shit.

So boys stop biccering and answer this quesrion... what's the best light for starting clones can u do it under a 400mh or is a t5 the best option?
this one i used a t4 on my young ones,last i used cfl, i must say the t4 was way better even tho it was nly 24 watts, it beet 100watts of cfl's ast time


Well-Known Member
just like all this bickering, the quote system on this site seems to have gone a little fucked up, i dont know who's said what ere, even tryna stich dura into the argument with false quote headers lol