
She's ready for you doc :D
You gotta blow it up for him sunni. Doc doesn't wanna have to click to zoom, this aint no iphone ;)

I wouldn't blow up people pictures without permission. When you leave it as an attachment only members can see it. when you blow it up anyone with Google can have a look see.
I wouldn't blow up people pictures without permission. When you leave it as an attachment only members can see it. when you blow it up anyone with Google can have a look see.

Sorry? I've been doing it for quite sometime and you are the first one to say something, hell even doc has done it.

You paranoid ryan.
View attachment 2550968.................its ok ryan is just looking out for me which i love but my ass is already plastered all over the interwebs, its fine as long as itsjsut me i dont care cvause i cant do it anyways !
I understand but I wasn't the only one that has done it but ya, oh well time to post a pic, here ryan you want to blow this one up for me. :D


Never mind it's already blown up :D
I have a present for the ladies, i hope nobody gets mad im posting a video but i think the ladies will like it. Ive been on an emotional high all day and this is an emotional song and video...for the ladies, i hope it works :):):)