• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Show off your Miracle grow girls!!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2545909View attachment 2545910I think I posted this already but it may have been buryied in the post.
This is gardener & bloom, check the composted material, it is in a2cu ft bag, much better product than that more money than brains fox farms. cost $8.00 per bag. Any nursery across america can order a pallet of this in. and will if they are made of aware of it. I've had several do it for me in the rocky mountain states. goooood product!!
So I guess this kinda kills the excuse that, for some, m.g. products are all thats available. On another note. All grow room products sold through IGrowhydro, on line are repacked in non-descript packaging no name on the return address.
The package is shipped ups but stealth. what they sell isn't illeagal, but they take these precautions, on every shipment, even if you don't need them to. WalMart will order this in for you as well, They got me 10 bags cost alittle more of coarse, $100.00,in Utah. So put your m.g. away and get with the program. Sometimes growers just get lazy and don't do the homework. Misiformation about what is available, and what we can get cheap, is not the problem. What is the problem is, that new and lazy growers don't plan ahead. You know you need x amount of soil. You know what is available at the local retailers. Why not plan ahead and have them get something that is more appropriete for the application ordered before you need it? Besides why spend the high price for m.g. It's not cheap. The stuff in the bags above is cheap, and 5 times the product of fox farms.
P.s. my local nursery guy, just got and delivered me a 40 bag pallet at the first of the week. price $185.00 delivered to my driveway. comes to about $4.50 abag or something.
i couldnt agree more man, im stuck in the FF slump now as i have a tried and true recipe that i use and i dont like to fix things that are not broken.

i started this thread to spread info on the use of MG, i never said it was the best on the market.

In my honest opinion i think that growers should start with something besides MG soil, and then if they want to use it after they gain some knowledge on growing then thats a option for them. there are far easier mediums to use than MG and iwould never recomend MG to anyone.

the simple fact is people still buy it, try and grow with it and fail when they could suceed....why? because other misinformed people tell them that the soil is utter garbage and that they should start over with something else. Instead what they should do is tell them to get a different soil and when they transplant do so into a different potting soil. if they are set on using MG people should understand that other people have other situations and sometimes MG is what they feel thier best option. If at that point you feel like you dont want to help them then dont, but dont trash thier thread with 7 pages of "miracle grow sucks!!" spam because its not helping anyone.

Instead let them know the facts about MG. that its hard to work with and you need to take extreeme caution when watering if you want to see results, that there is no "miraclee" in the soil and it requires the same testing for PH and ammending as any other potting soil does to be sucessfull. people get mislead into thinking its the name brand of the soil that sucks and in fact its the growers fault. help them understand the basics of soil and they will get off to a better start. even if it is with MG soil, theres no reason with the right help and advice they cannot grow a sucessfull plant. and when its all said and done they can make thier own decision.

people get results with MG soil, so if some can get results than that means its not the soils fault but the growers approach.


Active Member
View attachment 2545929Mg has fortified perilite garbage availabe, Also Most good soil will compost the detriouse material with the perilite, The perilite becomes fortified. When you buy straight bag perilite it's at 0 npk. In bag potting soil it is fortified. So I agree with your post, your coment is how forum b.s. gets started , Its fired up people who think they know something about soil and growing media's. Telling people rude things like get there eyes checked about the bag of perilite thats sitting right in front of them. look up the product above it clearlly says on the mg hme page this perilite is fortified with mg fertilizers. The problem with know it alls is, they are always the last to know, they are a know it all.http://www.scotts.com/smg/goprod/miracle-gro-perlite/prod70256/

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
View attachment 2545929Mg has fortified perilite garbage availabe, Also Most good soil will compost the detriouse material with the perilite, The perilite becomes fortified. When you buy straight bag perilite it's at 0 npk. In bag potting soil it is fortified. So I agree with your post, your coment is how forum b.s. gets started , Its fired up people who think they know something about soil and growing media's. Telling people rude things like get there eyes checked about the bag of perilite thats sitting right in front of them. look up the product above it clearlly says on the mg hme page this perilite is fortified with mg fertilizers. The problem with know it alls is, they are always the last to know they are a know it all.http://www.scotts.com/smg/goprod/miracle-gro-perlite/prod70256/
I am pretty certain the NPK contents listed on the label are a simple disclosure. They really do not amend the perlite, its because the same equipment is used to process other products that do contain added nutrients. Kinda like 'this products was processed with equipment used in the production of peanuts' kinda thing. I may be wrong but do not think so.


Well-Known Member
So i had a blue widow and a bagseed in miracle gro but i wasn't having much success with it. Its too unforgiving for me. If you over water there's potential for burn, yet you can't flush the nutrients out. I switched over to regular soil that specified it was good for veges and herbs. I feel i have more control over my grow when using regular soil. Heres a before and after of my plants, one in miracle gro one after transplant.

Edit: When i was given the advice of "take your plants out of mg" like the host of this thread said he didn't want to see anymore, I'm not going to lie i was semi pissed because i was having a really hard time finding good advice on using mg. So I gave in and transplanted. Wish i woulda done it when i was first told to transplant apposed to the 5th+ time. Researching and having the ability to make myself more informed on what I'm doing before i do it was a great asset that i didn't have before due to the lack of good info on growing cannabis with mg.
I'm a n00b, but it's not the MG. I've used it from day 1 of my very first grow, and I popped 6 out of 9 Blue Rhino beans in it. (2 "were" runts) but the other 4 are growing at a pretty good clip and 1 is even showing pistels at 31 days. So "from this n00bs point of veiw" MG, so far so good..


Active Member
So well put Mattthebrute, I hate having to do what I just did, to the fella above but. If your intentions are to teach, educate. and inlighten, then do so if your attentions are to agitate and leave rediculouse rude comments. do it somewhere else. Some of us go on the forum to educate and help as teachers will. Others get on line to find information and learn. Some of "US" do both. Thats what its all about, learning and sharing. The negitive misinformation is what has made this an underworld, illegal act, We have to change the mood, and Opinions of the world. This is the What made, and keeps this wonderfull substance illegal,,,,simply put ignorance.


Well-Known Member
i used MG products on my second grow, first indoor grow.

i used...
MG all purpose potting soil
MG perilite with added nutrients
MG saphgnam peat moss with added fertilizers

the grow was a complete nightmare, burn every time i watered......next to nothing for yeild...

but the bottom line is. Had i educated myself i would not have combined all 3, does that make MG a bad product? no, it dosent it makes me a newbie who didnt have his shit sorted.

if someone asked me what soil to buy i would suggest my current mix which is

Fox Farm Happy Frog (i dont use ocean forest because they are the same price and OF is a 1.5cuft bag and HF is a 2.0cuft bag, more for my buck)
Epsoma garden tone. a 3-4-4 organic amendment, this adds biology and nutrition to my soil that is broken down over time http://www.espoma.com/p_consumer/tones_garden.html
Espoma garden lime (ph adjuster)
black & gold perilite, oganic and its whats available locally.
earthworm castings....homeade (i vermicompost). these casting are rich in all kinds of goodies for my plants along with lots of bacteria and microbes to boost soil life. i also add the worms right into the soil as well and its not uncommon to do a transplant and find a couple of red wrigglers in the bottom of my container....

for nutrients i use general organics GO box, its a starter kit but will run a fair amount of plants before i have to buy more. generally the bloom nutes get used up much faster than the veg nutes because my soil is already rich in organics and i dont need to feed, prob could go the entire grow without feeding.

i would recomend this mix to ANYONE, not as the best mix out there but as a tried and true mix that has been working for me for 3 grows now. i recycle my soil by ammending it with more EWC, gardenlime and garden tone and fresh soil..

I started out on the wrong foot just like many others, has taken me almost 2 years now to get my growing to a point where i feel like im doing well at it. No one is going to start out with all the knowledge, even if they read a million books and articles theres nothing like good ole experience, trial and error and support from the internet community. people are going to use MG and theres no amount of "miracle grow sucks" thats going to change thier minds...as members of this forum were here to help, not bash or insult. so help, advise and work with people to help them get the most out of thier grow...they willl learn from experience what is good and what is not. some people LOVE MG and swear by it, they have mastered the soil and they like using it....

anyways im done babbling lol


Well-Known Member
I am pretty certain the NPK contents listed on the label are a simple disclosure. They really do not amend the perlite, its because the same equipment is used to process other products that do contain added nutrients. Kinda like 'this products was processed with equipment used in the production of peanuts' kinda thing. I may be wrong but do not think so.
i am pretty sure thier perilite is soaked in a fertilizer but im not 100% sure....same with thier peat moss..again not 100% sure....i never claim to be 100% sure on anything :)

oh and BTW im extremely pleased with how this thread is going..thanks to everyone who is contributing. keep them pics coming!!

wish i had some pics of my crispy critter MG girls lol i would post them up in the "what not to do with MG"

and like i said before i personally dont like MG products....that dosent mean i need to shit on anyone who does.


Active Member
No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It clearlly states, that it is "enriched", with their m.g, fertalizer. That does not indicate it got there from using the same equipment, like food equipment passing on penut oil in other food items. It is enriched, put there on purpose. This perilite is used as a fertilizer that adds aeration to the soil. Mabey you should read the indications and use of this product, on the mg page. It's to be used as fertilizer that aerarates the soil. Or mabey you need to get your glasses checked.


Well-Known Member
i am pretty sure thier perilite is soaked in a fertilizer but im not 100% sure....same with thier peat moss..again not 100% sure....i never claim to be 100% sure on anything :)

oh and BTW im extremely pleased with how this thread is going..thanks to everyone who is contributing. keep them pics coming!!

wish i had some pics of my crispy critter MG girls lol i would post them up in the "what not to do with MG"

and like i said before i personally dont like MG products....that dosent mean i need to shit on anyone who does.
Ok this might be a stupid question (n00b) but, if I use this MG for longer than 3 months (mg garden soil feeds up to 3 months) will it loose it's "toxisity" so that I may use it for my next grow.(after I reairiate it).or do you recommend new soil everytime??


Well-Known Member
if you re use it you will have to feed the plant because most or all of the nutrition in the soil is gone. its recomended to use new soil for each grow. i re use my soil after i re ammend it but i have noticed that fresh soil get much better results.

my 2¢


Active Member
IMG_0007.jpgPicture 082.jpgPicture 105.jpgHow did the runts turn out rinkenstien? Did you bloom them? Sometimes those "runts" can be junk, but,,,,, sometimes they are gems.
both Melungeon Magic and B.O.M.B. are both bag seed runts. This started as run of the mill bag seed by my father several decades ago, point is runts (phenos) can be Magical. By the way they are still runts the original strains where too tall for indoors. When the pheno occured my father kept them indoors. It is VERY difficult to get magic over 4 ft tall .. This is magic grown in a side by side with miricle grow, It's hard to get a product like this out of this type of fertilzer and soil. But it can be done! I would and will say it again. Not recomend it to a new grower. Great experiment with "very" advanced seasoned growers but don't bet your whole crop on it. I had an issue with one box of mg bieng very diffrent than the first, It set me back 3 weeks. I bought another box and used it. Later I checked the dates on the old box and found it to be 4 years old. might of had something to do with the stability of the chems. We have sooo many inexpensive, readily available products out there. Someone mentioned vermicomposting, I've dabbled in this as well, way fun, and a good source of extra income if you buy empyty bottles by the gross and make teas, I have a friend who bought a double wide and retired this way, raised worms for fish bait and sold them to mini marts tackle shops etc. The bi product of his bait he made into worm tea in five gal buckets he printed soom home made lables with his buisness card/ poster software put them on the bottles and sold it to area merchants as a local made product. Even safeway was caring it in the plant section . All The nursurys where screaming for more. He went from broke to retired with a fat account in 5 years.


Well-Known Member
Someone said more pics so

Thought I would lif the lid on my current grow and snap a few. Those are straight sativas about 5weeks into flower, well also got a few indies hidden in there. But as you can see they are gorgeous and healthy, stlill growing an inch a day...my mg soil is doing beautifully. Never had ph or water issues.

And that's 1 bag african violet, 1 bad enriched perl, and bloom booster


Active Member
Nice job!!!! Is that satia mekong? sure looks like delta dope. Thsi is a grower with skills. Well got to get back and tend my thread $425.00 grow room. Doing more work in side two today, check it out everyone if you havn't been following it. I think I will sub to this one, as it interests me so. Plus its been fun. Everyone,, It's been a pleasure. melungeeonman.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Someone said more pics so
View attachment 2545972

Thought I would lif the lid on my current grow and snap a few. Those are straight sativas about 5weeks into flower, well also got a few indies hidden in there. But as you can see they are gorgeous and healthy, stlill growing an inch a day...my mg soil is doing beautifully. Never had ph or water issues.

And that's 1 bag african violet, 1 bad enriched perl, and bloom booster
man those sativas look awesome man. i havent gotten an good sativa strain in my garden yet but i would like one. keep up the good work man.


Well-Known Member
Nice job!!!! Is that satia mekong? sure looks like delta dope. Thsi is a grower with skills. Well got to get back and tend my thread $425.00 grow room. Doing more work in side two today, check it out everyone if you havn't been following it. I think I will sub to this one, as it interests me so. Plus its been fun. Everyone,, It's been a pleasure. melungeeonman.:bigjoint:
425$ grow room sounds about right, do you have a veg cab too or just a flowering/veg room ?

im setting my brother in law up and dropped 300 bucks on some stuff yesterday. going to be buying a few more things and should have him set right up by the end of next week to start growing out some beuties.


Well-Known Member
Lol thanks guys and no I'm too cheap to buy seeds, when I run out of my home brewed herb I pick up some good old mexican bagseed, usually a half lb for 250 bucks, end up with seeds for my next harvest. I have 27 going at the moment only 4 turned out to be hybrids,mostly indica, and they are all different aroma wise, and yes bagseed still produces very potent herb. I much prefer it this way.anyways not tryin to hijack


Well-Known Member
all good man, i prefer to buy genetics because i have had no luck with bagseed and lots of luck with genetics from assorted breeders...to his thier own. i will preach till i run out of breath that quality genetics is the most important part of growing quality herb. thats my opinion and ill stick to my guns on it with my experiences. but like i said to each thier own and i wont shove my opinions down anyones throat, just give them and if people listen they listen if they dont they either prove me wrong or right. Either way its not my grow so....


Well-Known Member
Yea I get lots of people telling me that, I probably could get "better" smoke with real genetics but I figure if half the great strains originated from landrace sativa maybe one day ill find my special lady. Besides I'm in tx and the "quality" bud really doesn't look any different than mine. So I'm happy with it.but I've personally never seen weed that was properly grown not be covered in trichs and super potent wether it was bagseed or a strain that won whatever cup this year...but I've been growing mexican sativas since I was in highschool and it seems to me that us growers find something that works real good and never change


Well-Known Member
dam right man if it isnt broken dont fix it. and i have been to TX and got one of them 250$QP of mexican shwag pretty hard not to top that stuff lol, its like smoking dirt...literally.


Well-Known Member
Lol they don't call it dirt weed for nuthin. I always find random leaves and dead bugs, also the random hair.. But luckily brick weed isn't too poular nowadays, so the shwag is slowly getting better. Its no longer compressed bricks I personally think most of my weed is columbian. I can't remember which has the longer flowering time but my sativas will go 15 weeks. Since my harvest aint done yet I'm picking up another sack tonight maybe ill make a thread about mexican weed tonight?
The up side is, at 30 an oz I can roll blunt after blunt