it can happen that fast


New Member
for all you geniuses in here that like to cook their iso or butane off indoors, heres a video to watch, just goes to show you how fast things can go downhill. it doesnt help that these idiots were smoking a cigarette while cooking off the ISO. they deserved it. they poured the weed and iso onto that hot dish and it took 4 seconds for it to blow up.


Well-Known Member

I don't believe they used a proper pyrex bowl either, that's what those ignorant mother fuckers get.


New Member
one of the youtube comments subbed it up best:

"from internet gangsters to scared cracka's in .26 seconds...when shit gets real in the burbs, you call your mom!!"


Well-Known Member
Never understood why anyone would do it this way, what the hell is so hard about using ice and screens...


Well-Known Member
thats shit is ignorant.

the oil looked like complete shit. so fucking green
really direct flame to pyrex pot? i mean i smoke ciggs while making ISO but a fucking flame from burner straight to the solutions. they must have been on dope.(crack cocaine)


Well-Known Member
Awesome video, should have let it tick a few more to show if there was any damage.. 7 of 10, would have scored higher had we seen something/someone ablaze.


Well-Known Member
Matt was using this video for a while telling everyone they'll blow up blasting bho and these other concentrates. its compelling, but just listen to these was a matter of time for something to go wrong with these fools.

quite a "whoosh" sound there eh? lol.


Well-Known Member
Also noticed that they mentioned a Thunder Fuck cross... odds are they've probably never seen the real ATF or anything semi-close to it - as a guess.


Well-Known Member
I was laughing about that to, they were high capping so hard. "Yall dont know shit about this man", you dont know about 5th grade science. Alcohol plus flame equals boom, LMAO :hump:


New Member
I think " this some chronic, kill, kryptonic" is the best line ever hahahahahaahahahaah. fucking hilarious.


Active Member
for all you geniuses in here that like to cook their iso or butane off indoors, heres a video to watch, just goes to show you how fast things can go downhill. it doesnt help that these idiots were smoking a cigarette while cooking off the ISO. they deserved it. they poured the weed and iso onto that hot dish and it took 4 seconds for it to blow up.
It's not smoking a cigarette that is bad, it's the spark that lights it that kicks it off. Its really not suited for apartment buildings as gas can go through walls and your neighbor smoking in his place, which is okay now, puts both people at risk. BHO gives hash oil a bad name and here in California, you will be charged the same as meth manufacturing. No joke in Ca. It also helps to expect a fire and to have a lid to cover it. Water on a grease fire is no bueno.