Is this true?


Well-Known Member
damn even I can do better ps work then this...Iran releases fake photoshoped jet images

Come on, Iran. You talk big game. You totally want nukes, and you've got a lot of people worried. You should at least have the PR skills to back it up: This bad photoshop is a Borat-caliber farce.

When you unveil a shiny new war toy like the Qaher-313 fighter jet, it's your right as a player in world politics to flaunt it. Not to spark an international incident, but given how scary North Korea has been acting recently, it might not be a bad time to step up your game.
And seeing how some have raised doubts as to whether this newly minted, indigenous warplane can perform tactically (though from this footage of the Qaher-313, it looks as if it can at least fly), perhaps it might be worth the trouble to take a proper publicity photo of it.
Instead, someone -- not necessarily in an official capacity -- thought it would be a good idea to Photoshop a Qaher-313 onto a stock image of Mount Damavand, so that the jet merely appears to be flying.


Well-Known Member
its all about money, oil equals money, we go to war with tax money because the profiteers that run the gubment say so. ie cheney, bush 1 and 2, countless others I don't know of, It would be crazy talk if it wasnt true
Yet, we got no oil. Kinda makes your statement look stupid, don't it?


Well-Known Member
Deflection. So how many non-believers have they killed?
There aren't accurate records. Still trying to pretend they don't kill non-believers? Really? Next you'll be saying there are no red heads in Ireland. Oh, wait.............


Well-Known Member
The only country to drop atomic bombs on innocent people get to tell other countrys they can't have atomic bombs? Something don't add up here.
The Japanese were hardly innocent. They tortured, slaughtered and enslaved millions. It's not just the USA, it's the whole world almost. Iran's leaders have threatened to destroy us, allowing them to do so is insane. At some point, we will be forced to take preemptive action, or be attacked ourselves. Labeling Japan as innocent demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge.


Well-Known Member
That's fundamentally accurate and the sole basis of religions survival but beside the point. I know you're trying to be cute but until you can explain why a we nuked another nation for shits and giggles lets keep the retarded statements to a minimum.
Who did we nuke for shits and giggles?


Active Member
The Japanese were hardly innocent. They tortured, slaughtered and enslaved millions. It's not just the USA, it's the whole world almost. Iran's leaders have threatened to destroy us, allowing them to do so is insane. At some point, we will be forced to take preemptive action, or be attacked ourselves. Labeling Japan as innocent demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge.

The people living in the city's bomb was innocent. They were not apart of the military. Some people would call bombing innocent civilians terrorism.


Well-Known Member
So who NOW has contracts for the Iraqi oil? Oh I know, the same people who got the gubment to jump and fetch it.
Who? Make the claim, got to back it up. Since there is almost no oil coming out of Iraq, it would seem kind of pointless, now wouldn't it?


Well-Known Member
The people living in the city's bomb was innocent. They were not apart of the military. Some people would call bombing innocent civilians terrorism.
Innocent? You do realize what WW2 was about don't you? What about Perl harbor? We didn't pick the fight.


Well-Known Member
The people living in the city's bomb was innocent. They were not apart of the military. Some people would call bombing innocent civilians terrorism.
They manufactured weapons and explosives for the military. They supplied soldiers, food, clothing, and countless other things to the military. They cheered the murderous conquests of their military. They were by no means innocent. War is ugly. They started it. We should not try to stop those who wish to conquer us?