Day #48 Flowering PICS LOOK!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

Ok its been 48 days since i started to flower these babies. all lookin greeeeeeeeeaat!!!!!!!!:bigjoint: I think I'm about to harvest in 2 weeks? what you guys think. hopefully those close ups help.bongsmilie

I've been using the same lighting and the nuts i'm using right now is 1 sachet of shooting powder for bigger bud development. always a nice thing to have...the buds explode!!! also top booster and home and garden coco A & B.

Comments and Suggestions Welcomed!!!:bigjoint:


Active Member
Hi dak1b those girls u got look brutally good bro! Thy're just unbelievable, are u using CO2? Tell us what were you'r average temperature and humidity level through the grow vegging-flowering? I'm growing blueberry on my own at the moment(u can check out the thread) in 45th day of flowering and i think of keeping them for another 2-3 weeks or something. Good luck and don't forget to mention the final weight... what are u expecting? :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys!!! Ok so I'm on day #55 of Flowering and most of them are looking good, but there are two plants that aren't lookin that great or like the rest? hmmmmmm dun kno whats happening to them...any ideas? thanks for your input. its much appreciated!!!!!!:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Hey Guys!!! Ok so I'm on day #55 of Flowering and most of them are looking good, but there are two plants that aren't lookin that great or like the rest? hmmmmmm dun kno whats happening to them...any ideas? thanks for your input. its much appreciated!!!!!!:mrgreen:


Active Member
That's totally going to have to be your call bro. But usually when about 70- 75% of the hairs turn color. Good luck
I am on day 30 of flowering myself and have been reading a lot about harvesting and harvest timing and my feeling is that it's more about the colors of the trichomes than the color of the hairs. I've read that on some strains, the hairs can have mostly changed color with the most of the trichomes still mostly clear and that particular plant is not ready for harvest...

My two cents for harvest, mostly watch for the trichomes, less the hairs...

...and btw, your plants look delicious! :D


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