Retail MJ Store


Well-Known Member
So what is the ideal model for buying pot when/if its made completely legal? A small storefront like a typical liquor store, a hang out area/bar, a delivery service? Let's design the Perfect Pot Proprietorship once the laws are changed. Need names, too. Potco? McDoobies? Weed*Mart?

I'd love a delivery model - bring the pizza and a baggie.


Well-Known Member
Forget buying it. The stuff grows on trees, money doesn't.



The only way stores can make a profit from weed is because of legal restrictions. ... If its legalized its value plummets to the price of potatoes.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Forget buying it. The stuff grows on trees, money doesn't.



The only way stores can make a profit from weed is because of legal restrictions. ... If its legalized its value plummets to the price of potatoes.
There are plenty of people who don't have the time nor will to grow. They would be willing to pay.


Well-Known Member
I think the biggest issue will be security........ As people will be lining up to rob these types of stores. It will probably be best to be like a bank or check cashing location with loads of security personnel, behind plexiglass, etc. It won't be pretty but might be functional. It won't be Pot-R-US..........


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of people who don't have the time nor will to grow. They would be willing to pay.
Those people don't have friends?

Who's going to go to work and scrub toilets or whatever, only to give their hard earned cash for something which is essentially one of the most widely distributed plants on our planet. It won't take long for the ass to fall out of the market.

There will still be some value for the top stuff, but nothing like it is today. ... its not something I look forward to, for obvious reasons. but its value at the moment is artificial. IMO


Well-Known Member
rather than it's value being artificial, I should have said its 'retail price' is artificial.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Why do people go to restaurants. Because they have money and are too lazy to cook. lol

I wouldn't just be handing out weed to my friends. Sure have a couple hits with me on the weekend, but your not getting a handout.

I don't hand over 6 packs and large cases of beer to my friends. Why would I do it with weed?


Well-Known Member
Why do people go to restaurants. Because they have money and are too lazy to cook. lol

I wouldn't just be handing out weed to my friends. Sure have a couple hits with me on the weekend, but your not getting a handout.

I don't hand over 6 packs and large cases of beer to my friends. Why would I do it with weed?
Restaurants add 'value' through the preparation of the raw ingredients, and atmosphere.

The weed is the raw ingredient.

Beer is the fermentation of hops. Hops cost next to nothing. 1oz for (im guessing) $5

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Well if the shops can bring in some quality product they would be able to sell. Also they would be a good source for hash and oils.


Well-Known Member
Well if the shops can bring in some quality product they would be able to sell. Also they would be a good source for hash and oils.
They would have to add value through processing the raw ingredient. The weed. into hash and oil as you say.

Oil would have value but not the silly prices it does today, else people would make their own. I can't see why its should cost any more than say a jar of pure manuka honey.

Weed would just fall into the same price range as other similar herbs.


Well-Known Member
Why do people go to restaurants. Because they have money and are too lazy to cook. lol

I don't hand over 6 packs and large cases of beer to my friends. Why would I do it with weed?
I hand out weed to three different people completely at my own expense. When I can't afford it, they get less...and when times are good, they're good for everyone. I don't think anyone should have to pay for weed, and I feel bad trying to recoup my losses even. I figure the money I save NOT buying weed for myself pays for my grow and electricity easily, so if I have excess, I don't mind giving some to friends in need.


Well-Known Member
Mind you, I'm not growing for profit...and including my girlfriend, I only really have 2 friends.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I don't give stuff out for free. I worked for it.

If they are gonna hit me back sometime, or it is an exchange of bud. Like they trade me some fruity for my peppery strain, that is alright.

They wanna try it? here is 2 grams. try it.

They want half an ounce. pay up.


Well-Known Member
I don't give stuff out for free. I worked for it.

If they are gonna hit me back sometime, or it is an exchange of bud. Like they trade me some fruity for my peppery strain, that is alright.

They wanna try it? here is 2 grams. try it.

They want half an ounce. pay up.
My friends hit me back up by being reliable, trustworthy, and someone I can look to when times are tough and I'm in need of help.

I think maybe you consider friends what I would consider acquaintances.


Restaurants add 'value' through the preparation of the raw ingredients, and atmosphere.

The weed is the raw ingredient.

Beer is the fermentation of hops. Hops cost next to nothing. 1oz for (im guessing) $5
not to take away from the point at hand but, beer is the fermentation on sugar derived from grain. the hops are for flavor, aroma, and preservation