Club 600


Well-Known Member
just had them out to set the heater up in room as its getting down to 15C in there took a few shots is there is burn on the leaves do u think they are off the light or nutes or just normal start of week 7 today



Well-Known Member
Looks more like nute spillage (well the second one does.) First one looks like a bit of wind damage. But in the scheme of things lad, they look minted!!! Nowt to worry about there.


Well-Known Member
well thats a bit of relief haha put the ballast on 660 today and already started to feed with just water the past couple of waters, think i will be cutting them down about 19th but my lass bringing me a magnifying glass in av told her 30x or 40x if she can


Well-Known Member
imho, a plant will look ready when it's ready. Trichome profiles and the maturity of the trichomes, I believe lie with the genetics of the plant. Some plants trichs just never seem to turn from clear/milky to amber (sativa leaning phenos). So when your pistils have swollen up, and the stigmas are curling back and receding into the calyx, then happy days, plants a ready for me sir. I am not knocking people for doing it, but when you take a small leave off a plant and analyse it and come back with, I got about 60% clear,35% milky, and 5% amber, I am chopping. i think to myself, I bet they only counted a few trichs on a small leaf. I know, I have done it in the past. Can you imagine counting all the trichs on a whole plant?
Saying that, us growers seem to get excited by looking at lots of sticky shafts with bulbous heads on the end:shock: so whatcha gonna do eh!, lol.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
I only say that, because I would have 2 people from the 600w club always pm me and talk down on my friends here, and I would be like okay? Why pm me this b.s. I'm fucken 35. If someone is talking shit about people, then I know he is talking b.s about me too. Just glad they don't pop up here anymore.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jig bongsmilie howsa mrs floppy doing?

Now this is nice :-)



Well-Known Member
Floppy is riding the rollercoaster of flop. :) Was droopy after yesterday, and perky this morn. I actually thing she is starting to root... but not sure of course. Am thinking of using today to take the little ones out and getting them going again.

The big ones are lovely. Got the cooltube installed. Real happy. I guess I should show you guys what's up. Will be here for a while coming up with 1,000 words for every picture.

Doobs... that little plant is like the picture of perfection. Happy little thing.


Well-Known Member

(in my best smarmy & falsely self-important Barney Fife voice while rocking back & forth on my heels with thumbs hooked in each armpit like they were suspenders)

"Well, Ang, one of these days he'll learn how to grow and hang with the big muchachos. Until then, he'll just have to suffer with whatever shwag he can manage."