You have limp wrists because you've been on all fours for too long.

What the fuck does this mean? Trolling and razzing takes more effort than simply writing words down. A collection of words need to have meaning, something that gives your thoughts substance.

Most of what you say holds no meaning, you just think of random shit and don't think anything through. I should expect nothing less of a low caliber troll.
You have limp wrists because you have been on all fours for too long, taking it in the ass. Sorry I have to spell every damn thing out for you. I'll make sure to troll on the elementary level for you so you don't feel left out.

Ha! I got what you were trying to imply. But it was nothing of substance. On what grounds would preclude you to insinuate this idea?

I realize you will need some time to google some of those words... Let me know if you have difficulty...
so is this internet or american banter ??
english banter is somewhat different i will say lol
not bad at all 420 god, is that you? I will now refer to you as "boss"
so is this internet or american banter ??
english banter is somewhat different i will say lol
not bad at all 420 god, is that you? I will now refer to you as "boss"

haha. it was more like me having fun. and kron raging over the internet. kron reminds me of this kid....

Wasn't me. I'm not much of a fan of rollie but I do respect the guy since he's the admin and the main reason the site continues to roll.