When do I transfer?


Hey roll it up! I've germinated a seed in side of a rockwool cube. It shot up out of the cube, kicked off the seed casing, and is now about an inch tall and trying to open up its leaves. There is one root showing out of the bottom of the plant, is it ok for me to transfer now?


Well-Known Member
Wait until roots protrude from your cube. With the soil you have chosen do NOT use ANY nutrients for at least a month since it seems you might be new to growing pot. Use 1/4 strength nutrients when you do start.


Wait until roots protrude from your cube. With the soil you have chosen do NOT use ANY nutrients for at least a month since it seems you might be new to growing pot. Use 1/4 strength nutrients when you do start.
There is already one root protruding, and I'm using rockwool with no liquid nutes.

and of course I don't plan on using nutes for the first month in dirt


New Member
yeah, especially with fox farm. you pay a premium becuase fox farm is full of nutes.

you can put the rock wool directly into the soil. bury the plant like a half inch below the round leaves. you dont want you lower veg to sit in the moist soil


yeah, especially with fox farm. you pay a premium becuase fox farm is full of nutes.

you can put the rock wool directly into the soil. bury the plant like a half inch below the round leaves. you dont want you lower veg to sit in the moist soil
As I only have one root popping out the bottom, should I wait longer? Or can I go for it now.


New Member
the sooner the the plant gets accustomed to its home, the better.

if youre using a big container, you have to water properly. if you keep the plug out of the soil, like harley suggests, itll be easier for you to grow roots becuase its easier to water properly. if you feel confident that you wont drown the plant in the soil, go for it.

PLUS, the taproot grow down till it hits the bottem, then it starts to branch off. so i would say go for the pot.

i counter this by watering around the plant with about 1oz of water per day until the plant enters veg stage, then i try and watch how much its drinking per day, and only give it that.

when its finally at the end of veg you can drench the pot, and it should drink all of it in 1-2 days


Active Member
As I only have one root popping out the bottom, should I wait longer? Or can I go for it now.
You really want to wait longer... at least 10 to 15 roots should be sticking out of the rock-wool (sides and bottom)... less chance of over watering your plant once in soil, I believe. bmeat is talking out his rear end because he thinks his 'logic' is sound... bad logic is bad logic, I would accept a lot more input before jumping the gun!


New Member
You really want to wait longer... at least 10 to 15 roots should be sticking out of the rock-wool (sides and bottom)... less chance of over watering your plant once in soil, I believe. bmeat is talking out his rear end because he thinks his 'logic' is sound... bad logic is bad logic, I would accept a lot more input before jumping the gun!
its not my fault people cant water properly! cannabis grows in the earth, which is a huge container. it gets water 2-3 times a week in its native environment, and it does great. if you can increase the wet/dry cycle by watering a little bit every day, you can get even faster growth.

nah but leave it in the cubes if thats what people do nowadays..


Active Member
sure you can transplant it, but i would wait also. the transfer soil should be evenly wet throughout to keep it from going into shock. if youve got a nice heathly white root, more are soon to follow. best way to know for sure is to grow two and change one variable. i.e. transplant dates, then you'll have a solid look. with that soil however, give it some time for at lest a hand full of healthy roots, that way the soil shouldn't burn it at all. im not a big fan of perlite anymore either, but thats a whole different issue.:weed:


Active Member
sure bmeat, cause every cannabis seedling falls directly on a 4"x4" rock wool cube out in the outdoors..... sorry, bad logic is bad logic... have you even used rock wool?
dude, you can't water properly! I have seen your pics and vid.


Well-Known Member
Prob be better to wait til you get more roots coming out. Just set cube on bed of perilite til you get more roots. You also may want to put in some neutral soil in pot around the transplant site to give plant time to adjust to nutrients in the soil.


You really want to wait longer... at least 10 to 15 roots should be sticking out of the rock-wool (sides and bottom)... less chance of over watering your plant once in soil, I believe. bmeat is talking out his rear end because he thinks his 'logic' is sound... bad logic is bad logic, I would accept a lot more input before jumping the gun!
10 - 15 huh... Alright then, that sounds about right, il wait for those to show up then.

Prob be better to wait til you get more roots coming out. Just set cube on bed of perilite til you get more roots. You also may want to put in some neutral soil in pot around the transplant site to give plant time to adjust to nutrients in the soil.

I was just thinking about putting perlite under the cube in order to retain some moisture. Thanks a lot to everyone for the help. I also almost forgot the difference between tap roots and branch roots, and now because of the reminder I'm sure that its too soon for transfer


New Member
sure bmeat, cause every cannabis seedling falls directly on a 4"x4" rock wool cube out in the outdoors..... sorry, bad logic is bad logic... have you even used rock wool?
dude, you can't water properly! I have seen your pics and vid.
exactly my point! who needs rockwool!? go direclty into soil! the taproot will grow all the way to the bottem of the conatiner, and then sprout side shoots like its supposed to.


Active Member
mmm sorry but this is fasle. cannabis roots like to go side ways faster than they do deep, unless they cant find fresh water. while most plants do that, ours likes to be shallow and wide. theres always an exception tho. there are root maps that show which part of the roots take in nutes, fresh water etc. there complex little ladies ;-) if you dont believe it, try growing in a skinny tall cylinder and a shallow wide pot side by side. its incrediable


New Member
which would win? its a good experiment to setup.

i know the taproot doesnt stop till it hits the bottem of the pussy or the contain/a slice of earth thats too hard


Well-Known Member
exactly my point! who needs rockwool!? go direclty into soil! the taproot will grow all the way to the bottem of the conatiner, and then sprout side shoots like its supposed to.
Bro stop acting like you know shit, cause you know jackshit. Why are you giving people advice. Can you not control yourself? When you see a fellow noob ask a ? you just have to give advice to look like you know how to grow. You just love to type. Seriously man, you joined this forum in December and you already have 900 posts, are you kidding me. I think you just post to get your number of posts up so fellow noobs will be like, "O this guy has 900 posts, he must know his shit." No people!, he just has no life.


Well-Known Member
^^^Oo look! More bmeat misinformation^^^

The tap root is like a hub for the lateral roots..shallow and wide; like mushead said.


New Member
exactly what i would want a deep container..

but about the rockwool..i guess it could help. my buddy got a aero/hydro cloner off ebay..it pumps out new plants. if you can get hydro dialed in, you can outdo soil. you play god.

really debating coco, havent gotten a bag yet. rockwool can be used as hydro too..i guess it does pop roots out quick..but if youre gonna go in soil anyway, why not just do it straight in it?


Well-Known Member
exactly what i would want a deep container..
Dude I wished you the best when it came to your grow but no wonder people get pissed at and rag on you. I mean you post on so many threads trying to answer ?'s and just come across rambling. I thought you were a troll but you actually think you know what your talking about. Ignorance is bliss brah...