Temperature is Ok? TEll me your POINT!!!


Well-Known Member
:joint:Hello every body!
I just got new here and i love this Forum because is help me alout in my first grow!!!

I got my setup with 4 Jack Here start to grow fron Seeds yesterday!!!
Closet grow with 1.80 X58X58

Sylvania GroLux 400W HPS
Ballast 400w
Fan 100mm in the top my closet
Pc cooler for got new fresh air!!!
Smal fan for circulation!

Timer now 18/6
I got in the up the lamp around 27 degrees(80F)
And down where i got the seeds in the soil is 35 degrees(95)

I just gonna buy the PH test tomorow and i Promess Put up soon Pictures!!!

All is ok....
Tell what you think can make my Crow get better....this is to Bad???
Any thing is gonna help...

:peace:GOOD VIBES FOREVER!!!:peace:



Well-Known Member
get some promix for soil, I would recommend myccorhizae too, it is a beneficial fungi that will help your plants grow faster. Is the 400 in an air cooled hood? You will need a decent exhaust fan at least a 250cfm fan. Also you need a line of nutirents, I use Botanicare pro grow/bloom.


Well-Known Member
get some promix for soil, I would recommend myccorhizae too, it is a beneficial fungi that will help your plants grow faster. Is the 400 in an air cooled hood? You will need a decent exhaust fan at least a 250cfm fan. Also you need a line of nutirents, I use Botanicare pro grow/bloom.
I have on 100CFM you think is not Ok...i got one realy good soil, kust the nutirents i gonna bu tomorow with the Ph Test...

My point is My just where the liths come direct is 35 degrees(95),
But around my setup with all my instalations es 27 degrees(80F), did u not think the circulation is not ok...

I have the Pc cooler in rigth size in the line my lamps to take fresh air in,
The Cmf in the top for take out the hot in the closet and one fan for make the circulation the air in size....

I got realy lost because is my forst time,!!!

Thanks mate.....

Soon more ideas???


Well-Known Member
Again, what type of soil did you get? You need at least a 250 cfm for exhaust. The temp should be no more 85 max at the tops of the plants. It sounds like your on the right track. Just buy a line of nutrients and follow the directions to a "T" and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Again, what type of soil did you get? You need at least a 250 cfm for exhaust. The temp should be no more 85 max at the tops of the plants. It sounds like your on the right track. Just buy a line of nutrients and follow the directions to a "T" and you should be fine.

Thanks mate

I gonna make this...
If i let the doors lite open is going down for 85...sool is fine???


Well-Known Member
It will work but it will get tricky when flowering always having to remember to shut the door before lights out and always being there to open it. It is too easy to slip up in my opinion. I bought an inline fan from homedepot for 30 bucks, a six inch 250cfm fan. Get rid of the aluminum foil and buy some mylar, it reflects something like 95%, aluminum foil reflects 70%
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Well-Known Member
It will work but it will get tricky when flowering always having to remember to shut the door before lights out and always being there to open it. It is too easy to slip up in my opinion. I bought an inline fan from homedepot for 30 bucks, a six inch 250cfm fan. Get rid of the aluminum foil and buy some mylar, it reflects something like 95%, aluminum foil reflects 70%
Thanks Mate you helph To much!!!

Rigth now is not problem to me control that!!!
About the CO2, i don´t know if i gonna buy one tank here where i live is not cheap...but i think when start to get more big i gonna think that...but my setup is smal yea??? And i think maybe buy one 5l...but the regulator can be the simple...
i gonna fixe the mylar this week...

Thanks for all
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Well-Known Member
One more Question....

If i buy one Pc fan 200mm and put for got more air in is gonna make the temperature go down...our i put that fan to get the air out???



Well-Known Member
i have a air cooled 400 hps, 84 is my max, when i see 85 i start to panick.....my low is abour 78
This is my big problen Bro....
I panic Because is to much soon times i got more this....Is because i think in buy one Cooler 120mm our 200mm for got more fresh air in side...because is to much no???? My fan is 100mm if you have see in the pictures i don´t know if i put he down is gonna make more cold....
Our do you think the best way is buy that cooler???

Thanks mate.....All help is welcome:peace:


Well-Known Member
I have today buy one new cooler with 200mm, and is work realy good now i have around 83F and for me i think is ok no???
I gonna put pictures later...


Well-Known Member
Today I have put up one more cooler but bigger...200mm.
and Now i have in the top the lamps...79F.. And two off my babes start to show up...in just 2 days....Today i have ordem the myra and Ph test and the nutrients...
Thanks for all Help...i gonna kip put up my prosses....:joint:

Good Vives Forever....:peace:



Well-Known Member
is that your ballast sitting next to the plants?

take that out of your chamber and that should help the temperature situation.


Well-Known Member
But Now i have All the time 79f, in the top my babes....And close the lamp i got 95 because is where is more hot now???
I gonna take the ballast tomorow when the babes got then dark time....

Realy thanks Mate....

More any Ideias about my setup....

Any more


Active Member
well I'am not an expert,I actually got quite hot growdrobe myself (26-29C) but I don't have a problems with heat stress. I've put my fan in to the chimney and it's sucking air from in out. The inlet is close to light bulb and I grow with my doors closed all the time as it is all fitted in kitchen. And what I think is a good thin is that when it gets smelly, it will come out from house. So to avoid neighbours smelling anythig I've put an carbon filter on the oher side of fan. I think it's working ok. Yeah, and to get some air in when you close the door, I dril set of holes to bottom of cupboard. That actualy dropped a temperature by 2-3C.
hope it helps


Well-Known Member
well I'am not an expert,I actually got quite hot growdrobe myself (26-29C) but I don't have a problems with heat stress. I've put my fan in to the chimney and it's sucking air from in out. The inlet is close to light bulb and I grow with my doors closed all the time as it is all fitted in kitchen. And what I think is a good thin is that when it gets smelly, it will come out from house. So to avoid neighbours smelling anythig I've put an carbon filter on the oher side of fan. I think it's working ok. Yeah, and to get some air in when you close the door, I dril set of holes to bottom of cupboard. That actualy dropped a temperature by 2-3C.
hope it helps
thanks mate...
I have put that new fan for get the air out....and is ok now....i close the door all the times...but about the smel i need think about that...just put one carbom is gonna take the smel???
did u have any pictures for i can see yours...???

Thanks Bro....

---------------------:peace:Good Vibes':peace:----------------------------


Active Member
here are the pictures. U wont't be able to see the fan, because I couldn't fit it to unit so I burried it in to the chimney brest next to it and then I conected ducting from it to cupboard. I made it unaccesable but fuck it. If it goes I open that chimney again, but I doubt it. I just like my kitchen tidy.. About the smell. Well, I didn't get to flowering yet, but that filter looked man enough to handle the job. Input was 5 inches in diameter and filter itself was about 8 by 20 inches. And because it goes to chmney I am not worying about smell at al but it might be different case with you. But I think if you browse net, you can find all the info about the flow and how well it works which is what i did. Also I do have one more fan, just a small baby one (underneath microwave) blowing air in, but that one I don't use that often, because you can hear it and it drives me crazy. The one in chimney is much bigger but quiet. The small one I just turn on when I go to work just to make plants moving a bit to make them stronger. I would leave it on all the time if I knew it affects temperature but unfortunetly it doesn't.
hope it's any help to you...
and hope you have less yelow leaves than me...
cause it's a bloody science

