yup most certainly the ego thread lol..., its good to see its not just me...... cute scarf.... its all classy and shit...
you know what..i lost that fucking scarf...i have no idea where the fuck it is....fucking loved that scarf man, and i have no ego at all i was just trying to get everyone back on topic lol
you know what..i lost that fucking scarf...i have no idea where the fuck it is....fucking loved that scarf man, and i have no ego at all i was just trying to get everyone back on topic lol

I've tried sunni, I've posted 3 pics in the last hr and it keeps getting derailed :(
you know what..i lost that fucking scarf...i have no idea where the fuck it is....fucking loved that scarf man, and i have no ego at all i was just trying to get everyone back on topic lol

were u get it from ill buy u another for ur birthday....
Stop trying to usher people into Colorado...Everyone thinks they can come here and get rich... Its going to be harder to make money, simple business 101...supply and demand...

I'm not ushering anyone there and I never said to come and get rich. I'm just simply say come grow in peace.

No reason to get all uptight chewie
Stop trying to usher people into Colorado...Everyone thinks they can come here and get rich... Its going to be harder to make money, simple business 101...supply and demand...

the bottom line is the best grade of cannabiss will command the highest price anywere.... i aint scared.... i grow that motha fuckin ebola shit!!!!! shit will eat ur ass up kid....
were u get it from ill buy u another for ur birthday....
oh i have a plethora of scarfs just not one like that one..it was super cute i wore it everywhere now that i think about it, im almost positive it got taken when my house got broken into , they stole a lot of my clothing...and purses and shoes, cause it was all brand name shit,LOL oh well, im sure they love it /and or got good money for it
No express i seen your product...we don't need any of that here...

lol matter of fact dude iw ent threw some of ur shit and couldnt help notice ur growing waterd down seed versions of the clone only strains of the shit i be growing.... lololololol ok bro....
looooooooooooooooooooooooooool ok....... and ive seen what yall call topshelf at your disp. no wonder every place got caps on eights at 40$ its garbo....

Just cause you don't know the spots...don't go classifieds on it...Also I am from Cali so I know how to pick out good herb and none ever came from yucca...promise