Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
@ bud brewer.

There is a best practice , with some tweaks yes.

it was outdoor and I super cropped, in a very large container called the earth lol.

i had no problems with losing leaf or yellowing.

It probably just needed more time to finish growing in the north it is a problem what strains have finished for you?


Well-Known Member
Athens Cush aka green crack and c4 both early finishers, and it is elementary that a longer flower would yield more.

I know these strains very well, what I have Learned is that it is not wise to do anything to take away from resin production.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Athens Cush aka green crack and c4 both early finishers, and it is elementary that a longer flower would yield more.

I know these strains very well, what I have Learned is that it is not wise to do anything to take away from resin production.
I just finished my first run with Cush, pulled around 50 days. It's good, but not quite as great as I hoped. It just started the cure, so hopefully it gets better. I did run an experimental nute profile on that plant, which affected other plants I also ran the nute profile with in a lackluster fashion.

I only ran one plant of it, surrounded by many others of a different strains, and didn't top that one, defoil or anything -- only removed the bottom few shoots. The strain branches very nicely on it's own, but I'm thinking that I'm going to do some training on the next run with it. The yield was ok, but nothing to write home about -- just under 40g from two weeks veg. I'm thinking with another week or two the 3 zip mark should be easy enough to hit. I'll shoot for a QP, and be happy with less.

Any suggestions on growing that strain? It would be appreciated. Thanks.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Then why have I read in so many other places that it happens?
Why are you baiting Uncle Ben? We ready know what he's gonna say: "It's because of all the noobs and internet trolls who don't care to take the time to understand how a plant functions, and then spread misinformation all over the internet. Take a look at my thread on gardening tips and tweaks and maybe you can get your head out of your ass."

I mean really, he's quite predictable.


Well-Known Member
I just finished my first run with Cush, pulled around 50 days. It's good, but not quite as great as I hoped. It just started the cure, so hopefully it gets better. I did run an experimental nute profile on that plant, which affected other plants I also ran the nute profile with in a lackluster fashion.

I only ran one plant of it, surrounded by many others of a different strains, and didn't top that one, defoil or anything -- only removed the bottom few shoots. The strain branches very nicely on it's own, but I'm thinking that I'm going to do some training on the next run with it. The yield was ok, but nothing to write home about -- just under 40g from two weeks veg. I'm thinking with another week or two the 3 zip mark should be easy enough to hit. I'll shoot for a QP, and be happy with less.

Any suggestions on growing that strain? It would be appreciated. Thanks.
Not far off with the yeild, couple ounces is all she gives flowered at a foot tall.

With these short flowering strains, there is just no time to pack on weight.

I would try and lengthen the flowering time, and have that early flower vigor last longer. It's two weeks about, the stretch I remember.

if you ease it into flowering instead of direct to 12/12 I think that will get yeild up.

People beg for this strain, wish I had it still.

It's been around since the early 90's, Athens Ohio if anyone was wondering the origin.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Not far off with the yeild, couple ounces is all she gives flowered at a foot tall.

With these short flowering strains, there is just no time to pack on weight.

I would try and lengthen the flowering time, and have that early flower vigor last longer. It's two weeks about, the stretch I remember.

if you ease it into flowering instead of direct to 12/12 I think that will get yeild up.

People beg for this strain, wish I had it still.

It's been around since the early 90's, Athens Ohio if anyone was wondering the origin.
Thanks, I appreciate the advice from a grower with hands on experience. +rep. Unless I do a run of all Cush, a slow transition to 12/12 might be tricky, and I'm not confident enough with the strain yet to do that. I just love my G13Haze so much -- a pungent punch in the nose of lemon yougert, yum!

I know the history on the strain, but just recently got a hold of it, so threw it in flowering real quick just to see what it could do. I don't like to invest much time in a new strain until I get an idea of what it produces. Out here, most dispensaries call it Dream Queen, which is often confused/mistaked for Space Queen. It's all messed up. At least I THINK that I have the Green Crack.. It does match everything I've read about it, in terms of flowering speed, smell, growth pattern, and yield.

How long did you typically flower it? I pulled at 50 days of 12/12. I felt like I could have cone another 5 to 7 days, but it didn't really seem totally necessary either. I figured I'd just pull at the recommended time the first time out with it.


Well-Known Member
6 weeks in flood and drain, couple of days less in dwc. Friggn thing seemed be ripening as it was budding.

outdoor was second week of sept.

it's for the Headie not the fetti lol.

yes g13haze is in my top 5 fav, yield, taste and high. Perfected.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
6 weeks in flood and drain, couple of days less in dwc. Friggn thing seemed be ripening as it was budding.

outdoor was second week of sept.

it's for the Headie not the fetti lol.

yes g13haze is in my top 5 fav, yield, taste and high. Perfected.
Really 6 weeks? Is that 6 weeks from 12/12? Amazing. I thought 7 was fast.

I have a short flowering pheno of G13H, which is good and bad. The good is I can pull it 55 days. The bad is that means less yield than the 10 week pheno.

@ 45 days:


Well-Known Member
Haha, I feel your pain.

Nice looking bud. Used to search for the fastest flowering time, now my peeps look at me sideways when I tell them I wish it would take longer to bud.
you should remove fan leaves that block light getting to nodes as this will increase bud sites and yeild, it does slower the plants growth down a bit but makes it easy to shape a plant with a bit of lst'ing
you can contral how and plant grows and get the best from it, lot better than topping or fim a plant, just stress the plant out loads and take longer to recover


New Member
Why are you baiting Uncle Ben? We ready know what he's gonna say: "It's because of all the noobs and internet trolls who don't care to take the time to understand how a plant functions, and then spread misinformation all over the internet. Take a look at my thread on gardening tips and tweaks and maybe you can get your head out of your ass."

I mean really, he's quite predictable.
Look again at who that reply is meant for. Not Uncle Ben.
I just want to know why he says what he says.
Wouldn't ask if I knew already :joint:

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Beny this isn't your thread you are the one trolling a thread you know nothing about with no experince you never had a leg to stand on .

Your arguments are getting lamer everytime what does a doctorate in electrical engineering have to do with anything I haven't invented a new light system yet you'll be the first to get a prototype it will be the first light to be able to pass light other than a bit of red thru leaves which we have you to thank you were trying to prove that light passes thru leaves and put up a link you didn't read proving almost all the light gets stopped exept a bit of infered.

I do have to thank you everytime you try to prove a false point you contradict yourself and prove yourself wrong.


Well-Known Member
I can't blame you, Uncle Ben, when these "growers" talk about harvesting plants after only 40-50 days! What will the newbies think?

Oh I know, they will listen to the guys who have been growing for several decades. This year is my 40th anniversary of growing my first pot plant, and I know that you have similar experience.

So we don't have to continually correct them, the other members recognize who to listen to. Let the trolls spout their crap, and know that most members don't pay them any attention.



Well-Known Member
Hate to break it to you pot roast, there are afghani landraces that finish in 6 weeks, outdoors
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