Club 600


Well-Known Member
I am not often up to see my veg tent lights coming on. How exciting.

Oh fucking bore off you cock!


Well-Known Member
sssssh, don't tell everyone Ambs, he's under the office table just now doing nasty things.....
You aren't suppose to tell anyone damn it!
Oh to be 19 again....
That's it!
That'sk alls I can'sk stands, I can'sk stands no more!!
I'm reporting this thread!
Where's the bobbin!?
Where's the pin cushion and thimble!?



Well-Known Member
I don't know about bobbins and pins cushions, but when i spoke to Mrs D she said, "so funny Mr D, but I was the only one in the whole family that was left something by my Granny". "Oh yeh, how strange Mrs D," I said. "Indeed, she left me a portable 7 kilogram Sewing Machine" sews on eh!


Well-Known Member
On a totally unrelated note:

*the article:

Undeterred by 'Salem Police' sign, woman lured by prostitution sting straight to detectives

SALEM, Ore. - Authorities say a 20-year-old Portland woman drove 50 miles to reach the man she thought was her client after being solicited for prostitution through phone and text messages.
But there was something unusual about the destination: It was the Salem Police Department.
Stranger still, police say the woman walked past several uniformed officers and clearly marked signs reading "Salem Police Department" before arriving at an unmarked door, where they say she attempted to contact the man she thought was her client.
Instead, she was arrested. The phone and text messages were part of a sting operation by Salem police detectives, who first identified the woman through a website.
The Jan. 11 arrest led to charges of prostitution and promoting prostitution for Christal D. Smith of Portland.
An attorney for Smith couldn't be found Thursday afternoon.