The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
just watching sir trevor macdonald talking to loads of nutters on death row. "I'm here cos ah skinned mah whole family" type of shiz.
Hows it going all? wish I had the bollox to get on the sr and order some nice nice. I remember Ic3 giving us a run down on here about how to get on the dark net, everytime I cant score I start getting tempted lol. That geez from bristol should get on it if he cant score his greens.


Well-Known Member
just watching sir trevor macdonald talking to loads of nutters on death row. "I'm here cos ah skinned mah whole family" type of shiz.
Hows it going all? wish I had the bollox to get on the sr and order some nice nice. I remember Ic3 giving us a run down on here about how to get on the dark net, everytime I cant score I start getting tempted lol. That geez from bristol should get on it if he cant score his greens.
yeh, that dark web buisness, fuk that! to much risk and too many didgy ones, all the sellers start well, but with drugs NOTHING is permanent, so ur never to know if your gunna get ripped or watever,
take the risk, if u get ripped u cant moan about it, ur fault, dog eat dogs is drugs, even more so on the class A side

Hows that foot IC3? is it still attached to your leg?
yeh starting to shrink now m8, slowley but surely lol


Well-Known Member
minerals IMO, no its not wanting to be a snorting druggy cunt no more that stops me ordering,, wen u have kids and a home, u gotta decide wer ur priorities lay, a toy for the kid or a gramme of coke of SR,, im sorry but i know wer mine lie and it aint in sticking sum whiet shite up me nose, u knoww at i mean, people would prolly suffer much less depression if they got the drug habits under control,

again what do i know eh/


Active Member
agreed, if you have an ounce of intelligence you are unlikely to get ripped.
I'd like to think I'm intelligent, tho that is debatable. But before you even say the words 'dark net' don't you need to hide your ip with a firewall proxy blocker, or something?
TBH I'm not gonna do it, but respect to those that do. how much would an oz of premo weed be on there anyway?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to think I'm intelligent, tho that is debatable. But before you even say the words 'dark net' don't you need to hide your ip with a firewall proxy blocker,
thats hwy u use tor matey, does all that for you, plus SR wont work on a firewall proxy blocker lol
has to be on encrypeted https or summet like that hence the strange addresses,

i dont use it coz i got me priorites rite and have no excess cash that im willing to waste, plus i been ther and done it with the drugs, nothing on ther i havent had equall or better than


Well-Known Member
hey hey bitches! bak on the pc, mobiles suk ass more than don admits too :? hahaha gaydar goes nuts

tryna say i like me salad tossed? your poopers seen more items than the conveyor belt off the generation game son.

up next A CUDDLY TOY!!!!!!


only took u a day to see that one u northern monkey! lol :))

generation game damn that takes me bak, wonder how long before the bruce forsyth kiddi fiddlin scadal?


Well-Known Member
thats it starting bad here,ye i vent to my attic,dont think its a prop till your running like 6 600z makes you wonder what is under some roofs tho,poor cunts with no insulation hows that room cumming ice