Club 600


Well-Known Member
that one 3rd row down has Purple written all over it, lol. Good luck with em Bud. What's been your problem in the past? not germing?
few germ'd last time just only 1 or 2 popped out jiffy put which i know i soaked up with cold tap water out wit
h out thinking and potted them straight into the jiffy's dont no if i shocked them doing that thats why i have put the jiffy pots in little trays water this time inside the propogator see if that helps. was also a bit slow on getting a little light for them last time round but gona get one this weekend any suggestions on a cheap one i been looking in b n q for little floresents u put under you cubaords in kitchen would a few of them do u recon or just go for the cfl


Well-Known Member
I have a strip of led's from ikea that I use for clones and germing. Or one of those 11w strip lights or something would do to get them going.


Well-Known Member
how much are the led strips, i would probs get a couple of the 11w would only to get them ready for the 400mh in cooltube,


Well-Known Member
Fuk knows mate. I have had mine for years now....I just checked the 2013 catalogue and couldn't see any but they still have em.


Well-Known Member
do u get them 4 strips aswell for the 20 quid, looks like i could pick up from a local store would that be enough light for what i need or would i benefit more from 40 quids worth i dont mind spending the extra on my hobby


Well-Known Member
Aye lad. The strips are included. And they also sell similar things at my local DIY store as well.

Here's my little clone box at the minute. Box is also ikea, lol.

Peace , DST


Well-Known Member
Nice I'm going tomorow for them haha, il have a clone box like that soon haha to check these for sex if try keep a mother if a get a good one out the blue cheese smoked that a few times and been lovely


Well-Known Member
Up late and baking & baking (with Extrema).
Bake & bake.
Bacon.... mmmmmm....... grglrglrglrglrlllll.......

Some rat bastard swiped two of the first batch (and they were delicious, thank you for asking).

Batch #2 is still intact:

I also have a tall drinking glass chilling in the freezer, and I have some chocolate milk stashed away in the fridge that I've been saving for just such an occasion.

I'll snap a final pic when the drinking glass is frozen properly.
My apologies to those on a diet.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Good morning 600 crew. lmao! I was going to take some pics and my damn, camera's gone! Going to tell my kids, to put back my camera for now on.. So here are some 5 day old pics SAM_3397.jpgSAM_3398.jpgSAM_3399.jpgSAM_3400.jpgSAM_3401.jpgSAM_3402.jpgSAM_3403.jpgSAM_3404.jpgSAM_3405.jpgSAM_3406.jpgSAM_3407.jpgSAM_3408.jpgSAM_3409.jpg

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Don't know if it will be okay to put them in a greenhouse now? need to put most in 4 gallon pots now. Shit!

Going to put a few in the greenhouse and see how they do. Temps at night are about 40f/day, highs 60f, with rain the next few days


Well-Known Member
whats the differance between quid and a pound? yeah i fucken pay attention here lmao. i have a plant that looks so similar to pic 1 cali i wonder if they're the same strain. weird, it was alil easier when i just take pheno's from random bag beans, i think i fucked up the seeds during planting and mislabeled med man and the auto's, I mean those fucken auto's were under t-5's for 6 weeks no flowering so i threw em into 12/12 last night, the sativa dom that i thought was med man has been in same area as the dogs from bb, the dogs are in there third week of flower and im excited they are beastmode atm. The sativa dom has grown to 4 feet high but no flowering after 13 days of 12/12. im fucking confused honestly guys.I was thinking of throwing the large sat. dom into a veg room and hammering it with t-5 24 hours!


Well-Known Member
well started the seeds i got from a friend see how this goes, i never seem to have any luck when it comes to seeds spending fortunes on them so my m8 gis sum of his seeds he bought of ebay supposed to be feminized he gave me
2 train wreck
5 blue cheese
5 super silver haze
and i also had a seed out of sum weed a kid said was purple kush so thats in aswell heres a few pics
Use caution when growing the SSH. She has the most wicked stretch I've ever encountered. Like..... 500% stretch, Sally O'Malley shit. I tried it once and ended up having to pull it from my box at mid flower because I had used every training method in my power to keep it from taking over my box, and there was no stopping her. You might consider an early transplant and a very short veg. Good luck bud!


Well-Known Member
Everybody meet my neighbor Jerry. He wanted me to tell you all that "He was growing grass when you were swimmin in you daddies nuts" lol
He is quite a character for sure. He is the junk collector. Within the first five minutes of meeting him he asked "where are you going to put the garden?" :shock:

I forgot to add that I dig his solar panel array.

Okay, off to bed for me for a bit.
The cookies & chocolate milk and Extrema have done their job.

"See ya'll in a while!", said the crocodile with tons of guile, breath so vile and a toothy smile that you could see a mile from the banks of the Nile while trippin' with Jimi and playin' "Voodoo Chile" flamenco-style!