Club 600


Well-Known Member
Good morning 6er's. Hope all is well with you guys.

Ah must not check my notifications!!! and jig why aren't your notifications in blue huh? lol only playing.


Active Member
Good day 6ers!! Got yet another day off work so slept in all day so far! Now waking up to a freshly packed bowl, hot cup off coffee in one hand torch in the other warming the rig up nice and red hot so I can dab away!!!! Mmmmm the breakfast of CHAMPIONS!! Hope you guys got as good of a start to the day as I'm getting :).


Well-Known Member
Good day 6ers!! Got yet another day off work so slept in all day so far! Now waking up to a freshly packed bowl, hot cup off coffee in one hand torch in the other warming the rig up nice and red hot so I can dab away!!!! Mmmmm the breakfast of CHAMPIONS!! Hope you guys got as good of a start to the day as I'm getting :).
Everyday is a good day in my line of business ;)


Well-Known Member
Well noticed a bit wind burn on one my baby's it's off me not pointing fan on higher angle it's off when I changed room other day with lights out and raised fan but hadn't set the angle it was only one plant and on one side of top colas so I turned it round see how it goes


Well-Known Member
Well noticed a bit wind burn on one my baby's it's off me not pointing fan on higher angle it's off when I changed room other day with lights out and raised fan but hadn't set the angle it was only one plant and on one side of top colas so I turned it round see how it goes
Little wind burn is just gonna make them stronger to support more weight ;) I don't start worrying about windburn until it's the entire plant lol.

During my outdoor season wind burn is impossible to not get, I live in the windy state and when it's windy, it's WINDY!

Just keep an eye on your girl bud and I'm sure she will be fine

Oh and vintage is up above the screen! Only another inch and it will be time to pull her down and further away :D


Well-Known Member
Somebody say Purple ???

Headband x Chem Sour Diesel
nice pink/purp hues in the bud if you can see past the frost!
You will in this one!!!

Purple le Pew


And never forgetting the old faithfull
( out of focus )

Theres a couple more in my thread, ill be back on later for updates!



Well-Known Member
have fun giggles :D

D, mine done the same after all this time but its rid them again and i never got more than a dozen seeds from one clone, ive also saw pods that had been missed ( ive stopped looking ) and the dont pollinate the flowers?
Hope you get it sorted either way gadgie



Well-Known Member
hey guys hows it going here, just dropping in to show off a couple pics of the veg room. did some LST to some of the reveg clones i have and everything seems to be coming together nicely.


^^ heres a pic of my crazy revegging Fruity Chronics.


^^ heres the veg room


^^ and the flower tent. no good bud porn right now. still a couple weeks away.
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Well-Known Member
Im so burnt out lol. I've decided the veg cab isn't staying. (Glad i spent hours on it today) I'm going to get a wall mount cabinet like you'd see in a kitchen so that will free up my floor space again. Sorry I didn't talk loud enough but I was like fuck it I ain't filming it again.


Well-Known Member
Its a SLH wake n bake at my end, either that or the DOG but a bite from her would keep me on the couch all day making excuses to put of things that have already been put off!
I ordered a new BHO tube and been looking up some clips on youyube, it seems mre of a challenge than shaking a jar of alcohol, or mashing up a bag of ice. Do i NEED a vacum for purging ?
Looks like i need to do a bit more research before i load it up!!!

If DST feels like popping by and giving me some hander on the issue i'd be obliged :p


Well-Known Member
I did giggle when you said "If you are thinking about doing this....DON'T!" ahahahaha. You do sound a bit cheesed off lad. And funnily enough, I also though of getting a kitchen cabinet to hang on the wall, I just never got round to it and threw 2 small veg tents in the mix instead. The 60x60x140cm came in at like £50 each.

Im so burnt out lol. I've decided the veg cab isn't staying. (Glad i spent hours on it today) I'm going to get a wall mount cabinet like you'd see in a kitchen so that will free up my floor space again. Sorry I didn't talk loud enough but I was like fuck it I ain't filming it again.


Well-Known Member
advice on bho.....DON'T DO IT! lol.

yeh mate, you'll need to purge that shit to fuk or you are going to get real bad headaches. You want to get super expensive Butane as well from what I hear.
I just made some alcohol erl last night. Had to be fruggle with the liquer but I did something slightly different. Will post some pics shortly.

Its a SLH wake n bake at my end, either that or the DOG but a bite from her would keep me on the couch all day making excuses to put of things that have already been put off!
I ordered a new BHO tube and been looking up some clips on youyube, it seems mre of a challenge than shaking a jar of alcohol, or mashing up a bag of ice. Do i NEED a vacum for purging ?
Looks like i need to do a bit more research before i load it up!!!

If DST feels like popping by and giving me some hander on the issue i'd be obliged :p


Well-Known Member
Hehe... I'm with D. See if you can return the tube and just make erl. I have a vacuum and wouldn't smoke it without using it... but it's a bitch to use. You need the bho at the right temp. For me, it's more trouble than it's worth.


Well-Known Member
few pics coming tonight day 28 of 12/12 starting to smell delicious, gutted about that wind burn like am not good at pics so doubt al be to get a close up of it but al try later when lights on and i water


Well-Known Member
Grain alcohol extraction with seperation.

So I have been thinking about this for a while (not sure if anyone else has tried it). But when extracting with alcohol or I guess even butane, the product is filtered through one grade of filter. As we know, there has been great lengths gone to in order for the ice bubble to be seperated into different micron levels. So I thought I'd throw in another micron bag to the mix and see what happened. Here's some pics.

The shtuff!!! I went with a 120 and a 75 micron bag.

I actually used a different funnel, but basically I tied of the 75 micron to the funnel.

I ran the same process as before. Ground up bud in a jam jar. Cover with grain alcohol and with the 120 micron bag cover the jam jar and then pour into the funnel with the 75 micron. After letting it drip through this is what was left in the funnel top.

And this was what came out into the pyrex dish.

This is the 75 micron grade: (not very much, but then I think I only used about 4 of grams of weed for this.)

And this is what came from the pyrex dish after evaporating overnight.

Peace, DST

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with bho done right guys.

don't need a purger just blast your oil and set it on something with a warm heat. back of the veg light hood for a day or two and it'll bubble off all the butane. as long as you use decent butane to begin with you should have no problems. do the mirror test with your butane, no residue left and it's ok to use.

yeah everclear is easier if you can get he stuff imported. Bubble is easier to handle once it's made. but to each his own. i like all 3.