Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights

POST No 421!!!! Belated cause for celebration!

ok better now anyhew the phosphors are ordered to custom spec for plant PAR absorption spectra. This blend comes at a cost to the green -orange visible regions which of course is not high PAR regions for plants anyway. This blend bought in large quantities is the reason IG lamps, as Spliff and others journals have indicated, consistently outperform the Chinese triphosphors in any side by sides they are run in. In stating a kelvin value it's going to be referencing the visual component of the lamps output and not the PFFD value. Perhaps the Chinese inventor of the induction lamp you were speaking to neglected to mention that in your conversations. Their pointing you in the direction of the Inda-Gro site though proves that while they may not want to make the investment in custom broad spectrum phosphors they have no problem directing you to those that have and than selling you a cheaper pair of lamps from their inventory. Gotta love it.
From lvd and best in green solutions. Both basically said starting out that they are not in the habit of promoting other companies and competition. Then gave me a link to an article. then said ig has the highst par. So ....... I was just re-iteraing what was stated.

Anyway have you had experience with the 5000k ones?

Give me break here. This sounds like your chaz spammin bro. You're gonna try and tell us that a Chinese company, not one but TWO different companies would point to a shill company like inda-grow as having a better PAR output than theirs? They always rip off the American designs. If, and that is a big if, they were going to say they were better than an American made product it would be a custom veg and flower lamp like iGROW's who they would want to try and beat up on. Not buying it Hyroot. The Chinese steal our designs they don't recommend you buy them!!! Nice try though.
Link did not work. Anyway what if I added 2 or more 2700k to the room. Plan on grabbing 2 or 3 more 300w indu lights. Then using zoo med flora suns t5 for 630nm 660nm supplement. sort of like 2 hps 1 mh....

shit it only works when I`m signed into google now that I`m not on the pc it was downloaded too

Hmm I should have a better pdf editor on this computer might be able to get it up on here some how now.

Give me break here. You're gonna try and tell us that a Chinese company, not one but TWO different companies would point to a shill company like inda-grow as having a better PAR output than theirs? They always rip off the American designs. If, and that is a big if, they were going to say they were better than an American made product it would be a custom veg and flower lamp like iGROW's who they would want to try and beat up on. Not buying it Hyroot. The Chinese steal our designs they don't recommend you buy them!!! Nice try on the spam though. We can see right through it.

Dude what are you on ? Some lazy fuck just like you is the reason why these things all come from china some Yank paid some chink to do the work for him.

Speak to them nicely (using chinglish) and you`ll find the person that`s making inda grow and i-grow`s lights and they will sell you them sometimes they make a very slight "improvement" so that they are not breaking a patient.

The people that make these lights are all in china so this "Chinese crap" is every induction light you can buy, you understand that right ??
Thank you work and all your fancy pdf unlocking data managed to change it to a jpeg and put it on photo bucket if it`s any help to anyone these are the 2 tube types that are used half and half to make some of the lights being sold as "super grow" induction lights or what ever they call them

One side is red and the other side looks blue or purple, I don`t think I ever got the charts for the all purple induction grow lamp but it helps you see the "veg" and "bloom" spectrum`s people are using.


K who is the 'lazy fuck' here? you're taking two reports from 2009 that show spectrums for a 6300 kelvin lamp and the other is for a 2800 kelvin lamp. BFD. That 'flower' spectrum wouldn't flower shit and you know it. Quit spammin Chinese shit over here.

What iGROW has done is developed phosphors that hit the precise spectrums that plants need at both veg and flower that has gone through rigorous testing by universities and the USDA. You're talking out of your ass like Hyroot when you say on the one hand everything is coming out of China and the other hand these very Chinese companies will direct inquiries relative to plant lighting to indogrow. sure they will. speak to them nicely don't violate their patents. Do you hear yourself? IT MAKES NO SENSE bro.

So you just keep on buyin your cheap Chinese knockoffs while others of us will support US manufacturing who btw have patents on their lamps and the innovation they're bringin to our gardens.
Gordo Stevey or whoever the hell you are... are you for fucking real? Show me any one of these patents or the USDA testing reports etc.
I'm the lazy fuck and you want me to do your research. It's on their website and their videos. Not to hard to find for a professional lighting guy I would think.
K who is the 'lazy fuck' here? you're taking two reports from 2009 that show spectrums for a 6300 kelvin lamp and the other is for a 2800 kelvin lamp. BFD. That 'flower' spectrum wouldn't flower shit and you know it. Quit spammin Chinese shit over here.

What iGROW has done is developed phosphors that hit the precise spectrums that plants need at both veg and flower that has gone through rigorous testing by universities and the USDA. You're talking out of your ass like Hyroot when you say on the one hand everything is coming out of China and the other hand these very Chinese companies will direct inquiries relative to plant lighting to indogrow. sure they will. speak to them nicely don't violate their patents. Do you hear yourself? IT MAKES NO SENSE bro.

So you just keep on buyin your cheap Chinese knockoffs while others of us will support US manufacturing who btw have patents on their lamps and the innovation they're bringin to our gardens.

get It through your head. Its illegal to build induction lamps in the U.S. since early 1900's. look it up. USDA means it can grow food. cfls can grow food. no bearing on mmj. you are full of shit. made igrow look bad. show some pics of your grow or never post again you f-ing idiot

every induction lamp in the world is made in china and japan. i grow lies. they are not the first company to do that. look at pro grow

its not hard to get a patent. go to patent office at city hall. pay $200 and you are done. that only covers state. for $300 you can file in D.C. for a federal patent. that only holds in the U.S. not in any other country. when you go to court over patent. its based on precedent not law

igrow bulbs are made in china. psuagro proved it early on in this thread.

we all know that you are stevey. its obvious you do not work for igrow. you would have been fired already. or business is really that bad

i guess hondas and toyotas are american then. the parts are made in japan. but their assembled in the U.S...... why.... for taxes
what I can see is that the 6349k has a very nice spike in the blue and the 2832k has a really nice red spike and enough blue to provide a plant what it needs

Yes it`s from 2009 how long do you think it takes to develop a totally new tube ? My bet is the 2832k`s are simply being sold as 2800k or 3000k and are still being sold to indi grow or i-grow with them claiming to have "invented" it who knows

The chart for the 2832k looks good enough to flower under to me I`d take me a 300w or 400w one of them and run 4 to 6 plants under it

Oh wait I don`t have to because I already have a 200w 3000k one and 2 red/blue leds with 7 plants in flower under them and 4 auto`s going under in a week or 2

So I`m good I don`t need your over priced lights that have at best been assembled in the usa and had a big American flag stuck on them

Funny thing is all this stuff you do build in the usa is all really made by mexican and chinks you fly over I mean the only "real american" product`s are the weed and bourbon lol

I`m from the UK I have no reason to give money to your country or your company's unless they have the best product for the best price.

Due to my other hobbies I deal with HK and China a lot as well as Taiwan quite frankly half the time I`d rather give my money to them then give it away to wankers from the USA who sold UK banks a bunch of sub prime loans to try to fob their problems off on someone else.

No offence to you American chaps on here I have family in the USA and some of you are really good people but like many countries it`s full of money grabbing scum bags

People who keep new technology down because it will not make them money, people who make nuclear reactors with uranium because it means they can make bombs out of the plutonium from that reaction instead of using thorium that would have been far less dangerous and cleaner.

A few years ago people like you would just be screaming "hps" and 600w or 1000w at people like Me and beef and chaz and roots and other growers who are willing to try something new.

You`ve done nothing but shout random shit back with no evidence where is your data to back up what you say ? or at least a vs grow ?

Sorry but I`m backing up the people on here that I`ve seen grow real nice weed who are honest about all the equipment they use and who seam to also are on a budget and don`t straight away go towards the most expensive stuff and have never dismissed any equipment I have suggested to them simply based on what country it was made in.

Also would like to add

It`s illegal to build induction lamps in the USA for one simple reason

MONEY! incandescent`s cost way more to run and make power company`s more money my guess would be someone like enron or GE lobbied the government for a ban or tax or something to make more efficient lights against the law to produce.

You have nuclear power in the usa you test bombs in the desert`s there`s no reason at all that induction lamps can not be made in the USA it`s all just a scam and so why would I pay a USA company for something that they have made in China ?

And last of all here`s a spec test of one of the best grow lights you can use and it cost`s nothing to run compare that against others and note the red and blue spikes

and what LED is that you're spammin today K? Anyone that has followed your steaming mass of bullshit knows you are completely in bed with the Chinese and LED's to the extent that you can't admit it when another technology is positioned to wipe your little xmas tree lights off of any growers radar much less the serious growers who never gave them a second look since they can't compare to the HID's they've been using. Until now.

You, Beef and Hyroot all sleep in the same bed but let me tell you where you're going to have problems with that little menage e trois. Your beloved Chinese are the number cyber threat in the world. They are constantly hacking US mfg computer systems in an attempt to steal our intellectual properties than bring their finished products to market with lower quality materials and slave labor rates. I don't believe they put as much of an impetus on stealing from the UK since there is so little of IP value over there anyway. But before you get all butt hurt, consider this. I have nothing against free market economics. I think you should cover yourself in cheap Chinese crap whenever you feel the need to do so. Your admitting that you have considerable dealings with HK and various Chinese enterprises tells me all I need to know. But to shoot down me or others here that simply want to expand the knowledge of those who wish to consider induction in general and iGROW in particular as a long life, energy efficient, low heat, option over the HID lamps that they have grown so accustomed to using is a sinister campaign by those who engage in this kind of misinformation.

Look iGROW freely admits to partnering with Full Spectrum Solutions who is the number one induction lighting manufacturer in the world. Their products are all built in the USA. Specifically in Jackson MI. Michigan is a pro-union state that I am proud to say pays their employees a livable wage, retirement, healthcare, etc. The big three automakers are all located in Michigan and if you haven't noticed all of them have come back stronger than ever! And that is because of the cooperation between the unions and the employers! Everyone in THIS country benefits from our democracy. As a proud union member I'm happy to say that it was my brothers efforts that got one of this countries greatest presidents ever re-elected for another 4 years! And today is his inauguration. A man of color can reach the top of the most powerful country in the free world's peak of political power. The people have spoken. We don't need your backhanded affirmation of our country or it's peoples character because you happen to have some relatives living here. What a load of rubbish.

A side by side with an iGROW 400 watt veg/flower combination run for cannabis (Blue Dream) is being prepared. The decision on which of your precious LED panels will remain open but we will insist on the panel being rated for equal or lesser wattage and be able to run from veg - flower. The journal will be a new thread on RIU and updated weekly. Everything will be kept exactly equal with the exception of the lighting. Upon conclusion I will have the results, including GCMS testing of the final product so you can see for yourself what it is that you wankers have been so stridently dismissing.
You are spamming I grow. Showing no proof. Just copy abd pasting bullshit!! Igrow bulbs are chinese. Get over it.

You are the gullable.and close minded ones

Show some dam proof spammer
You're going to be one to get over it pal. Which one of your panels that you're so wrapped up in would you like to see get it's butt kicked?
Blah blah blah show some proof!!!!!! Show.some pics!!!!! Every thing yoh say is irrelevant and nonsense show some dam proof already.
what can't pick a panel mini me? The side by side will be done. Tell me the LED panel you prefer we use. Make sure it's the one you hold so dear to your quivering breast so we might compare it properly and prove it to be the ineffectual Chinese beast it is.
Use 3 of area 51's newest lights being released in Feb.... 145w and over 7.3umoles/watt.

Compare that to the 0.56umoles/watt of your iJUNK Chinese made piece of shit.

If it's iGROW that is doing the side by side, it's already starting with skewed variables. No one is going to accept your findings unless a third-party does independent testing.

Being an iGROW company representative (or owner) and claiming to do non-biased testing is almost as laughable as your floures- sorry, induction lighting.

EVERYONE in this section KNOWS that LED's work. There are literally hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of grow journals showing the results.

The bellyaching of one insignificant piss-ant, who is willfully lying about his product to informed consumers, has done nothing to sully the reputations of reputable LED grow light manufacturers.
Beef to the rescue!!! Well if that is the general consensus amongst the esteemed LED brain trust than that is what we'll do. But I'm curious;
why do we have to wait for the newest release? What was the matter with the previous versions?
We will be comparing these new AF51 lights veg - flower right?
What is the actual wattage of each of these lights?
What is the cost of each of these lights?
Where do you recommend us buying them from for the best price/service?

Unlike other LED shills on this site I intend on paying for the products not getting them donated or sending them back for a refund once the grow is done. Once I prove my point I'll make you a deal on them for 1/2 off what I paid for them so you can carry on with your incessant promotion of your xmas tree lights.

BTW I mean all this in good spirits. I'll be getting a quality camera with my next check then I'm going to let the garden speak for itself.
How about iGROW vs. Inda-gro???? That seems like the most important comparison that needs to be done. As someone who is interested in induction lighting, I'd be more interested to know which induction company takes the cake.
How about iGROW vs. Inda-gro???? That seems like the most important comparison that needs to be done. As someone who is interested in induction lighting, I'd be more interested to know which induction company takes the cake.

I agree.

You obviously feel LEDs a valid threat to your induction but you overlook that Inda-gro has more than the upper hand on you.