If they come for your guns, do you have a responsibility to fight?


i recently called the non emergency line. it was about 1 am, i walked out to have a smoke, and noticed a wreath on my front porch. i thought WTF then noticed one of my pumpkins was missing. then i looked up a noticed a couple of kids running down the road from a neighbor's place.

drunk, i decided that these no good pumpkin thieves deserved to be prosecuted for their pumpkin and wreath theft. called the non emergency line and told them what happened and where they ran off to. hung up the phone and 30 seconds later a cop car slowed down and circled back around the intersection where i described them to be. they passed by after making a loop on the road they probably went down a few minutes later.

i put out my smoke and went in, totally tripped out about what had just happened.

you're very welcome! now that your military grade killing tools are worth more, you'll be sure to lock them up so they don't get stolen by some mentally ill dude with plans on murdering classrooms of 6 year olds.
Hey Uncle,

You must not know snitches end up with stitches. Maybe they want use your axe against you.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Yuck,

I am a convicted felon. I can not own a gun unless it is a black powder firearm. I shoot primative weapons such a self bows and cross bows, make my own arrows and fletching too. I have an axe as well. It is your Marxist mind set that scares me, you by yourself aint shit, but the millions that think like you are the real problem we face in this day and age.


The day may come when I would rather be caught with a gun than to be caught without one.
i'm a marxist now?

stool brory, co.

Hey Uncle,

You must not know snitches end up with stitches. Maybe they want use your axe against you.
so what should i have done? drunkenly chase thieving kids through the neighborhood at 1am? sit back and let them steal from my neighbors?

i could give a shit less about a pumpkin that i grew. i'm not going to ring any lines about that. but a couple kids going through the neighborhood stealing from my neighbors?

only a matter of time before they get stupid at the wrong place and time and end up getting shot by someone who does carry a gun.


Well-Known Member
i'm a marxist now?

stool brory, co.

so what should i have done? drunkenly chase thieving kids through the neighborhood at 1am? sit back and let them steal from my neighbors?

i could give a shit less about a pumpkin that i grew. i'm not going to ring any lines about that. but a couple kids going through the neighborhood stealing from my neighbors?

only a matter of time before they get stupid at the wrong place and time and end up getting shot by someone who does carry a gun.
Calling the cops guaranteed that a gun would be brought into the situation.

Why you hate kids, bro?


Well-Known Member
Calling the cops guaranteed that a gun would be brought into the situation.

Why you hate kids, bro?
the cops are at least somewhat accountable, not to mention pretty chill in this area.

a resident hearing an intrusion around their property at 1 am might not be so chill.

i hate thieves of any age.


Well-Known Member
YOu cannot own a black powder rifle either
and a Minnesota court already ruled a pellet gun is also considered a firearm
from what i understand it depends on state .... side note have yall seen the .50 air rifle only pellet gun you can legally hunt hog with


Well-Known Member
None that I know of. More Big Lie. My pump Mossberg 12 g, has a wooden rod in the magazine. If I'm hunting it had better be there for inspection.

So, the 2nd is not about hunting. It is about the protection of the State and Constitution.


Well-Known Member
What state allows magazines of more than 5 rounds to be used while hunting deer?
Because hunting is not a right?

And it is licensed by the state?

What state allows you to drive faster than 100MPH on residential streets?

Added... And I damn well guarantee you that you would be allowed more than 5 shots if the deer could shoot back....

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
What state allows magazines of more than 5 rounds to be used while hunting deer?
I don't think there is a limit for how many rounds in a magazine for hunting deer as far as I know....If there is I have broken the law many times.....When I was a kid I used my 22 cal to go hunting all the time, and it held 17 rounds with one in the chamber....

I know there is a limit for shot guns when duck hunting ect...............If there is a limit I don't know about it...........nitro..


Well-Known Member
I don't think there is a limit for how many rounds in a magazine for hunting deer as far as I know....If there is I have broken the law many times.....When I was a kid I used my 22 cal to go hunting all the time, and it held 17 rounds with one in the chamber....

I know there is a limit for shot guns when duck hunting ect...............If there is a limit I don't know about it...........nitro..
I did some quick research and found that for the most part, only several southern states that do not restrict magazine capacity when hunting deer. SC, TX, GA. Other states do not restrict capacity unless you are using a Semi Auto rifle, then most are 5 or less, some are also 10 (KY)

When hunting migratory birds (geese ducks etc) the FEDERAL law is no more than 2 rounds in the magazine.

When I see people talking about deer hunting with 30 round magazines I have to wonder if they aren't full of shit.

In many states it is illegal to shoot deer with a rimfire cartridge, some other states limit the minimum caliber size to .25+ eliminating hunting with a .223 or 22-250.

What state are you in? If you don't mind telling.


Well-Known Member
When you hunt on private land, it really does not matter what the law is or says.

And the land i hunt on the cops just can't bust the gate locks to get in and see either.


Well-Known Member
None that I know of. More Big Lie. My pump Mossberg 12 g, has a wooden rod in the magazine. If I'm hunting it had better be there for inspection.

So, the 2nd is not about hunting. It is about the protection of the State and Constitution.
I can hunt upland birds (Pheasant, Partridge, Quail) without any magazine restrictions. Load up the model 12 with 8 shots baby. Its the goddamned ducks that restrict me to 2 in the mag and 1 in the chamber. Good thing I bring the model 1897 for them, can load that with 2 at a time, just shuck em in there. Something to be said for those 100 year old guns machined all by hand.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I missed something. Am I hearing this correct...The government is coming to take my guns away from me?

Come on people, stop being retarded. Obama and the rest of the government is NOT trying to take your guns away. If anyone on here can show a single iota of evidence to this, then I will humbly apologize. Seriously, where are you getting this ignorant information? Where on that paper that Obama signed said the American people have to give away all of their guns? I thought, now correct me if I am wrong, that they want to put limitations on the type of weapons a civilian can have, and the size a magazine can hold. I thought those were the main things that was in the executive orders that Obama signed off on, or whatever it was he is doing.

Maybe I don't see Obama as this Hitler/Stalin Tyrant that these right wing crack jobs see him as.

The saddest part of all of this arguing is that the people who support having full auto weapons, large capacity magazines, who claim to be Pro-America, "I'll do anything to protect my country" type of people, is that they are not willing to sacrifice anything at all to help save the lives of innocent children and adults. If you are so Pro-America, and want America to succeed and become even better, then why not give up something that has no REAL use for you other than being used to get off on, to help our American Citizens advance.

You want to cry that we have the right to keep and bear arms, yes, that is true and no one is taking that away. What the government is trying to do is keep these high powered assault weapons and extra large magazines out of the hands of crazy people. If you can't see that then maybe you are one of those crazy people who is willing to kill a bunch of innocent children.

Be a real American and help save lives, because that is what America is about....The right to pursue happiness, unfortunately, not just those kids in Newton but others who have been murdered do not have the chance to pursue happiness anymore. Their chance was taken away by a mentally ill person who had easy access to guns.

You can call me liberal all you want, but I'm not as liberal as one would assume. I have and love guns, I agree with the death penalty, I think the government should be limited - to an extent. But I am also capable of making sacrifices for the better of society.

No one is saying they are banning all guns, so stop being paranoid. People cried the same thing back in the 90's with Clinton, and guess what....he didn't come and take our guns did he? NOPE

"First they came for our guns....but that never really happened did it"

So again, if anyone on here can show one bit of evidence, and not some kind of right wing conspiracy theory report from Rush or Drudge or the whole retarded crew at Fox News, then I will give you an apology and will never show back up on these forums again.
umm actually i own a multiple rifles and a few pistols that fall in the "high capacity" window they speak of a ar-15 with a 5 round is still a ar ... a glock falls in this category also so ya i believe a ban on these weapons would lead me to believe there trying to take "my" guns away ...... and yes actually the "proof " you speak of was all over the news they where pushing for a ban on assault rifles within hours of the sandy hook fraud


Well-Known Member
in what sick sad world would anyone in any country leave 20+ dead bodies for over 24 hrs for investigation i repeat the bodies where left over night does the bull shit that big brother feeds you taste that good that you lie down and ask for more ? really wheres the video ? why is it every single person that was interviewed after the shooting in the same actors guild ? why was a donation site on facebook for one of the girls that was shot put up an hour after the shooting mind you this was before anyone actually was contacted and told what was happening .why is it the little blonde girl that was all over the news supposedly shot was soon after, in a photo taken with Obama and her family ... blow smoke up someone else's ass im not buyin it


Well-Known Member
I did some quick research and found that for the most part, only several southern states that do not restrict magazine capacity when hunting deer. SC, TX, GA. Other states do not restrict capacity unless you are using a Semi Auto rifle, then most are 5 or less, some are also 10 (KY)

When hunting migratory birds (geese ducks etc) the FEDERAL law is no more than 2 rounds in the magazine.

When I see people talking about deer hunting with 30 round magazines I have to wonder if they aren't full of shit.

In many states it is illegal to shoot deer with a rimfire cartridge, some other states limit the minimum caliber size to .25+ eliminating hunting with a .223 or 22-250.

What state are you in? If you don't mind telling.
i know in most states that arent shotgun only for deer hunting the smallest caliber is a .22 but has to be the .22 mag centerfire round