1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

which strain are you watching?

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Well-Known Member
so i have a new project. Pomergranite!! my wife bought one and low and behold all it is is seeds!! well when i see seeds i cant help but try to grow them so i will be covering that in this thread as well.

I have read that they are a long time sprouter so anywhere between 2-4 weeks to get the seeds to germinate. I also seen that using a file to lightly score the outer shell helps in germination. This is because it penetrate the outer layer of shell which is the hardest part of the seed. alowing water to be delivered to the inside of the seed to make it germinate. Im going to do a side by side of scraped vs non scraped and see what the results are.

they also claim this works for marijuana seeds as well so may be something i try in the future to get faster germination results. (who dosent hate waiting 3-4 days for a seed to fully germinate)


Active Member
I’m subbed. I’ll be watching your grow, I’m interested in your changes this time around, I followed your last grow. I’m also glad to hear that you C02 generator worked for you.Keep us posted or your brew as well, I make cider too. I’m going to be starting a couple of batches and I have the use of a CO2 meter so I’m going to be doinga little research on the CO2 readings and I’ll let you know my findings.

Some yeast will brew to almost 18% alcohol before it kills itself.You could then freeze the mash and poor the alcohol off from that and burn it controlled somehow in your grow room for even more CO2 from your money spent on sugar. I understand your going with proper CO2 but I thought I would say it anyways.

Found a good piece of reading material thought you might want to have a look. I guess propane is the cheapest operating method but there are also heat issues. When the time comes, what will be your approach?



Well-Known Member
I’m subbed. I’ll be watching your grow, I’m interested in your changes this time around, I followed your last grow. I’m also glad to hear that you C02 generator worked for you.Keep us posted or your brew as well, I make cider too. I’m going to be starting a couple of batches and I have the use of a CO2 meter so I’m going to be doinga little research on the CO2 readings and I’ll let you know my findings.

i am curious how much CO2 does come out of the home brewing. if you could do a side by side with bread yeast, white sugar and warm water and see what the PPM readings are that would be awesome man. i wish i had the equipment to do it myself.

Some yeast will brew to almost 18% alcohol before it kills itself.You could then freeze the mash and poor the alcohol off from that and burn it controlled somehow in your grow room for even more CO2 from your money spent on sugar. I understand your going with proper CO2 but I thought I would say it anyways.

so are you saying the alcohol % is dependant on the type of yeast you use? we used champain yeast.

Found a good piece of reading material thought you might want to have a look. I guess propane is the cheapest operating method but there are also heat issues. When the time comes, what will be your approach?

i need to go with tanks because the person im living with dosent even want to hear the word "propane burner" no matter how safe it is he just isnt interested.

ill check that link out and get back to you. I remember you from my last grow and you always have great advice and ideas...keep em coming man


Well-Known Member
so i read over your link and verry informative. but...

what i did and i recomend it to anyone with good lights and a strong know how that thier grow should be going faster. Co2 from the yeast sugar method allows you to suppliment some co2 into the grow room. you may never reach "ideal" co2 levels but...

i will be willing to bet that using the yeast/sugar will bring your CO2 levels up at least 300 PPPM, if your lacking in "normal" PPM which is 300-500PPM. this is what the normal room contains.

so say your Co2 is low like 100PPM in normal room levels. you use the yeast and sugar method to bring it up to 400PPM this is a huge difference for your plants.

im not looking at "the best" im just looking to improve little by little and so arent alot of other growers. yes im well educated on expensive CO2 systems but for now this is what i have. i can affor a 5lb bag of sugar and a few packs of yeast. im getting what i pay for. 10 bucks gets me roughly 10 weeks of low level CO2 emission as long as start fresh weekly and add 1/2 lb of sugar every 3 days.

the best? no

better than not doing anything? yes


Active Member
so are you saying the alcohol % is dependant on the type of yeast you use? we used champain yeast.
Yes and no, not just the yeast but mostly the sugar. Some yeast tolerate higher alcohol content but it can’t get to that point without the sugar, proper temps, and the right aeration, stirring releases the CO2. CO2 slows down fermentation. Most people add nutrient and energizer to their mash when they add campden tablets which is fine but adding at the right time into the brew will build better protein in the yeast cells allowing it to handle higher alcohol content and be healthier over all.

Turbo yeast or Super yeast brews to 20% in about a week, one of the fastest yeast I know of, and produces lots of CO2 bubbles out of the air lock, steady bubbles, unbelievable actually. Problem with that, you would need lots of sugar because it’s so hungry, and your hooch taste like shit.

Champagne yeast is commonly used for white wines. When I make my apple wine I use EC-1118 which can brew to 18%. I made a batch at 18% which ended up too strong for my liking. My wine store carries Lalvin brands. Here is a link, tells a little about different strains and there tolerances.

From the other link I provided, I found this interesting, that breathing in your grow room for 75 mins a day would be beneficial. I guess you could get the kids to blow up some big balloons for ya and then have the bolloons slowly leak air into your grow room. lol

So taking the CO2 meter and talking into it for 2 seconds shot the PPMs to over 1500 in one breath. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

I burn wood in my house for heat and took the meter down to the basement and the reading went to 1000ppms, I don’t know if that’s bad for my health, so I'm going to have to look into that. I also have a CO meter that I used and the levels were fine. I still need to check.

I'm looking forward to my findings on ppms readings from brewing and I'm sure to let you know.



Well-Known Member
i am looking foward to them as well, i like the baloon idea but seems like it would take up alot of space. my wine and cider bubbled out the airlocks for about 6 days pretty steady. my yeast and sugar method seems to die out after about 2-3 days.

i cant wait to get a legit CO2 setp but for now suplimanting with the yeast and sugar water is helping. i know its not helping alot but it is helping.


Well-Known Member
i have a 3 cubic foot cab, gonna do some homebrew co2 as well. going to have tubing from bottle with water yeast and sugar run into the passive intake. my 1st grow i was just popping co2 cartridges and then let the co2 fill the closet every couple of days. might do that this run as well.


Well-Known Member
so a buddy of mine bought my motorcycle for 400 bucks in the fall

just bought it back off him, cost me a good % of my stash but was a even trade back.

thinking ill head out to Chicago this summer


Well-Known Member
these 2 clones are revegging, you can see the odd leaves, generally with a reveg it will start producing single finger leaves, then 3 fingered leaves then finally 5 fingered leaves.

ill get better pics next tim o go to my grow.



New Member
can you explain how you did it please?

did you take a clone off of a plant that was coming to the end of its life, and then take a clone off that plant?

or did you just cut the stalk, and leave a nub with some veg at the end of its life?


Well-Known Member
can you explain how you did it please?

did you take a clone off of a plant that was coming to the end of its life, and then take a clone off that plant?

or did you just cut the stalk, and leave a nub with some veg at the end of its life?
it was just a clone cut off a plant that was about 2 weeks into flower.

you can also harvest a plant and leave a few nodes on the stalk and put it back under veg light schedule and it will re veg to a full sized plant again too.

lets see some plants! =P
i was gonna take some pics today but never ended up at my grow so tomorow i will get some and get them up. pic updates are tough since my grow is not at home.