Well-Known Member
...pizza faced, fat assed WaffloeHouse waitress...
that's about your level there, stormfront red!
...pizza faced, fat assed WaffloeHouse waitress...
Which one of these is designed to kill people
To be fair, I don't know for a fact she's your wife. I'm sure there's more than one pizza faced, fat assed WaffleHouse waitress in Portland. But she did say she had a sexless marriage with an unemployed lard ass who couldn't control his bladder or bowels, and spends all his time ranting incoherently ranting on the internet.
hell no every one eats hbrowns grits is down south
There are no waffleHouse's on west coast that I know of...........We have " International house of pancakes".............On the oregon coast we have" Pig and pancake".....same employment opportunity , just different name..........I have been to a waffleHouse back east, and they looked at me funny when I ordered hash browns with my eggs....I guess people eat grits instead of hash browns back east for some reason............nitro....
I think I was in Nashville tenn.....I guess that could be in the south........I know they were big on grits.....I like grits........grits are not common in oregon restaurants ........nitro...
Grits are a standard selection in IHOP, Dennys and several other nationwide eat-em-up joints. they got grits in every supermarket in northern california (usualy quick grits, but if you look a little you can find the real deal too.)
why you dinks always gotta be bashin the south?
I love grits. If mana fell from heaven it would be like grits. And dinks are dinks, bound to bash something. I love the South and grew up there. It is much less racist btw, than say, South Boston today.
Wow, a lot of people are worried about their guns in this politics section. There's going to be national riots if they do take the right to bear arms away.
That was never used......adam lanza's tool for slaughtering kindergarteners