My bad bro - then yes, they are fucking you hard.gagecko - first of all I am in california not colorado... second of all if you had read the whole post you would see that these places had ounces for up to 450, and grams for 20.... And my shit was easily comparable to the 450 shit.... I didn't ask for 2800-3200.. I said those were numbers I was hearing going into this... and I use to trim for a big commercial grower... I was looking for like 150 an oz... for what they are selling it for thats fucking easily doable..
It's an issue out there, but certainly not east of the Mississippi.northern california.... i realize thats a terrible place to try to break into the game... I just feel like if you are able to bust ass and put out a better product than most it shouldnt fucking matter how many competitors you have. you know what I mean? people start new business for shit all the time that the market is saturated with... like new sodas or new chain restaurants or whatever it is... capitalism isnt first come fist serve...
Not as hard as you might think, some solid old school genetics go a long way into growing for profit. Good beans, organics, love and care will blow away most amateurs in the game.Yeah, I guess I will just keep tryin... I suppose I shouldn't expect "the hard part" to ever be over when I'm tryin to make monayy
Love that movie! guess ill just watch this a couple times and get back to work.![]()
haha isnt that greatLove that movie!
Its indoor.. and yeah I feel ya man... I get impatient, and I still have a whole list of places to go show this shit to. I just felt really bummed after a whole day of getting crapped onMy question is was it outdoor or indoor? That plays a major role and if you've been only growing for a year put some more grows under your belt.
If you've been growing for 22 years you shouldn't be on this site busted or not. You'd know to lay low and not draw attention to yourself.What a loser. I've been growing pot for a living for over 22 years. I've been busted growing twice in two diferent states, snitched on by weak minded loser cry babies such as your self. I've made my living growing all my life and I've never held a job working for the man. This is illegal and your breaking the law your dealing with criminals such as myself many of whom have done time for this plant such as myself. That is what I know about cut throat you pathetic whining piece of bat guano. What youy need to do is get you 19 year old pathetic ass down to McDaonalds and fill out an application becuase you ain't gonna make it as a cannabis grower.Pathetic crybaby newb got me hot.
Yeah I looked up non profit laws and educated myself a little better on that...You've been growing for an entire year and are affronted you can not find an outlet to pay you top dollar for cannabis? Learning to do this then cultivating a buyer network takes time to do.
Did you ask the clubs why they low balled you? You can't get insulted you have to use these interactions to gather information for improving your sales. These questions you are asking here are all questions you need to ask the potential buyers (just don't be rude no matter how insulted you are).
Oh and non-profit means you do not sell stock.