Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


So when does Chris Hansen show up?

His videos are so awesome, just spent like half an hour watching one after another even ones I've seen before :lol: OH wait...I was talking about a related video to the one you posted XD

heres the one I was talking about

Something diffirent, a little afrikaans music.
His videos are so awesome, just spent like half an hour watching one after another even ones I've seen before :lol: OH wait...I was talking about a related video to the one you posted XD

heres the one I was talking about

Oh my the horrors of what he did to perfectly good ice cream! I love, I L.O.V.E ice cream. Make that Chocolate Ice Cream.
Hansen is from Detroit. He picked up his partner there and moved to NY. His partner is a financial news reporter on CNBC. I giggle everytime I see them because of how they pretended to be straight in the D when a roaring love affair was going on.
So when does Chris Hansen show up?

When Gerard, my husband of thirty eight years, questioned my excessive use of Barrettine's Methylated Spirit, I told him that It's the most effective way to rid one's calligraphy brush of stubborn Indian Ink. However, if truth be known, the consumption of Barrettine is the ONLY effective relief I have found from this utterly nightmarish sham of a marriage. If only I could leave my husband and marry a 6ft bottle of Barrettine.
quote from reviews... hahahahha