I need to rant about THIS section

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Well-Known Member
I just read, every last post on this thread...
As a Noob here, I hear what you're saying...
Tric's and harvest, are what I am learning, I want Max MJ, ripe, not underdone...
However, My GF likes green bananas, and I like them flecked with brown and a golden hue....
Everytime, conflicting reports on:
Leaves- to pluck or not to pluck...
Flush- No flush, or yes flush it...
Amber Tric's Couch lock or Clear Tric's no effect

Ask me an electrical question, and my answer is fact, ask me a MJ question, and my answer has to do with my experience...which is limited...
I get it...
I just know, nobody likes to be called an idiot, to his face or on the net...
LMAO... One of the reasons I started to smoke late in life is, almost every 'stoner' I knew, WAS AN IDIOT ! MJ didn't make them idiots, they were Idiots way before they ever toked....

I appreciate all I read here...


Well-Known Member
Amber trichs mean the THC is no longer increasing and is, in fact, degrading in amount and effect. Using amber trichs at all is simply looking for an indicator the crop has reached full "ripeness" or maturity. Any amber in quantity is that indication - it's ripe, it ain't getting any riper or better. If you like overripe bananas then wait until they are all amber. But those wanting their crop at its best - see any amber in any quantity then chop.


Well-Known Member
By the way i do see the irony in "your a moron"

But with the option of using a spellcheck available to everyone ,calling out the spelling mistake is pretty pathetic.It's like ,ok i have no comeback or just want to be a troll,so i'll jump on spelling mistake.why type 2 extra letters and an apostrophe when you can get the point across with your .At any rate it's actually a very common spelling mistake that anyone can make.If i'm doing a report or write up ,i'll run spell checker .If i'm posting in a cannabis forum i'll burn througha comment as fast as possible and i'll only correct any glaring mistakes like words completely fucked up or missing.


Well-Known Member
By the way i do see the irony in "your a moron"

But with the option of using a spellcheck available to everyone ,calling out the spelling mistake is pretty pathetic.It's like ,ok i have no comeback or just want to be a troll,so i'll jump on spelling mistake.why type 2 extra letters and an apostrophe when you can get the point across with your .At any rate it's actually a very common spelling mistake that anyone can make.If i'm doing a report or write up ,i'll run spell checker .If i'm posting in a cannabis forum i'll burn througha comment as fast as possible and i'll only correct any glaring mistakes like words completely fucked up or missing.
That really did hurt your feelings didn't it? Jesus man, let it go. The only one trolling here is you. You keep going on and on about spelling. Again, read my posts and the threads I post in. They are littered with spelling errors. I never say anything. The only time I say something is when someone has the nerve to say "your a moron" That, I can not resit replying to and that's what you did. Trolls don't have this much rep, 13xx likes and a bunch of grow journals. Trolls continue to go on and on about one thing beating it like a dead horse, kinda like you.

You haven't contributed anything solid to this thread. I'm almost certain you have yet to read anything beyond the first and last pages. So I have to ask, why are YOU trolling?


Well-Known Member
Misspelling - if you do it and don't care that it is misspelled then why care if someone comments on it? I would say most who care not about grammar have that same attitude about much more. Generally it's laziness that is intrinsic. It is not usually related to a learning disorder.


Well-Known Member
It's getting ridiculous. This shit has went on for 3 pages about his spelling. He has yet to say anything about the subject or what else we talked about. Don't call someone an idiot then turn around and say "your a moron" If the dumbass would have taken the time to read THIS thread he would have seen that just about every post has spelling errors with people using your instead if you're. Did I say anything? No. It's when YOU get butthurt and try to call someone an idiot. That's when I talk about your spelling. Otherwise I don't fucking care.

The only person in this thread trolling is puffdatchronic and he's the only one that doesn't get it.


Well-Known Member
Wrong dude .wrong.I wasn't trolling i made a valid comment that not enough experienced growers where helping noobs and you took it personaly as an attack on you and finished your reply by calling ME an idiot.You cast the first stone.My post was not even aimed at you.THAT is trolling.Then i get suckered with one of my pet hates and that is trolls who feel the need to make themselves an honorary english lecturer.
I hate that,but i'm over it ,over this thread ,over you and any other guy who wants to call people idiots and mock spelling and grammer..it's not even worth the energy really.goodbye


Well-Known Member
Wrong dude .wrong.I wasn't trolling i made a valid comment that not enough experienced growers where helping noobs and you took it personaly as an attack on you and finished your reply by calling me an idiot.THAT is trolling.Then i get suckered with one of my pet hates and that is trolls who feel the need to make themselves an honorary english lecturer.
I hate that,but i'm over it ,over this thread ,over you and any other guy who wants to call people idiots and mock spelling and grammer..it's not even worth the energy really.goodbye
I'm trolling because you made an idiotic reply? Makes sense. You think not enough experienced growers are here trying to help. Maybe it's the fact that too many noobs are here offering bogus advice. Then when someone that knows what they're talking about offers a legit solution to the problem, the noobs like to argue against it. The experienced growers get sick of it and stop posting here.

Maybe you're not that bright, I'll explain it one more time. I never, ever talk about spelling UNTIL someone makes a stupid comment like "your the fucking idiot" as you so eloquently put it. Get it?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
That really did hurt your feelings didn't it? Jesus man, let it go. The only one trolling here is you. You keep going on and on about spelling. Again, read my posts and the threads I post in. They are littered with spelling errors. I never say anything. The only time I say something is when someone has the nerve to say "your a moron" That, I can not resit replying to and that's what you did. Trolls don't have this much rep, 13xx likes and a bunch of grow journals. Trolls continue to go on and on about one thing beating it like a dead horse, kinda like you.

You haven't contributed anything solid to this thread. I'm almost certain you have yet to read anything beyond the first and last pages. So I have to ask, why are YOU trolling?
not sure if responding is trolling, and newbs cant contribute that's the point of this thread i thought . . . . . guy post his thoughts and trouser snake goes UB on him for not spelling or using correct grammar, is a derail moment . . . . talk to trouser

number one to all newbs

i am no expert but i do know that the true masters to not take coat tail riders or skirt riders under their wing and to learn all you have to do is read, there is no need for questions, everythign is already been asked and or is already a topic in a thread

try using google search with rollitup.org; before the criteria


Well-Known Member
not sure if responding is trolling, and newbs cant contribute that's the point of this thread i thought . . . . . guy post his thoughts and trouser snake goes UB on him for not spelling or using correct grammar, is a derail moment . . . . talk to trouser
Post #63. Start there. Comes in here blaming the experienced growers for the way the newbie section is.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
ya i read that . . . . . frustration is understandable and ignorance insures

on purpose spite is a choice and ignorance insues

you choose which is more accaptable


Well-Known Member
It's too bad one person can take a thread down such a negative path. Overall I think it was good and a lot of beginners learned some valuable information. Especially about trichomes.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
lots of good post before that, i think that overall if newbs had more respect for more experienced growers advice , good or bad there would be more learning

not all advice will apply, but a little can go a long way


Active Member
I don't think he meant that it's your fault mr2shim.I see one person here who looks butthurt and it's not puff.You and Trousers need to go lose your virginity before it's too late.Must be hell living with you ,taking everything like a hormonal teen girl.



Active Member
Yes i mean mr2 and trousers.So much bitchiness.Trousers is worse ,guy is a total dbag, mr2 needs to get off his period.
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