can i grow in secret?

so here is my problem
i only want to grow one plant at a time
im still living with mom
i want to grow without her finding out so i wont get kicked out. i have 2 hawiian blue seeds and i plan on growing them
i have followed the rules of TELL NO ONE that im growing and i cant ask for advice that way (thats why im here)
i have calculated the total cost of a carbon filter and fans and all that
i also have thought of constructing a air tight grow box in my close (closet doesnt have doors) made out of my big speaker stacks so it wont look any thing different of what it normaly does
any thoughts?
You should ask your mom, its her house, dont be a douche. Even though its one plant, in most states, its 1 plant to many...If its not your place, dont do it


Well-Known Member
Ya dont grow there u get caught its on her gonna be moving back in with my mom for a while and i wont have anything weed related there


New Member
so here is my problem
i only want to grow one plant at a time
im still living with mom
i want to grow without her finding out so i wont get kicked out. i have 2 hawiian blue seeds and i plan on growing them
i have followed the rules of TELL NO ONE that im growing and i cant ask for advice that way (thats why im here)
i have calculated the total cost of a carbon filter and fans and all that
i also have thought of constructing a air tight grow box in my close (closet doesnt have doors) made out of my big speaker stacks so it wont look any thing different of what it normaly does
any thoughts?
If I caught my kid growing, they would have 2 options. Give me the stash or get the fuck out for trying to pull shit behind my back in my own house.

If he had simply asked, I might be cool with it. But... If you do shit behind my back and I find out, I'm much more likely to make your life unpleasant for doing something shady in my house.

my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
if you got caught itd be your mom not you who got in trouble since its her house. you should never put anyone at that kind of risk without there knowledge. honesty is the best policy if you make a good case to an understanding parent they might let you do it. if not then get your own place where you can do what you like. probably not the answer u wante dto hear but im sure you will find no adult is going to tell you its ok to lie to your parents or to sneak around behind there back.
i live in colorado its legal if over 21 to grow up to six plants my mom does not want me to smoke weed and doesnt even know i have any thing to do with it. so if i did get cought it could technicaly be "her" weed plant and nothing would happen thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Her House her rules. legal or not if your mother dosent want you growing in her house then no good can come from doing it.
the hardest part of lying is staying true to the lie for the rest of your life


Well-Known Member if i did get cought it could technicaly be "her" weed plant and nothing would happen thoughts?
Not cool.
This may be an approach for your lawyer. I don't like lawyers.

I understand your interest in growing, but I don't agree with growing in someone elses property without their consent. Especially a parent.


Active Member
take it from me, I grew in my dad's house without him knowing. I was always paranoid he'd find out for 3 months. I had to like stand in the door way and act it out like yeah nothings going on in here. Its best to grow it in your own domain. Always having to hide something fuks with your conscience in a major way. You live colorado its legal, just convince your mom that' what you want to do. Funny a gif I seen, 'if weed were legal would paranoia still be a side effect'?


Active Member
So , since you can't grow at home , learn about a outdoor grow !!
nothing wrong with growin a few plants in the woods ,
I left home when I was 13 yrs , IDE rather learn the hard way !!
but I never tryed growing in the house !! Respect
hey it's leagal , go find a sweet spot , don tell any one.


Well-Known Member
If your parents don't like it you might be advised to follow their rules as it's cold this time of year!!!
So , since you can't grow at home , learn about a outdoor grow !!
nothing wrong with growin a few plants in the woods ,
I left home when I was 13 yrs , IDE rather learn the hard way !!
but I never tryed growing in the house !! Respect
hey it's leagal , go find a sweet spot , don tell any one.
this is apealing verry apealing
i live right by a huge woodsy area!
is out doors hard?
its supper dry in summer in colorado is that a problem?
i need info plzz


Active Member
i live in colorado its legal if over 21 to grow up to six plants my mom does not want me to smoke weed and doesnt even know i have any thing to do with it. so if i did get cought it could technicaly be "her" weed plant and nothing would happen thoughts?
So then don't do it... As others here have stated either tell her and get her blessing, get your own place or do an outdoor grow!

- SB -


Well-Known Member
Me personaly, to avoid a big fight between you & your mother, I would just do a grow outdoors bro! Hell, it really isn't hard! Wasn't 4 me. I would take 5gln bckts, fill them with my mixed soil, then get me a rope, find me a tree with "lower" hanging branches, tie the rope to the bucket handle, through the other end of rope over the branch you select, pull it up in the tree! ;) there you have it! They would always get enough light. They would get plenty of h2o. And I didn't have to worry about animals eating them, or theives snacthing them!! Just don't 4 get to drill drain holes in the bottom of the buckets! ;) they'll do just fine! ;) good luck bro..


Active Member
should really ask your mom before you do it im still living with my mom and i asked her at 1st she said no but i kept jokin around sayin with her and few weeks later she said ok just dont get caught lol goodluck


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah bro btw! And if you do end up growing outdoors, you wouldn't have 2 answer 2 NOone!! Myself, I like things that way.. I'm my own man, as I'm sure you are aswell.. I'm sure you've herd, what "momma don't know, won't hurt her"?.. I like to keep the peace.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Parents are like a mill stone around your neck don't move back with your mom unless you'll be homeless otherwise, but if you do don't grow there she'll find it and it will cause major friction which neither of you need.