I took biology, chemistry.... and micro biology.
I do have an issue with organics because organics never tell you what is in them, example derived from seagoing bird guano. The bird could have ate anything.
Here is an example of micro nutrients from GH.
Derived from: Ammonium Molybdate, Calcium Nitrate, Cobalt Nitrate,
Copper Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Zinc Nitrate, Potassium Borate,
Potassium Sulfate, Calcium Carbonate, Manganese EDTA, Iron EDDHA
and Iron DPTA.
Most chemicals tell you whats in them.... GH leaves out a few things like the dyes they use in grow and bloom, cause if what they say was the only thing in them they would have no color.
Yah...you're dummin pretty good
Well...I usually am not the kind of person to throw my degree around BUT I have my doctoral degree in neuropsychology and you are a little off key. Since you displayed a total lack of intelligent thinking i think id like to give you some help. Of course, taking one or two classes in chemistry tells us nothing and is not a credible statement. Secondly, yes , nature has a way to pollute just as much as humans naturally. However, chemicals are found in many products such as coffee, frappuccinos,, GMO foods (which Europeans have banned...I wonder why...) and just about any fruit, vegetable, meat you buy at any Vons or Albertsons. Unless you are procuring your food straight from the farm. You are ingesting chemicals. Now for my degree. Due to my profession and where I work, i will not link you to the study that I conducted which earned my degree. we tested neuro pathways with chemically altered foods such as GMO, against farm raised ORGANIC foods. During this study, those who only ingested GMO suffered from more anxiety, mood alterations such as mood swings sporadic high altered temparment, as well as increased levels of depression 10x more then those who chose organic foods. Thirdly, the little list you listed above from ROOTS ORGANICS PHOS BAT GUANO 0-7-0, all contain every metal and eliment currently found in our bodies and has been so for as long as we could remember.
please, I know i used a few complicated words such as GMO and neuro-pathways so please do not strain yourself and take this reading lightly, with intelligent observation as you should with all aspects of life. I employ you to continue to educate yourself to the highest potential.
Oh , and bath-salts, SPICE ...same stuff the face eater and others currently around the world have used...psst, they all use chemicals found in those great nutes you care so deeply for
. So why don't you use that 4credit course in chemistry and cook bath salts instead. that seems up your alley.
FLORIDE is bad when injested in large amounts. Brushing your grille with floride is actually the best thing you could do to protect your pearly white investment. Knowledge is power!!