The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yes i agree only one or two plants have tasted how i expected even after hanging the plant whole to dry.which would be the best company to get a good cheese or kush strain from and what strains does everyone grow at the moment?
like don said breeders botique have a good kush. ive heared good things about big buda for cheese, it was a toss up between big buda and barneys when i had my blue cheese, i wish i had gone with bb now lol. im still trying to find a good seed strain, i havent tried anything from breeders botique yet, im waiting for the dog to come back in stock. the only seed id recomend from personal experience is blue widow from dinafem. i had 1 as a freebee and it was the best producers of the lot and didnt take up much room. ive grown a clone only and that was by far the best smoke ive had from my own growing. just dont ask for it on here lol


Well-Known Member
i got to stop taking powder like im still in my 20s. up all night and decided to potch with my pump on the wilma. i was there over 30 mins and 3 fags later still trying to put the pipes back in lol. the water flow on the pump that comes with them is shit. i tried complaining to the seller about it to see if i can skank some bigger tubing off him but hes sending me a new manifold or what ever its called. fuck messing about tho, ive ordered a better pump for £25. it should put over twice the amount of water into it and i can use the old 1 with the new manifold so i got 2 running into the other wilma.

@ic3 i think you was right about the temps mate. 39 degrees! i thougt it would be the same as the other 4 grows and stay about 31 for the first 2 weeks and come down as the plants get bigger but the wilmas must be absorbing the light and bumping the temps up. i shouldnt have been so lazy and got my fat arse up the attick to get my thermometer lol. cheers mate

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
@MRT if you need to line your pots or res this stuff might worth a look mate-


Well-Known Member
i got to stop taking powder like im still in my 20s. up all night and decided to potch with my pump on the wilma. i was there over 30 mins and 3 fags later still trying to put the pipes back in lol. the water flow on the pump that comes with them is shit. i tried complaining to the seller about it to see if i can skank some bigger tubing off him but hes sending me a new manifold or what ever its called. fuck messing about tho, ive ordered a better pump for £25. it should put over twice the amount of water into it and i can use the old 1 with the new manifold so i got 2 running into the other wilma.@ic3 i think you was right about the temps mate. 39 degrees! i thougt it would be the same as the other 4 grows and stay about 31 for the first 2 weeks and come down as the plants get bigger but the wilmas must be absorbing the light and bumping the temps up. i shouldnt have been so lazy and got my fat arse up the attick to get my thermometer lol. cheers mate
I told u how to sort it mrt, a bigger pump might do no better cos the tubing only allows so much water to pass thru it. If there's anything I do know about its the wilma systems, but hey, choose not to listen.


Well-Known Member
I told u how to sort it mrt, a bigger pump might do no better cos the tubing only allows so much water to pass thru it. If there's anything I do know about its the wilma systems, but hey, choose not to listen.
mate i asked the seller to sort me out some bigger tubing. he said it was a bad idea because it would cause leaks. sorry if i offended you mate, it wasnt my intesion. i havent got a clue about it myself so im just making do with what people tell me. and a leak with all my electrics nearby didnt sound like something i wanted.

@dragon cheers mate, im alternating bulbs at the moment because i dont think they cant use the full 1200w being as small as they are. when i get a bit of a canopy it should bring the temps down on thier own. cheers tho mate nice one :-D you can tell im a lazy cunt cant you lol

what do you think about binning these and popping 2 fresh beans?copy_20130103_200127.jpgcopy_20130103_200119.jpg

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
lol you're not alone mate I helped write the book on being lazy, I don't know about binning them maybe transplant them into some soil and leave them be and see what comes of them? or maybe a mini hempy or something similar so as they could go back into the system your using down the line. Sadly I can't offer any valuable advice as I've run a hydro system mate but eitherway I wouldn't chuck them out just yet until the probs are sorted I probably would germ some ready though incase your good to go and they haven't bounced back just to hedge your bets.


Well-Known Member
na mrt leave em,, sort them temps out and they will be fine, ther pretty resiliant,, wats the opint,, they look green and nice so keep them temps in check and your laffin

just been to range to get sum lining paper to put on this wall,, POUND A ROLL!! they got a sale on nice wallpaper to 4.99 reduced from 12 and 2 for 9 qwid! all pains on offer too

love b n m,, stil got a shitty tatse from all the filler dust

donjina your just boring

my question is wich are you? i reckon the redhead getting pounded!!lmao


Well-Known Member
should say have never run hydro mate
haha cheers mate. i was thinking of throwing some blue widows in because they were quite trouble free when i run them last time and i got 6 here along with 11 white widows and a pineapple express that i had off the tute on offer. i can afford to pop 2 just incase. i might put them in and if these mutants turn out ok i can put them in to air pots or something. cheers mate :-D


Well-Known Member
haha cheers mate. i was thinking of throwing some blue widows in because they were quite trouble free when i run them last time and i got 6 here along with 11 white widows and a pineapple express that i had off the tute on offer. i can afford to pop 2 just incase. i might put them in and if these mutants turn out ok i can put them in to air pots or something. cheers mate :-D
damn u got pe,, shame i was menna run that this time,,real fast finishers, and loaded with weight! guess sum shist happened and il just be doing cherry and physco


Well-Known Member
na mrt leave em,, sort them temps out and they will be fine, ther pretty resiliant,, wats the opint,, they look green and nice so keep them temps in check and your laffin
yeah i dont want to bin them but just give another 2 healthier beans a chance lol. i can pop these in the middle of the wilmas in air pots. i just got to see if i can grab a bit of soil or something. i want to have another strain on the go, you cant have too much veriaty lol


Well-Known Member
damn u got pe,, shame i was menna run that this time,,real fast finishers, and loaded with weight! guess sum shist happened and il just be doing cherry and physco
do you recom i should put the PE and 1 blue widow in? ive only got the 1 tho so doubt ill get a tidy pheno like jimmy had. i should have thought about that when i set it up but i just had it in my head that 1 strain goes in the 1 system. you cant complain if you got the psycho to run lol. i had a bit sent down from one of the boys on here and it was really nice


Well-Known Member
when u said powder earlier mrt your talking bout phet? 33 u dirty dog and still taking that shit arrrrrghhhh lol i wouldnt turn me nose up at many drugs but thats 1 i just carnt take, the sleep deprivation duns me in, and im not 1 for not eating either lol


Well-Known Member
when u said powder earlier mrt your talking bout phet? 33 u dirty dog and still taking that shit arrrrrghhhh lol i wouldnt turn me nose up at many drugs but thats 1 i just carnt take, the sleep deprivation duns me in, and im not 1 for not eating either lol
yeah thats the shit mate. i didnt have anything new years eve because i was arguing the the misses so i had some last night. i used to be a fucker for it. id work friday, saturday and sunday. i was off it on pills most of the week, be out down escape in swansea on the weekend and i'd be taking powder to get me through work. i had some about 2 weeks ago and didnt sleep for 3 days. i was hearing an anouncer froma train station or something coming from my cupboard in the bedroom every time i closed my eyes lol. i used to see robins smoking fags when i was on my break in work too. yeah it is a dirty drug but honestly theres no tidy pills about down here. my mate said he had some super pills the other day and all it done was fill his bladder and stop him being able to piss. the last lot i had i droped 2 on the head and all i had was a little come down 2 hours after taking them.

i fucked myself up back in the day tho with the sleep deprivation. i ended up in hosptial with pnemonia and a blood clot on the lung. i lost 2 stone in 2 weeks. bile had burned all the lining of my throat and i was still out side the hospital smoking joints with some boy on my ward.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
na mrt leave em,, sort them temps out and they will be fine, ther pretty resiliant,, wats the opint,, they look green and nice so keep them temps in check and your laffin

just been to range to get sum lining paper to put on this wall,, POUND A ROLL!! they got a sale on nice wallpaper to 4.99 reduced from 12 and 2 for 9 qwid! all pains on offer too

love b n m,, stil got a shitty tatse from all the filler dust

donjina your just boring

my question is wich are you? i reckon the redhead getting pounded!!lmao
oooopf, lol had that coming