• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Here it comes - gun control!!!


Well-Known Member
Anybody know that daschunds (weiner dogs) were bread to hunt badgers, I bought one and she is a real companion. Beats the hell out of my buddies german shepard that seems to sustain life soley by eating funature and nike's.
thats becuz ur biddy never trained it. if u had a child and u never taught it a damn thing dont u think he/she would be kinda dumb also? thats the problem with most shep or dog owners period. they dont teach and train them enough so the gen public thinks they are complete retards unless they see them with a police officer or a member of our armed forces or border agents. most people do not spend enough time training thier dogs and do not give them enough one on one time. in my belief a lot of todays dogs could have had been trained and taught to be somewhat bright. its the human influence that makes a lot of animals completely dumb and nowhere near self reliant becuz most dont make and take the appropriete time to train them. they get dogs and let them run the fucking house chewing up couches and shoes and shit. my dog chewed one shew at 2 months old. i told him once that it was bad juju with a strict tone and a small pop on the ass and he never did it again. that went for peeing and shitting in the house also. it only took 3 accidents before he picked up i should piss and shit outside. again all of this was without beating him and completely intimidating him. if u take the time u can train just about any dog to be bright.


Well-Known Member
There are dog people, myself and many others and there are also merely dog owners.

Dog people know that dogs are not people or pets. We are in symbiotic relationship with Dog, that began perhaps 20,000 years ago or more. I call it the Ancient Pact w/Dogs.

Dogs need two things more than anything else. Companionship. I never have only 1 dog at a time, any more.

The other thing is exercise. Dogs need more exercise than we can give them. That's why the other dog is important. All of that running and chasing play, is exercise.

A bright breed dog, like a German Shepherd that eats the house is not dumb, but has assigned himself the job of showing you what happens. Separation anxiety and lack of exercise is destructive. And you are not taking your pack leader role, at all, seriously. (says Mr. Dog)

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but the German Shepard is dumb as rocks. Even the police dogs. I'm sure there are the rare exceptions though.

The only smart dog I know of is the poodle. It pretty much potty trains itself. You don't have to brainwash a poodle like a german shepard.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but the German Shepard is dumb as rocks. Even the police dogs. I'm sure there are the rare exceptions though.

The only smart dog I know of is the poodle. It pretty much potty trains itself. You don't have to brainwash a poodle like a german shepard.
For pure brains and all around small athletics, I prefer the Australian Shepherds. And no tail to knock things over.

I have seen some standard Poodles that we so brainy it made me stammer. :)


Well-Known Member
I have to take my dog to the park for at least 30 mins a day....

There's a hill that's a good 30 degree incline, I throw the ball for him while he sprints up and down the hill. He loves it!

I plan on getting a Corgi mix next... lol I just love the little bastards! Ever see a Corgi x Husky? They are the freakin' coolest looking little dogs ever. lol



Active Member
If you google digital TVs, you'll get millions of hits saying they're "teh awesome!" But they'd be majorly WRONG! Nothing beats a CRT, except maybe the never released SED.

The black level, refresh and reliability of a CRT is unmatched. In those areas nothing can beat it. I've seen a Sony G90 reach over 700,000:1 real contrast ratio. No digital can instantly go to near no illumination. The problem with digital over CRT, while CRT can still be near black with luminance signal one value past 0 IRE, a digital at 0.5 IRE looks no different than 5 IRE.

Your normal TV consumer has no idea wtf I was talking about. So your google bullshit is just that, bullshit.
Funny that you skipped the ENTIRE point of the post, just so you could attempt to make a point.

GSDs are not dumb, period. I posted 4 links describing that GSDs are used for military and police purposes. Ergo, they are not dumb, they are not hard to train.

Sorry, but the German Shepard is dumb as rocks. Even the police dogs. I'm sure there are the rare exceptions though.

The only smart dog I know of is the poodle. It pretty much potty trains itself. You don't have to brainwash a poodle like a german shepard.
You can't even argue, are you kidding? LOL

Yeah because baby Canna Sylvan popped out potty trained as well. Moron

According to you, because your parents taught you how to piss and shit into a hole, you are an idiotic shithead.

Good day kiddo

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
LOLOLOl hahahah. You say that for your first statement, then post an online, translated article with the reputation of "50 facebook likes". LOLOLOLOL

Dude, please, you're killing me here.
Go google, "german shepherd dumb" and post the result count, and then search, "german shepherd smart" and post the result count here. For every 1 or your articles bashing the GSD, I can literally post 10+ against it.

Oh yeah, GSD are sooo bad for military purposes, so much so that we still utilize them heavily, even in combat.


You're point is that they are dumb as rocks, and hard to train. You lost. No arguing. Face it. I just proved that they are obviously smart and trainable enough to be used as a bomb sniffing dog in the military, as well as a police dog, and finally one that parachutes...

"oh, that must hurt"
huffpo,, youtubes, rick's foreign policy (???? WTF???) and "policedogs.US (oooh a puppy mill. thats authoritative)

and you criticize Der Spiegel? youre pathetic.

one of these is a beligian malinois, the most popular choice in police/military dogs in the world.
the other is a german sheppard.

one is well known for being DUMB hard to train and prone to hip and back problems, and the other is renowned for it's inmtelligence and "high energy" personality.
one was created by german dog fanciers ~1900 so they could slap the word German on a working breed the other is a working breed thats been around for a very long time, herding sheep. in Belgium.

ill give you a hint, its the dog with the high hindquarters and the straight back, not the droopy assed inbred german retarded kid on the right.

Edit: since most journalists (and even some intelligent people) cant tell the difference between these two dogs, and explaining how there is a difference between the belgian malinios and the german sheppard takes column inches, and risks a TL;DR reaction, most reporters simply call a malinois a "German Shepherd" and let it go.

the german shepherd (bowing to pressure on spelling) is not a german working dog bred for herding sheep, it is a german show dog designed in 1899 to LOOK like a sheep herding dog, so german cops and soldiers wouldnt have to drag around a belgian dog, and explain to the people why they couldnt find a properly GERMAN breed for working dog duties.

early attempts to create a german version of the malinois failed miserably by breeding their "german breed" of faux-sheepdogs with malinois they got good results, results which were more malinois than the "german sheepdog" of bavarian fantasy

the german shephed dog is like the nazi state religion, a LIE cobbled together from ersatz history, heroic fiction, phony nationalist epics and a healthy dose of the overweening germanic pride for which the krauts are so well known.

even now the german shepherd is not used as a working dog nearly as often as you may read in the pres, since the malinois LOOKS like the german breed, but hasnt had 60 years of propaganda and nationalist pride for a press agent. the "Real" german sheherd dog is a slope backed, splay hipped, taildragger that cannot run well (a neccessity when herding sheep) and is NOTORIOUS for its dim witted obstinacy in training. if your dog were pedigreed you would call it a malinois or aslatian, since it does not conform to the standard of the german breeders.

remember,dog in front frog in back... thats how you spot the german shepherd.


Well-Known Member
Anybody know that daschunds (weiner dogs) were bread to hunt badgers, I bought one and she is a real companion. Beats the hell out of my buddies german shepard that seems to sustain life soley by eating funature and nike's.
Daschunds are awesome dogs. Make sure not to let yours jump off of ANY furniture or other high places, if you can avoid it. They get horrible joint problems very easily before they get too old if you let them overdo it young. I've known a lot of people with 5yo Daschunds that can barely walk because they get them to jump on and off of furniture on their own.


Active Member
one of these is a beligian malinois, the most popular choice in police/military dogs in the world.
the other is a german sheppard.

one is well known for being DUMB hard to train
They are both used in the military, yet one is dumb and hard to train.


Yeah man, they obviously just put "dumb" dogs to work. Let's go breed some beagles, because obviously the only requirements are being dumb and hard to train


Well-Known Member
huffpo,, youtubes, rick's foreign policy (???? WTF???) and "policedogs.US (oooh a puppy mill. thats authoritative)

and you criticize Der Spiegel? youre pathetic.

one of these is a beligian malinois, the most popular choice in police/military dogs in the world.
the other is a german sheppard.

one is well known for being DUMB hard to train and prone to hip and back problems, and the other is renowned for it's inmtelligence and "high energy" personality.
one was created by german dog fanciers ~1900 so they could slap the word German on a working breed the other is a working breed thats been around for a very long time, herding sheep. in Belgium.

ill give you a hint, its the dog with the high hindquarters and the straight back, not the droopy assed inbred german retarded kid on the right.
I guess we have to chalk this one up to virtually every expert in the field being wrong and the good Dr. here being correct. lol

Any list I've ever come across states the German Shepherd is the third most intelligent dog breed in the world contrary to what Kynes says.


Active Member
I guess we have to chalk this one up to virtually every expert in the field being wrong and the good Dr. here being correct. lol

Any list I've ever come across states the German Shepherd is the third most intelligent dog breed in the world contrary to what Kynes says.
He's been doing this bullshit lately.

Apparently his opinion is always correct, even when the cold, hard, legitimate facts say otherwise.

We both comprehend that the GSD isn't the most intelligent dog, but dumb as rocks, laughable.


Well-Known Member
There's no question the breed has been abused; just like Labrador Retrievers.

But both breeds are inherently extremely intelligent.


Well-Known Member
There's no question the breed has been abused; just like Labrador Retrievers.

But both breeds are inherently extremely intelligent.
My Chocolate/Black lab mix is friggin brilliant! The guy I got mine from actually hunts with his though. So he picked my dog's parents based on performance, not looks. That's part of what gets me about the sweeping statements about any breed. There's still plenty of stellar examples of these working breeds. The problem is that for every person that breeds a dog for skill and temperament, there's 20 people breeding that don't even know what their breed should act like.


Active Member
My Chocolate/Black lab mix is friggin brilliant! The guy I got mine from actually hunts with his though. So he picked my dog's parents based on performance, not looks. That's part of what gets me about the sweeping statements about any breed. There's still plenty of stellar examples of these working breeds. The problem is that for every person that breeds a dog for skill and temperament, there's 20 people breeding that don't even know what their breed should act like.

It's the same with pot though, and many other things in life, including education.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
My Chocolate/Black lab mix is friggin brilliant! The guy I got mine from actually hunts with his though. So he picked my dog's parents based on performance, not looks. That's part of what gets me about the sweeping statements about any breed. There's still plenty of stellar examples of these working breeds. The problem is that for every person that breeds a dog for skill and temperament, there's 20 people breeding that don't even know what their breed should act like.
yet dogs are separated into groups based on breed, and any discussion of dogs must focus on the breed, since like people every individual dog is different.

as a lad i had a chow chow, he never got grumpy and remained a happy and placid teddy bear untill he died. i had a border collie who was a remarkably effective hereder,, he could round up all 50 chckens in my yard in a few minutes after my mom backed over the chicken pen fence and set em loose.,, but that dog was dumb D-U-M-B DUMB! once he decided that stealing eggs was the bomb ass plan we never could break him of it. even injecting hotsauce into the eggs was no deterrent,, he seemed to prefer a little spice in his noms. when he decided chewing on rocks was the clever move he wound up toofless, and our veterinarian was unable to explain it. Dr Sahnge's diagnosis "I think he is just stupid"

i had a golden retriever that simply would NOT fetch, and a cat that WOULD!

theres always exceptions to every breed's generalities, but generrally german shepherds are dumb, and malinois are a better choice for police work. the fact that the less well known malinois LOOKS like the much more commonly recognized german shepherd does not alter the facts, and the facts are the german shepherd is a new breed from ~1900 with a long reputation of being smart based on their resemblance to the Malinois. the actual breed standard results in a dog with bad hips, a clumsy gait, poor jumping ability and NO function as a working dog.

take a straight backed, high hipped dog with it's tail held high to a dog show and youll be told its a malinois, not a german shepherd.


Well-Known Member
Well, then Barking Brainiacs :) what is the dumbest bred? And what is your dumbest-ness test?


Well-Known Member
yet dogs are separated into groups based on breed, and any discussion of dogs must focus on the breed, since like people every individual dog is different.

as a lad i had a chow chow, he never got grumpy and remained a happy and placid teddy bear untill he died. i had a border collie who was a remarkably effective hereder,, he could round up all 50 chckens in my yard in a few minutes after my mom backed over the chicken pen fence and set em loose.,, but that dog was dumb D-U-M-B DUMB! once he decided that stealing eggs was the bomb ass plan we never could break him of it. even injecting hotsauce into the eggs was no deterrent,, he seemed to prefer a little spice in his noms. when he decided chewing on rocks was the clever move he wound up toofless, and our veterinarian was unable to explain it. Dr Sahnge's diagnosis "I think he is just stupid"

i had a golden retriever that simply would NOT fetch, and a cat that WOULD!

theres always exceptions to every breed's generalities, but generrally german shepherds are dumb, and malinois are a better choice for police work. the fact that the less well known malinois LOOKS like the much more commonly recognized german shepherd does not alter the facts, and the facts are the german shepherd is a new breed from ~1900 with a long reputation of being smart based on their resemblance to the Malinois. the actual breed standard results in a dog with bad hips, a clumsy gait, poor jumping ability and NO function as a working dog.

take a straight backed, high hipped dog with it's tail held high to a dog show and youll be told its a malinois, not a german shepherd.
The Shepherd my friends have is definitely an exception then. He's a smart dog, doesn't drag his balls, strong prey drive, observant, and is the most agile dog I have ever seen. The guy can wrestle on the back of our couch without ever losing his footing. Maybe we got one with a little Mali in him, he's not papered so we'll never know. My problem is that the breed isn't broken, the breeders are. They could bring it back, I'm sure. No clue if it's worth the trouble. This is why Catahoula hounds will not be in the AKC fully any time soon, dog shows kill working breeds.

On a side note, all the bomb dogs my buddy has trained for the military were Labs. He hasn't trained one Shepherd that I have seen, for what that's worth.