So I listened to people on RIU about flushing....And this happens..


Well-Known Member
What strain if its a kush post it in my thread. or any deep indica really.
Some are Dynasty Caramel Candy Kush, but they're all bunched together. It's amazing, my 500W CFL operation is performing almost as well as the 2 HPS 600 I have in the second location.


And yes, those are mop buckets drilled


Well-Known Member
No, YOU are beyond help. I've given you the exact information you can provide to prove that you're right and I'm wrong, and you won't/can't provide it. But let me guess, even though you can't prove it, you'll still support flushing's efficacy, right? Refer again to my first post :dunce:


Well-Known Member
why dont you send an email to advanced nutrients ,bio bizz ,sensi etc and ask them why they advise it.Theyre not just a bunch of noobs working blind ,they are professionals ,there is lab studies being done ,theyre products are professionally made and avice they give is based on their i said do what you want im done


Well-Known Member
biology 4 kids ,wtf has that got to with anything..your one of the biggest clowns i have seen on this site.i will not be arguing this with you further


Well-Known Member
Ok so now youre saying the ever-trustworthy nute companies do unbiased lab studies with a control group to prove that flushing works. Link please?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
hey kids, show me one, just 1 commercial grow operation where they grow food and show me where they flush these crops. please, show me 1


Well-Known Member
I personally am a non flusher.

I used to be a flusher, so I've seen it from both ways.

I've found that my yield is reduced by around 7% from FLUSHING. However this was in a test case with the same strain in the same room fed exactly the same except having a batch of pH'd water for one. I generally pull upwards of 100g from one plant.

Dry was the same, cure was the same, smoke was the same, ash was the same, you get the point.

The only noticeable difference between the 2 was the smoke pre cure! Flushed was smoother straight out of drying before the cure.

Once cured no difference between either.

I prefer to try before making a decision.

I tried and now I don't flush.



Well-Known Member
Its about transport methods in a plant, something you obviously don't know much about. If you did, you wouldn't be blindly defending flushing without any information to back yourself. Knowledge is power


Well-Known Member
I love when the word flushing appears in the title of a post usually it attracts "experts" like locusts. You get all these "pros" arguing over the "correct" way to do it. Then usually all the guys with a million posts gang up on the one person willing to argue that you need to flush for a better product. Seems like the guys that think you need to flush post, and move on but the guys who dont flush will stick around, and argue about it untill theyve convinced everyone that flushing is for idiots. And that brings us back to the title of this thread. I loved it when someone told the thread starter that they must have cured it wrong because when they do it it works out fine. The starter of the thread listened to the nonflush side and decided they were right. Probably because they argued for longer that they were right. Everything was fine until this person listened to you in the first place. Then theres always somebody that mentions "botany", or " read a botany book ". Well...if youve read them, post where it says to not flush your marijuana. This usually brings about an article written about something like drowning apple trees, or curing tobbacco. Obviously in the posters expirience they werent as right as they thought they were, or they failed to clarify the exact method that would give them a better result. This in turn destroyed the persons crop that they HAD convinced. Hopefully the person that posted gets the point across. Dont just listen to the "experts". Do your own expirements and dont bet the farm on what someone says. If they say dont flush then start by flushing less. If results improve then keep moving in that direction, because what they failed to mention is somthing like they only add nutes twice throughout the whole grow because their dirt is actually made of compost and manure, or some weird concoction that you dont have. You have the GH organics go box and you feed them twice the recomended amount dose with calmag twice as often as your supposed to....


Well-Known Member
I love when the word flushing appears in the title of a post usually it attracts "experts" like locusts. You get all these "pros" arguing over the "correct" way to do it. Then usually all the guys with a million posts gang up on the one person willing to argue that you need to flush for a better product. Seems like the guys that think you need to flush post, and move on but the guys who dont flush will stick around, and argue about it untill theyve convinced everyone that flushing is for idiots. And that brings us back to the title of this thread. I loved it when someone told the thread starter that they must have cured it wrong because when they do it it works out fine. The starter of the thread listened to the nonflush side and decided they were right. Probably because they argued for longer that they were right. Everything was fine until this person listened to you in the first place. Then theres always somebody that mentions "botany", or " read a botany book ". Well...if youve read them, post where it says to not flush your marijuana. This usually brings about an article written about something like drowning apple trees, or curing tobbacco. Obviously in the posters expirience they werent as right as they thought they were, or they failed to clarify the exact method that would give them a better result. This in turn destroyed the persons crop that they HAD convinced. Hopefully the person that posted gets the point across. Dont just listen to the "experts". Do your own expirements and dont bet the farm on what someone says. If they say dont flush then start by flushing less. If results improve then keep moving in that direction, because what they failed to mention is somthing like they only add nutes twice throughout the whole grow because their dirt is actually made of compost and manure, or some weird concoction that you dont have. You have the GH organics go box and you feed them twice the recomended amount dose with calmag twice as often as your supposed to....
The difference is that some of us refer to proven biology of how a plant works. Others use rhetoric and a single uncontrolled result as fact.


Well-Known Member
And I genuinely hope you learn to read before you decide to teach. Kind of important to be able to read those pesky "werdzz" if you want to be able to prove somebody wrong instead of calling names and throwing a tantrum to try and deflect the conversation.


New Member
Everything was fine until this person listened to you in the first place.

"Everything was fine"?

How do you know? He did a side - by - side?

How do you know if he did flush it would not have turned out just as terrible because of one of a million other things he possibly did wrong?

Huge assumptions you're making.


Well-Known Member
hey kids, show me one, just 1 commercial grow operation where they grow food and show me where they flush these crops. please, show me 1
Hey chuck, i just grew a three and a half foot high basil plant in dwc. The thing tasted like crap. I flushed it with water for two straight weeks and then it was fine. Commercial food groweres amend the soil and really use mostly just water to feed with. Fertilizer costs money. Thats why everything tastes like water in the grocery store, but tastes good from your garden.


Well-Known Member
"Everything was fine"?

How do you know? He did a side - by - side?

How do you know if he did flush it would not have turned out just as terrible because of one of a million other things he possibly did wrong?

Huge assumptions you're making.
The persons method was working fine before they changed it to non flush. Does that make sence?


Well-Known Member
Ok Before i Un-Sub i would like to say that I DO NOT FLUSH, but i'm not against flushing in any way. There were times when i was using synthetic nutrients and i used to flush twice. Once at 4 weeks and again at 7. i don't know shit about science but all i'm saying is the bud i grow now doesnt compare to the bud i grew then. Way better and i'm sure thats the organics but i have flushed since ive been organic and i see no noticeable difference in the smoke like i used too. so i just don't feel the need too. drying with the leaves still on made more of a difference for me.