Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
Oh dear no. I didn't call you a noob ... just folks who try to prove a negative. cn
Unless I'm missing something, proof by contradiction is valid.
Oh dear no. I didn't call you a noob ... just folks who try to prove a negative. cn
well not being one to generalise lol, what i fear is that folk will blindly believe something just because a particular group of scientist publish findings about a particular subject they may have been paid to undertake by folk with a vested intrest in a paticular set of results
i do not believe that all science is for the benefit of humankind or to propagate truth
some people like to appear to be right about something so they will read up on subjects and then quote from them, something like a parrot repeating the words of its owner, it is remarkable how many budding scientists i encounter on my internet travels
i remember global warming , now its called climate change, maybe it will have a new name in another decade .. we will have to wait for the clever scientists to work it all out for us
if you blindly have trust in god or the government licensed scientist of the day, i see little difference in this mindset
understanding science ? this is a very general statement to make, do you mean that you personally understand every single scientific notion or conception ever discovered ?
i would never dispute the existence of god, i have never understood the position of the atheist
since god is irrelevant to me, i am not looking to follow or worship anyone, god or scientist
good luck on your quest for truth*
Unless I'm missing something, proof by contradiction is valid.
Unless I'm missing something, proof by contradiction is valid.
Tesla - what a great man! JP Morgan also had a large stake in the transmission lines, with wireless AC, Morgan's wallet would've been considerably lighter. As soon as Tesla died, the feds raided his home & offices siezing all designs, plans, inventions etc... Needless to say the siezed documents & equipment were classified and moved into R&D for weaponary, energy and propulsion systems for military applications.
Telsa made a descision to forego most of the royalties & payments owned by westinghouse, due in part to the fact if westinghouse was forced to pay out Tesla he would go bankrupt and lose his business, i think was a big factor in why he died penniless.
Global warming is another ponzi scheme, an excuse to implement a global tax on carbon, in other words a tax on "life" as we are carbon based life forms. Follow the money and you'll see weather is traded as a derivative on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Geo-Engineering is the elephant in the room.
all of you sciencephobes should go write some peer-reviewed research papers disproving global warming and collect your millions of dollars from the koch brothers.
oh, wait. almost forgot that you're all just postulating absurd conspiracy theories on a pot website and lack any knowledge on the issue whatsoever.
i really shouldn't, none of these people are qualified to speak on the matter. i just got done with a long drive and this seemed an easy target to get my feet back in the water.
also, skunkdoc is a douche.
Concensus isn't science & people aint been on this planet long enough to confirm that changes in climate are caused by man. The koch brothers are scum but you'd be singing their praises if they endorsed your candidate in the oval office. With all the campaigning you do for him on a "Pot Website" surely you've let him push your shit in by now.
...foolish and incapable of recognizing reality when it is placed before us. A perfect example is how so many on the right were blindsided by an Obama win - they actually believed their own lies.
It is pretty simple really, despite your far fetched hyperbole. Satellite data began 30 years ago. Royal Navy data goes back 300 years. That is it. There is no more actual weather data, than that.
Now, however, there is Agenda based data, starting with CFC, then swoop to Methane, then settle on Carbon. This stuff, if you read it closely, is pure conjecture about a cause and effect, even in the ice core data, for example. But, the press is so spun up on the agenda, they will pass the most specious stuff as Evidence of Warming. Why do you think they changed it to Climate Change? To cover both bases in a Political sense, obviously.
So, here is the kicker. The Sat data does not support the Agenda conjectures. No model as yet, can be shown to produce a runaway greenhouse effect, that can run the real Sat data.
Run the real Sat data, in any current Cloud Effect model, you get closed loop, not open loop, no Greenhouse effect.
In other words, the clouds mitigate the atmospheric temp. long term. We swing back and forth between Ice Ages. I, for one, think the Urban Heat bubbles may be the only thing to save Mankind, long term.
That is if they are not destroyed by short sighted do-gooders, just because we happen to be at the height of the inter-Ice-Age period. It would not be prudent.
That trillions in infrastructure, is exactly what the Agenda wants to control. And they want their theory of the future to supplant the status quo.
Many of us feel the status quo is working just fine, is getting cleaner, more efficient, etc. It is REAL. It exists and can be improved. We worry that the baby will be thrown out with the bathwater, because the Agenda for "change" seems reckless.
Somehow the Agenda wants us to believe that throwing money into solar power research will create automatic gains. Like the folks with Cancer think some things are being withheld. Science doesn't work by just throwing money. Science doesn't work by voting on consensus.
ALERT: I will pay $1,000,000 virtual rollitup dollars, for anyone that can provide evidence of a Cloud Effect model with current Satellite data that will show an open loop greenhouse effect. Think of it like an X-prize. Or a DARPA challenge. That's how science works.
BTW, this reward will decrease by $100 every year, so get cracking.![]()
Wouldn't proof by contradiction disprove human climate change? The ice age came despite human intervention, it didn't require human intervention to make the Earth warmer. Climate changed before humans. You can't have humans cause and it happened without humans, then argue humans are causing it. That just makes you stupid.
Humans cause pollution, then after some time, if we stop, the air quality goes,up. So yes, humans have an impact on the environment, but not the doom and gloom Bill Gates spouts. His solution is population control, since humans are the elastic portion upon disposable and limited resource demand.
i like how the same guys who were wrong by 12-15 points on the outcome of the election are the same ones screaming loudest about how 99.83% of all peer reviewed scientific research papers on the subject are "just a hoax".
these people are really, really bad consumers of information and do delude themselves about reality. for what reason, i will never know. reality may not always be the most fun, but it is the truest.
Wouldn't proof by contradiction disprove human climate change? The ice age came despite human intervention, it didn't require human intervention to make the Earth warmer. Climate changed before humans. You can't have humans cause and it happened without humans, then argue humans are causing it. That just makes you stupid.
Humans cause pollution, then after some time, if we stop, the air quality goes,up. So yes, humans have an impact on the environment, but not the doom and gloom Bill Gates spouts. His solution is population control, since humans are the elastic portion upon disposable and limited resource demand.
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower *that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent," Bill Gates.
*CO2 levels reduce as we lower population.
The ice age came despite what human intervention? cn