Over 90% of worldwide scientists accept climate change, so why not Americans?


Well-Known Member
The scientific opinion on climate change is that the Earth's climate system is unequivocally warming, and it is more than 90% certain that humans are causing it through activities that increase concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels. This scientific consensus is expressed in synthesis reports, by scientific bodies of national or international standing, and by surveys of opinion among climate scientists. Individual scientists, universities, and laboratories contribute to the overall scientific opinion via their peer-reviewed publications, and the areas of collective agreement and relative certainty are summarized in these high level reports and surveys.

National and international science academies and scientific societies have assessed the current scientific opinion, in particular on recent global warming. These assessments have largely followed or endorsed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) position of January 2001 which states:

An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system... There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.

The main conclusions of the IPCC on global warming were the following:

The global average surface temperature has risen 0.6 ± 0.2 °C since the late 19th century, and 0.17 °C per decade in the last 30 years.

"There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities", in particular emissions of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane.

If greenhouse gas emissions continue the warming will also continue, with temperatures projected to increase by 1.4 °C to 5.8 °C between 1990 and 2100. Accompanying this temperature increase will be increases in some types of extreme weather and a projected sea level rise. On balance the impacts of global warming will be significantly negative, especially for larger values of warming.

No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion; the last was the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, which in 2007 updated its 1999 statement rejecting the likelihood of human influence on recent climate with its current non-committal position. Some other organizations, primarily those focusing on geology, also hold non-committal positions.


So what is the main (strongest) dissenting opinion in which less than 10% of international scientists agree on that's either causing climate change or won't contribute to erratic weather patterns? Can someone cite a source that doesn't originate from an energy corporation? Something scientifically credible? Are all the scientists in on an international conspiracy to fund green jobs and take jobs away from hard working Americans?
Alarming for sure, the winters are less and less along with the ice caps... The vientific community is working hard but as you said they may not have the pureest motives.. Maybe just trying to cash in on green technologies after all they won't make any money off the climate change and it certainly won't peak in their life times
^^ plus, main stream science is based on funding

The whole 'global warming' is part of a world-wide tax scam

Everything is cyclic. The fact is-- our entire universe is going through a warming cycle. Nothing to fear, except those selling fear.

IF they were all that concerned they could have switched away from coal + oil driven factories and vehicles over a hundred years ago. Read up on JP Morgan squashing Nicoli Tesla
Tesla was a great man... But no way they were going to make electricity free and wireless for everyone, think about it even the homeless and downtraut would have it, now we can't have that, society would excell and no one would make money off it... Smh
I dont think Americans dont believe in Climate Change. I think most believe there isnt much we can do about it.
So we adjust and continue.
The objections of tens of thousands of scientists goes ignored as the global warming hoax is being used to squander $45 trillion from the masses.

If you have any doubt about the global warming hoax or somehow have been deceived by the corporate media into believing that the verdict is out on climate change the open letter below should clear up the subject.
While you may not buy into the premise of massive global conspiracies, just like the LIBOR rigging scandal, this one is real and the hoax has been repeatedly disproved.

In fact, the letter I show below is prominently linked to on the home page of the Western Australian Skeptics Association and if your not familiar with the skeptics movement it consists of debunkers, in many case doing so for academic notoriety or to get rewards or scholarships of up to $100,000 and higher, that run sites like this and this go around debunking and making fun of conspiracies theories and ‘troll’ discussion forums like GodLikeProductions and /r/conspiracy on forums like /r/conspiratardcausing drama like this.

Point being, is this isn’t some crackpot conspiracy that can’t be substantiated and instead is accepted by critical thinkers who are skeptical of anything that isn’t supported by facts and scientific data to back it up and even they accept it.

So here’s the highlights for those who don’t like long reads:

LIE: Media outlets repeatedly parroted statements politicians’ statements from governments worldwide claiming 4,000 IPCC scientists appointed from nearly every government on the globe had agreed that human’s were influencing climate change.

TRUTH: 80% of IPCC members weren’t even scientists. Those that were received their funding from governments who wanted certain findings. Reports from IPCC scientists who submitted results contrary to the expect outcome did not have their work accepted. Of that only Fifty-three authors and five reviewers are all that can be said to explicitly support the claim of a significant human influence on climate and even those people made their claim of support based on research of other IPCC scientists which had been altered and manipulated.

LIE: The mainstream scientific consensus, including that of the 4,000 IPCC scientist had agreed. “The evidence was in the global warming debate was over and it has been confirmed to be due to the man-made causes”

Truth: The views of those few author and viewers is disputed by Tens of Thousands of reputable mainstream scientists who turned activist in objection to the IPCC’s junk science only to be entirely disregarded.
The article goes into much more detail, like the purposeful omission of temperatures doing he medieval period which showed global temperatures much higher than they are now, how corporate media news outlets pressured reporters not write anything that was was critical of the consensus of the scientific community, how global ocean temperatures were excluded even thought they showed cooling, how a clique of scientists prevented anything contrary to ‘concensus’ from achieving peer-reviewed status, how satellite data was ignored and much more.
It also delves into who suffers – the global consumers who are being squandered for $45,000,000,000,000 dollars – and who benefits – the carbon traders who are becoming billionaires of the hoax that is destroying economies around the globe.

p.s....................................."UK Met Office: Global Warming Stopped over 16 Years Ago"..................just my 2p/2c worth :) Delvite

Everything is cyclic. The fact is-- our entire universe is going through a warming cycle. Nothing to fear, except those selling fear.

The people that believe the universe is heating up are the same people that believe earth is the center of the universe. The universe is cooling due to expansion, not warming.


IF they were all that concerned they could have switched away from coal + oil driven factories and vehicles over a hundred years ago. Read up on JP Morgan squashing Nicoli Tesla

It was Nicola Tesla, not Nicoli. JP Morgan cut funding for Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower (Tesla's invention for wireless electricity) due to the fact that there was no way to meter wireless electricity usage and financially it was a losing proposition. I really doubt they were concerned or ever heard of global warming in 1900.
Tesla was a great man... But no way they were going to make electricity free and wireless for everyone, think about it even the homeless and downtraut would have it, now we can't have that, society would excell and no one would make money off it... Smh

I think he got heavy metal poisoning from playing with new materials for electric motors. He was kissing pigeons(The real BirdMan) and ocd clean freak at the end of his life. He never left his apartment out of fear, schizophrenia?
I think he got heavy metal poisoning from playing with new materials for electric motors. He was kissing pigeons(The real BirdMan) and ocd clean freak at the end of his life. He never left his apartment out of fear, schizophrenia?

How do you know it was out of fear? I always figured it was depression from being penniless and not getting the recognition he deserved due to Edison taking credit for his work and his failure in the Wardenclyffe Tower.
Because science is not based on popular opinion.

i think science is based on whomever is paying for the science, follow the $£$
new discoveries that contradict what is known to be true* are hidden as exposing them would not be profitable
because 90% of americans think they can live the large life and nothing will ever happen to them. that their country will be there to back them up. they dont understand that you cant just fix the problem its done over time. dont worry they will build bubbles around their cities because of it and the rest of us outside will be the ones with a better solution and living allot healthier lives with allot less cost.
Because science is not based on popular opinion.

Well said. Popular opinion states Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loafs and 2 fish.

I also agree with it being a scam. For me, just a couple would be that it allows the gas and electricity providers to whack a nice chunk of money on every bill for green initiatives, it allows the government to up my road tax based on my cars emissions.
Well said. Popular opinion states Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loafs and 2 fish.

I also agree with it being a scam. For me, just a couple would be that it allows the gas and electricity providers to whack a nice chunk of money on every bill for green initiatives, it allows the government to up my road tax based on my cars emissions.

..........................................jesus :)

i think science is based on whomever is paying for the science, follow the $£$
new discoveries that contradict what is known to be true* are hidden as exposing them would not be profitable

People who do not understand science at all often say that as their fall back. Especially creationists looking to explain the 150 year scientific "conspiracy" of evolution. It makes no sense at all. If I am a young scientist and I come up with hard, indisputable data contradicting a popular scientific theory I would be rich. For example, if I found evidence tomorrow evolution is wrong, I would probably win the Nobel Prize, every university would want to pay me a lot of money to come lecture, talk shows would want me on, etc. There is no profit behind it at all. The profit is charging people "energy taxes" to offset their carbon footprint.
Climate change what do you mean? Is the climate "changing"?Maybe.We humans have not been around long enough to determine such a prediction.Do you mean humans have caused climate change?If so I say bullshit.We haven't been here long enough to determine that....we are a blink of an eye in terms of time here.....There are no records other than a few hundred years to determine such a notion.What percentage of Scientists who believe man made climate change?Bet its a lot lower....If the earth is several billions old then how can we determine this supposed fact since we been here thousands....should we be careful and try to be clean?....yes.Should we create a new problem that is impossible to prove...no.We are all just a simulation anyway so our creator prob. could care less.



because 90% of americans think they can live the large life and nothing will ever happen to them. that their country will be there to back them up. they dont understand that you cant just fix the problem its done over time. dont worry they will build bubbles around their cities because of it and the rest of us outside will be the ones with a better solution and living allot healthier lives with allot less cost.

Because 90% of American's know that when there is a screw-job afoot from the UN it is us who gets the screwing.

The Urban Heat bubbles might be a good thing to keep carbon rich, to save the planet.