Good info Supra, I agree a home RO system is the way to go for so many reasons. Also Kalyx good call with the water temps - dont want to shock your ladies with 40 degree water!!! I use my 8 gallon homebrew kettle - just fill it up with 5 gallons and put it on my outdoor burner on full blast and the water will go from 40 degrees to 65 in a minute. I'm too impatient for a kettle
Just set up a vermicomposting system today - who else has worms and what do yall feed em? I know certain foods produce higher quality castings, so I'm looking to find the perfect diet for my worms in order to produce the best castings for growing medicine. I'm going to purchase the Revs book, hoping he mentions something in there cause I know he keeps worms...
Happy solstice to all

let the new cycle begin
Hey man I have had a worm bin for over a year now and I feed them a mix of different fruit and veggie scraps, with the occasional dried and crushed egg shell. I used to soak plain brown cardboard and shred it up as my bedding, but I just recently switched to coco and perlite at a 3:1 ratio and the worms seem very fond of them. I have heard that vine fruits, such as melons and their rinds, are supposed to be especially rich for composting. I like to use lot's of banana peels, too, for the K. I also have a juicer, and the juicing scraps are great for composting because they are so shredded that it is much easier for the worms and microbes to begin to digest them. It helps the composting go by nice and quick.
Also, in TLO the Rev goes over his special worm bin additions. He says that these measurements go in with about 2 gallons of moist kitchen scraps, and that he does not use all of the additions all of the time, just here and there. You can also add all of your trimmings and stems that you don't use for making hash. I prefer adding the plant matter to the recycling soil with the roots though. Here is what the Rev recommends adding to your worm bin from time to time, straight from the book.
4 cups of perlite
1-2 cups of rinsed coco coir
1 tablespoon of greensand
2 tablespoons of crused or ground oyster shell
1 tablespoon of granular rock phosphate
1/4 cup of all organic alfalfa pellets
2 tablespoons of kelp
2 tablespoons of humic acid ore shale
plenty of dried cannabis leaves and roots
2 cups of shredded junk mail
Good luck with your new slimy friends.