Best drug combo???


Well-Known Member
Mind me asking what illness?schizo?
Doctors actually prescribe MJ for Insomnia+Bi-polar(which are also mental illnesses)


Well-Known Member
Troll haha>excuse me if I believe a doctor more than you...or the internet for that matter
I'm done argueing with a close minded person
I've been here longer than you son read my join date
dont think so newuserlol is just another profile i use


Well-Known Member
If the illness was already present then it wasn't the weed that gave it to him.
No one puts a pipe to anyones mouth and forces them to smoke


Well-Known Member
So your saying you troll so much you need 2 accounts?
i dont usaully post out the uk thread but had both account a good while, if i was such a troll wouldnt the old account be banned at least, u try talking like you no what you are saying when u dont.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say anything that wasn't told to me by a neurologist
Keep mixing drugs like that and marijuana will be the least of your worries
By the way you talk about all those drugs I'm sure they didn't ONLY use mary jane


Well-Known Member

Yes it can cause mental illness and it can precipitate mental illness. It can inhibit social growth and adaptation in young adults, it can cause emotional difficulties in adults as well. Pot cannot kill you through overdose. It has beneficial effects, perhaps even more than we now know but that doesn't make it a wonderful, harmless elixor that can never do any harm and is good for all men, women and children.

That is another problem with pot - it tends to make it's users believe that the pot is something that can't possibly do anything but bestow magic and flowers upon any who use it.


Well-Known Member
ok dont post again troll i will beleive what i no and have tried i only refered to google to show u uk medical reports that weed has been linked with mental illness, bye bye troll now remember and be a good troll u said '' Im done with it''


bud bootlegger
lsd and mdma, aka, candy flipping is a very lovely combo ime..
mdma and k, aka, kitty flipping is another personal fave of mine..

heroin and more heroin was a very personal fave of mine as well.. :D seriously though, dope and benzo's make a great combo as well.. :D


Well-Known Member
there are 60-70 cases of "marijuana poisoning" a year, one was just reported last week at CU. The bimbo said she "thought she was going to die", she was blonde if that would explain anything more.


Well-Known Member
lsd and mdma, aka, candy flipping is a very lovely combo ime..
mdma and k, aka, kitty flipping is another personal fave of mine..

heroin and more heroin was a very personal fave of mine as well.. :D seriously though, dope and benzo's make a great combo as well.. :D
close but not quite, a love flip is much more intense, mesc and mdma.


bud bootlegger
close but not quite, a love flip is much more intense, mesc and mdma.
never did much mesc so i don't have that experience.. once got my hands on four peyote buttons, but they were so beat, idk what was wrong with them, but none of us got off till we bought a few bags of dope.. that did nothing for the peyote though.. :(
i was so sad as what are the chances of my getting four buttons ever again... also, probably the nastiest tasting thing i've ever eaten..


Well-Known Member
lsd and mdma, aka, candy flipping is a very lovely combo ime..
mdma and k, aka, kitty flipping is another personal fave of mine..

heroin and more heroin was a very personal fave of mine as well.. :D seriously though, dope and benzo's make a great combo as well.. :D
how did i forget k and mdma never heard it called kitty flipping but 1000s miles apart n lingo will be different, lovely buzz tho ur right.


Well-Known Member
never did much mesc so i don't have that experience.. once got my hands on four peyote buttons, but they were so beat, idk what was wrong with them, but none of us got off till we bought a few bags of dope.. that did nothing for the peyote though.. :(
i was so sad as what are the chances of my getting four buttons ever again... also, probably the nastiest tasting thing i've ever eaten..
me either, the main reason being I can find it like once or twice in a decade :/


Well-Known Member

Yes it can cause mental illness and it can precipitate mental illness. It can inhibit social growth and adaptation in young adults, it can cause emotional difficulties in adults as well. Pot cannot kill you through overdose. It has beneficial effects, perhaps even more than we now know but that doesn't make it a wonderful, harmless elixor that can never do any harm and is good for all men, women and children.

That is another problem with pot - it tends to make it's users believe that the pot is something that can't possibly do anything but bestow magic and flowers upon any who use it.
If you abuse a drug > they will all have bad effects
I know around 10 people who have used MJ daily for over 30 years with no illnesses
Another 37 people who have smoked for over 10 years and they have no illness
Do you believe everyone who uses MJ WILL get mental illnesses?Ignorence
Think those pills and crack/cocaine wont give you mental illnesses?Ignorence

I don't even smoke weed! So the last bit doesn't apply to me since I'm just a caregiver.
I tend to side with Doctors that you see in person.
Everyone is different and If everyone gets mental illnesses from weed then there would be many more people with them.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO maybe you didn't think I would check the site
IT SAYS MAY proof whatsoever on that site
Besides I already said schizo shouldn't smoke weed.


Well-Known Member
+ use @ a young age would cause mental illness anyways because their minds havent developed yet
I thought that was OBVIOUS