Is there anything that would have stopped Adam Lanza from the massacre?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I understand your frustration, guys. I share it.

Seriously, though, some new laws are going to be proposed as a response to the Sandy Hook massacre and I am curious to know what others here think would be effective. I am cynical so I think it is going to be a bunch of completely ineffective proposals that will only serve to oppress law abiding citizens, which is almost everybody.


Well-Known Member
I dont know but we gotta get rid of these Gun free Zones, theyre dangerous .

At the very least People with guns (Police, Armed Security) should be required to protect the people in them.


Well-Known Member
I dont know but we gotta get rid of these Gun free Zones, theyre dangerous .

At the very least People with guns (Police, Armed Security) should be required to protect the people in them.
You would think, but the supreme court already ruled that police have absolutely zero responsibility to protect anyone.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I think nothing would have stopped Adam Lanza. Maybe Abandon's suggestion that he be force fed cannabis would have helped, but I doubt it.

The simple reality is, crazy people are going to do crazy things and there is nothing society can do to prevent it. An "assault Weapons ban" would have made no difference whatever.

Lanza was an asperger sufferer, but that was not enough to commit him to a mental institution. Most Aspergers are fine in society and just a bit odd. If anybody had tried to commit him to a mental institution there would have been howls of outrage.

The ONLY thing I can see that would have lessened the carnage at Sandy Hook is if Lanza had met armed resistance.


Well-Known Member
I think nothing would have stopped Adam Lanza. Maybe Abandon's suggestion that he be force fed cannabis would have helped, but I doubt it.

The simple reality is, crazy people are going to do crazy things and there is nothing society can do to prevent it. An "assault Weapons ban" would have made no difference whatever.

Lanza was an asperger sufferer, but that was not enough to commit him to a mental institution. Most Aspergers are fine in society and just a bit odd. If anybody had tried to commit him to a mental institution there would have been howls of outrage.

The ONLY thing I can see that would have lessened the carnage at Sandy Hook is if Lanza had met armed resistance.
Yeah, we should post guards everywhere, armed guards in schools, theaters, grocery stores, apartment complexes, gas stations, imo, we should have one armed guard for every citizen and an armed guard for the armed guard too, just in case.

match box

Well-Known Member
Do you think he would have done this with a knife? I think if he didn't have the guns it would not have happened. Now how to keep guns away from the nuts and let the rest of the people have them? match


Well-Known Member
Maybe they should put more signs up, with bigger letters or something.

I've said it for years.....arm the teachers. I dont know if open carry would be ideal though, just because you know someone is gonna get lazy with it eventually and the firearm will get stolen, etc. But it's wouldnt be near the rate that the psychos are killing today.

But if the dude walks into the classroom ready to fire, alot of good a gun in a safe under the teachers desk is gonna do at that point.

Is it possible that people just need to tighten up their panties, swallow real hard and realize that, as great as it can be, that living in a free society can also be dangerous at times?


Well-Known Member
Do you think he would have done this with a knife? I think if he didn't have the guns it would not have happened. Now how to keep guns away from the nuts and let the rest of the people have them? match
That's the real problem isn't it? Most of the potential mass murderers are walking around among us and are undiagnosed. I'd be willing to bet that most aren't under any kind of doctor's care.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Yeah, we should post guards everywhere, armed guards in schools, theaters, grocery stores, apartment complexes, gas stations, imo, we should have one armed guard for every citizen and an armed guard for the armed guard too, just in case.
I am not suggesting armed guards everywhere, but you know that. Do you have any real suggestions, or have you given this no thought?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Maybe they should put more signs up, with bigger letters or something.

I've said it for years.....arm the teachers. I dont know if open carry would be ideal though, just because you know someone is gonna get lazy with it eventually and the firearm will get stolen, etc. But it's wouldnt be near the rate that the psychos are killing today.

But if the dude walks into the classroom ready to fire, alot of good a gun in a safe under the teachers desk is gonna do at that point.

Is it possible that people just need to tighten up their panties, swallow real hard and realize that, as great as it can be, that living in a free society can also be dangerous at times?
I think this is the bottom-line reality. Shit like this going to happen. The absolute best society can do is to lessen the carnage a bit, and the ONLY way I can see that happening is for the crazies to meet armed resistance from armed, sane, citizens.

Gun free zones do not work. That is obvious.


Well-Known Member
I am not suggesting armed guards everywhere, but you know that. Do you have any real suggestions, or have you given this no thought?
The problem isn't gun laws imo. It is the social construct that has people clamoring. We're like crabs in a bucket and in order to get out of the bucket we have to grasp at one another to climb out, pulling each other down. When you tire of the rat race and just don't want your life to be a competition anymore, you have one option, suicide. Some people are so enraged that they take others with them. I can't think of any other reason why someone would hate their society so much on such a deeply seeded level that they would seek to lash out so hatefully at the most sensitive weak spot we have. This guy literally said FUCK THE WORLD!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The problem isn't gun laws imo. It is the social construct that has people clamoring. We're like crabs in a bucket and in order to get out of the bucket we have to grasp at one another to climb out, pulling each other down. When you tire of the rat race and just don't want your life to be a competition anymore, you have one option, suicide. Some people are so enraged that they take others with them. I can't think of any other reason why someone would hate their society so much on such a deeply seeded level that they would seek to lash out so hatefully at the most sensitive weak spot we have. This guy literally said FUCK THE WORLD!
Yeah, but the one thread that runs through all of these shootings is insanity. Maybe the most effective solution to the problem of massacres is incarceration of crazy people? How do you implement something like that in a "free" society? Even that won't completely solve the problem though.


Active Member
Do you think he would have done this with a knife? I think if he didn't have the guns it would not have happened. Now how to keep guns away from the nuts and let the rest of the people have them? match

you think he would care that the gun was illegal?


Active Member
how about school security?

or if he had been killed at birth?

or if he had been in prison?

or if he had been paralyzed?

there are a lot of things that would have stopped him, and making guns illegal would have absolutely no effect on someone who doesn't mind breaking the law.