2nd LED Party Cup Competition Official Update Thread


Well-Known Member
Here is a lineup of freebies Attitude gave me:

1. CH9 seeds vintage 2006 FEM
2. Positronic Seeds Cum Laude FEM
3. Positronics Seeds Jack Diesel FEM
4. CH9 Female Seeds Yumboldt x Vintage 2006 FEM
5. Cali Connection Boss Hogg x2 REG
6. TH Seeds Critical HOG ?
7. Delta 9 Labs Sativa House Mix x5 REG
8. Dinafem Seeds White Widow AUTO
9. G13 Labs Gigabud FEM
10. Royal Queen Seeds Critical x3 FEM

Holy shit, I was not expecting to see that many freebies, and also that good of a selection. I will buy from them every year at this same time, can't beat that deal. What are all of your votes on what I should germ for this event????


Well-Known Member
green bars:

beefbisquit has a reputation beyond repute, Endur0xX has a brilliant future and FranJan is just really nice.

haha ... that's what it says when I roll over the green bars :eyesmoke:
Nice? Fuck that "Nice" shit. I'm gonna go rob me a liquor store and then kick some orphans down some stairs. I'll show all you muthafuc........, Oh shit I can't today. Told my Grandma I'd paint her group home and then help feed the homeless. But as soon as I have some time to be bad you'll see!!!!!!

Puff's says "has a splendid one to behold". Jesus, he grows big beautiful buds and has a 12 inch cock. I'm really starting to hate this guy! ;)


Well-Known Member
Gotta say go with RQ Critical, since they gave you 3 of those and they're femmed.
Yeah FranJan, that does sound good, although I really want to keep at least one of them considering it was a cannabis cup winner. Maybe I will just germ 2 of them and keep the other for when I have room to add it into my lineup of awesome strains, amongst my favorites are BLZ and Tutankhamon. Now I just have to hope Attitude gets me the order before it is too late, otherwise I will be using some other freebies I had lying around (x3 Delicious seeds N/L Blue), not sure whether they are FEM or REG though.


Well-Known Member

currently under the HSS, they they will most likely be grown under fero/area51/diamond/kessil/blackstar ... basically anything but the HSS :eyesmoke:

You can see all the details on my cups. I planted 4 seeds today and I think I will only enter those 4 cups for now, so I am crossing my fingers for 1 female ... or at least one seedling! still waiting on one Agent Orange to germ.

As you can see I am re-using my 16 oz cups and one of them is actually from the first competition! I hope you like kale, it's good for you.


WAAAA Good luck everyone :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Competition is just kicking off and I'm already dropping the ball. LOL

Soaked some uk cheese X blues beans... then forgot about them for two days

Put them to paper towel, let them sprout for a day or two. I uncovered to check on them seen they where good to go and put them back until the kids went to bed so I could plant them... needless to say I forgot about them again until the paper towel was bone dry.

Only one actually looked salvageable the rest had the shriveled taproots. I planted the best looking one's just incase :(
I was high and forgot what i cracked and mislabeled cups. I'll fix next time i'm in the tv.

16oz solo cups
roots organics soil
epsome salt
Assuming any of these sprout nutes will be roots organics line up.
Lighting= haight ppf-800 and blackstar 240 for flower.


Well-Known Member
I see I wasn't the only one who thought the HSS would be good. Why are they so bad?
They use 5W LED's and don't produce much heat. Just don't put out the PAR as other lights do.
I wonder if there is a design flaw somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Guess I'm out... =(
Postal service gets a lot of backlog on these times (end of the year celebrations) so all my stuff is still on its way here. I don't think I'll be able to build the boxes in time, since I also have to travel to visit my parents during xmas and new year's...
Once again, I hope I learn a lot from watching. But I really wanted to join in :/
Damn! :(
Sorry to hear that. I'll leave your name in until Jan. 5 just in case. thanks for the heads up though. hope you stick around to watch how things turn out.


Well-Known Member
a mini recap:

sgt john

have all started germing and given their first updates. Sounds and looks good so far. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Seeds from Attitude have made it across the border into the US and are in route to me in RI. I will have an official germ update soon, and I will keep my fingers crossed that my mail doesn't get lost with all the Christmas deliveries(happened to me before).


Excellent competition! I would love to join but my LED skills have yet to develop! LOL

I will keep a close eye on all the progress!


Well-Known Member
^^^What better way to develops one's LED skills than to grow a plant in a cup? :) The only real skills one needs is to find the registration thread and put your name in, put seed in a cup full o' dirt and water occasionally. C'mon, lots of RIUers would love to see what your panel can do in any capacity and it's not about the competition, it's about the spectacle :-P

Sorry gang didn't make it home in time for any pics, but they'll be posted with my update tomorrow morning. Hail, Hail Caesar!


Well-Known Member
Hey gang, it's update time

So I'm off to a somewhat rocky start here. Been having some difficulties with half my seeds. While #1 and #2 popped out on 12/10 and 12/11 respectfully #3 popped on 12/11, but the next day it was dead. Just never straightened up, looked like a little shepherd's crook. Sad :sad:.

#4's fate is still up in the air. After looking good yesterday, today it's looking more 50/50. The story is this, after not seeing any sign of the seed I panicked and ended up digging it up on the 13th. I found it with this little tiny root tip sticking out of it. So I placed it back in the cup, Root Down, and the little fucker started rooting into the mix practically before my eyes. Started growing straight up soon after, but it was obvious later on that it was having trouble shedding it's shell, so I gently popped it off using the tip of a wooden skewer. That went fine and I just let it be.Then this morning I noticed that the cotyledons didn't pop open. So after letting it sit under the light for an hour and misting it a bit with H20, I said fuckit and played with the top of the seedling and they popped open. The cotyledons were still green so I'm hoping that by tomorrow it comes around.

Usually I don't fuck with seeds. My thinking is if they can't get out of their shell I don't want to know them, but between what I have heard about the problems germming Critical Mass, the fact that I'm using regular seeds, and that we only get so many beans to germ, is reason enough for me to be a little more proactive. So far 1 and 2 are doing well, though it took me a little while to get the height of the 20 watt 12000K SMD right, so they're a little stretched but they're doing OK and have already been fed a mixture of AZOS, Super Plant Tonic, Mykos, worm juice, a hint of Grow It Green, and aerated water on the 12th. I put some holes all over the cup and they seem to be drying faster, which is what I want. I'll probably be feeding them another dose this afternoon and probably should give some Plant Tonic to #4 later.

So that's the ballgame so far. Probably be moving them to their second home somewhere in this jungle this week and they're going to be introduced to Cal Carb and some some light Foliar Harmony soon too. Gotta tell ya that my flowering tent is like being in the last Star Trek movie. It's so effin bright, there's all these lens flares all over the place and.........hey wait a second. Someone get PSU! I think,... OMG P is that a ***** *****?

TBC :o

Hey Puff, if my plants turn out all male by the 5th, (IDK, I never did 12/12 :?), can I plant more seeds? I figured since I only popped 4, I could do at least one more. Right?



Well-Known Member
^^^WTF is up with this picture system? Sorry about the quality but I just can't get the system not to resize them or something. They look good when I'm done editing/uploading them. Then I post them here and they're shit? Sorry gang, I'll work on it.

Update: Well I found a way to post the pictures instead of using RIU. Gonna have to stop by Support and see why I can only post highly compressed pix here. I really don't think because it's the amount of pictures I have posted or even the space used since they're only taking up about 23 megs, but who knows? Anyway this way may work out well actually, or the DEA will be coming through my door in 3.2.1.....

sgt john

Well-Known Member
Update #2

All is going well..
I'm lowering the light a little at a time, I.m not sure how close I can get with the Kessil, but I will soon.



Well-Known Member
Count me in, I got a Lemon Kush planted in a party cup last night, will post pics when it's germed.