Well-Known Member
i hate internet writing. i sit here all day because i love to laugh. i'm not laughing at 40 but with him. i know he's laughing. but i have a headache fighting to come out. then the wife is next to me chatting away. then trenton pops up at my back door. others may read this thread and think i'm getting bent. i guess slamming huge pics up "in your face" doesn't help my defense but i'm really am having fun with all this. i don't like to argue but a good debate is healthy. peace all.
I tried to rep you for it,,,says I gotta spread it,,,take a big bone hit,,and shut off the pc for 30 minutes,,,check over your plants,,check out yur wife,,and be back on with updates ,,within the NEXT hour,,k,,Dr.HoLE says so

Keep on Growin