Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


Well-Known Member
its really not an "offensive" to charge into a semi-autonomous occupied territory (occupied by your forces) to bust up some weapon emplacements which are launching artillery rockets at your neighborhoods and schools and hospitals.

no more than it's "offensive" to punch out the guy who's trying to steal your girlfriend's purse.

or to shoot back at the guy who's popping off rounds at your house.

see where im going here?
It still is an offensive, imo. Defense depends on protecting ones own territory from intruders. Palestine isn't 'intruding' Israeli land, are they?


Well-Known Member
It still is an offensive, imo. Defense depends on protecting ones own territory from intruders. Palestine isn't 'intruding' Israeli land, are they?
Actually no, Israel is occupying Palestine. That is what the Zionist movement has been about all along. In fact, since the nonsecular state of Israel was established in 1948 (it was someone else's land then and it was called Palestine) it has continually expanded it's settlements. The original inhabitants, Palestinians, have been cordoned and isolated into two shrinking areas. The conditions in these areas are among the worst in the world as far as quality of life goes and the people living in them are extremely restricted. Aparthied is a good description for the lives of Palestinians in their ghettos.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It still is an offensive, imo. Defense depends on protecting ones own territory from intruders. Palestine isn't 'intruding' Israeli land, are they?
if you drive by my house at 2 am and start shootin up my joint with an AK thats an offensive.
if i shoot back, thats Defense.
if i dash out my door when youre trying to reload and brain you with a baseball bat, thats STILL defensive.

if you set up a snipers nest on the hill out back and pop off a few rounds every time i go out to tend my garden Thats an offensive
if i creep around behind you in your sniper's nest and pop you with my sig sauer, thats a defensive play.

if the pallies stop the ruckus, and stop launching rockets and planting bombs (which are NEVER in short supply despite the amazingly ineffective "apartheid") then israel will lose their support in america quicker than shit if they get up to mischief.
thats a fact.

americans root for the underdog, and tiny israel surrounded by moslems looks like an underdog from where im sitting. if israel starts shit against the ghandi like pallies who are just minding their own shit, israel suddenly becomes the cockbag,, and palestine wins.
thats a fact.

if the pallies wanted to end the violence they know how to do it. but they dont.
thats a fact.

if israel adopts a ghandi-like position, the violence wont stop,, it will just become even more one-sided than it is now.
thats a fact.


Well-Known Member
So those new settlements that israel "approved" in Palestinian territory are for settlers to build homes. Since it is Palestinian territory they are stealing, the Palestinians will only be defending themselves if they fire rockets.


the Arabs need no reason for war other than the Qu' it.
What a dumb ass ignorant reply

you clearly havent read the Quran? or your just dumb?? I suppose the Crusades never happened?? and did it have anything to do with the teachings of Jesus?? No it did not!

I suppose Israeal is inocent in all this Lmfao

Do sum research and find out where these fake Jew Zionist came from and took over Arab land

wake up and stop being ognorant!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So those new settlements that israel "approved" in Palestinian territory are for settlers to build homes. Since it is Palestinian territory they are stealing, the Palestinians will only be defending themselves if they fire rockets.
settlements are a dumbass idea, every time the pallies start an intifada israel responds with a childish round of settlement building.

on the upside, if/when the israelis are ever forced to recognize the west bank region as "palestine" the jews living there will flee like rats when the palestinian authority takes over and they face the prospect of being jewish minority subjects of an independant palestinian state.

thus the settlements will become nothing more than free houses and infrastructure for the palestinians.

conversely if the palestinians ever recognize israel as a nation they will have to surrender their fantasy of reclaiming all of the british mandate as a palestinian state, and they will have to stop fucking around with artillery rockets and retard-bombs.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Why would they do that? It isn't a nation, it's an occupation of their land.
and who did the palestinians take that land from when they were part of the caliphate, and the moslems ejected most of the original inhabitants from palestine?

who did the persian empire take the land from before the caliphate was born?

what was it called before the romans changed it's name to palsetine?

who did the romans conquer to gain naming power over the territory?

who did the balylonians and assyrians conquer to take possession of the territory?

who conquered the philistines to take the land in a time so remote that there are no reliable historical records of the philistines getting conquered?

for a while there, India didnt exist. but when the indians took their land back from the british it became a nation again despite it's long absence from the encyclopedias maps and atlases of the world.

for a while france didnt exist either...

for a while spain didnt exist...

for a long ass time macedonia didnt exist

if the jews can hold the land, they win.

if the pallies win, then it will be palestine,

so far the jews have shown remarkable restraint in dealing with the palestinians, much more than was shown to other belligerent minority groups in the region by the majorities. if the israelis were to embrace the regional tradition for dealing with obsteprous minority groups THEN you could legitimately cry genocide. so far the most you can say is "conflict, childish non-diplomacy on both sides, and an overall failure of negotiations resulting in simmering violence and frequent clashes".


Well-Known Member
and who did the palestinians take that land from when they were part of the caliphate, and the moslems ejected most of the original inhabitants from palestine?

who did the persian empire take the land from before the caliphate was born?

what was it called before the romans changed it's name to palsetine?

who did the romans conquer to gain naming power over the territory?

who did the balylonians and assyrians conquer to take possession of the territory?

who conquered the philistines to take the land in a time so remote that there are no reliable historical records of the philistines getting conquered?

for a while there, India didnt exist. but when the indians took their land back from the british it became a nation again despite it's long absence from the encyclopedias maps and atlases of the world.

for a while france didnt exist either...

for a while spain didnt exist...

for a long ass time macedonia didnt exist

if the jews can hold the land, they win.

if the pallies win, then it will be palestine,

so far the jews have shown remarkable restraint in dealing with the palestinians, much more than was shown to other belligerent minority groups in the region by the majorities. if the israelis were to embrace the regional tradition for dealing with obsteprous minority groups THEN you could legitimately cry genocide. so far the most you can say is "conflict, childish non-diplomacy on both sides, and an overall failure of negotiations resulting in simmering violence and frequent clashes".


and who did the palestinians take that land from when they were part of the caliphate, and the moslems ejected most of the original inhabitants from palestine?

who did the persian empire take the land from before the caliphate was born?

what was it called before the romans changed it's name to palsetine?

who did the romans conquer to gain naming power over the territory?

who did the balylonians and assyrians conquer to take possession of the territory?

who conquered the philistines to take the land in a time so remote that there are no reliable historical records of the philistines getting conquered?

for a while there, India didnt exist. but when the indians took their land back from the british it became a nation again despite it's long absence from the encyclopedias maps and atlases of the world.

for a while france didnt exist either...

for a while spain didnt exist...

for a long ass time macedonia didnt exist

if the jews can hold the land, they win.

if the pallies win, then it will be palestine,

so far the jews have shown remarkable restraint in dealing with the palestinians, much more than was shown to other belligerent minority groups in the region by the majorities. if the israelis were to embrace the regional tradition for dealing with obsteprous minority groups THEN you could legitimately cry genocide. so far the most you can say is "conflict, childish non-diplomacy on both sides, and an overall failure of negotiations resulting in simmering violence and frequent clashes".

Jews have shown restraint?? what world you live in?? Never never land??

first of all they are not Jews! they are Zionist and they have no origin to the land!

Palestinians origins are the Caananites and they have always been from around that region but the fakes Jewish zionist originate from Eurupe & Russia and have absolutly no origin to Jerusalem(FACT)

Why do people back up lies for?? wake the fuck up morons and stop supporting evil zionist tate of israhell, not even real jews support the state of israel so who the fuck do you guys think you are???

Is thi about poewer??

fuck the power!

This is about Peace and aslong as these zionist remain in Israel there will never be peace

Aslong as thye have sympathy from Zionist supporters! we have no peace

Aslong as hte media keep on lying about the bullshit terrorism by muslims we will have peace

When we stop invading and bullying other countries,, we will have peace

I love America and i have friendss and fam there but who the fuck does the USA think they are?? they call Saddam a dictator?? so what the fuck is the USA??? they are biggest dictators on this planet and the biggest bullies and they dont give a fuck about nobody including the people who live in there country...

Face the facts,,we are all sheeps and money runs the world and if you got money then your sumone but if you havent then your nobody..

fuck ther world,fuck money and fuck zionism............



New Member
Remove the camera's and reporters from the area. Let the fuckers kill themselves, with no reporting going on the issue would be solved one way or another in no time flat. This bullshit has been going on since the usa starting putting their nose where it doesn't belong, cuddling up to Iseral for only one reason CAPITAL GAIN.

A few misplaced nukes in the general area would not hurt my feelings any, they got nothing we need anymore..abandom them and let them take care of themselves, we have enough issues in north america to worry about. Stop the hand outs and let them at each other.

I am sick and tired of crap and they get no sympathy from me, its worse than two little kids whining and bitching about nothing.

There are no innocent bystanders, greed and stupidity runs through their whole society, add in the Koran and you now have nothing but terroists, young and old.

The world would be better off if they solved their own issues and reporting only eggs them on.


Active Member
what would happen if Israel stopped attacking Palestine?

what would happen in Palestine stopped attacking Israel?

Personally i feel the people of that area have been infected by a disease, metaphorically speaking, and it is not something that can be cured, not in the current generation at least. How can you make peace with someone who is willing to give their life and that of there families to see you dead? The best we can hope for is to minimize the collateral damage until the populations can decide for themselves that it is time to pull their collective head out of the, literal, sand and join the majority of the world in civilized reasoning.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Jews have shown restraint?? what world you live in?? Never never land??

first of all they are not Jews! they are Zionist and they have no origin to the land!

Palestinians origins are the Caananites and they have always been from around that region but the fakes Jewish zionist originate from Eurupe & Russia and have absolutly no origin to Jerusalem(FACT)

Why do people back up lies for?? wake the fuck up morons and stop supporting evil zionist tate of israhell, not even real jews support the state of israel so who the fuck do you guys think you are???

Is thi about poewer??

fuck the power!

This is about Peace and aslong as these zionist remain in Israel there will never be peace

Aslong as thye have sympathy from Zionist supporters! we have no peace

Aslong as hte media keep on lying about the bullshit terrorism by muslims we will have peace

When we stop invading and bullying other countries,, we will have peace

I love America and i have friendss and fam there but who the fuck does the USA think they are?? they call Saddam a dictator?? so what the fuck is the USA??? they are biggest dictators on this planet and the biggest bullies and they dont give a fuck about nobody including the people who live in there country...

Face the facts,,we are all sheeps and money runs the world and if you got money then your sumone but if you havent then your nobody..

fuck ther world,fuck money and fuck zionism............

you are mental.

the hebrews have been in the land since they kicked the philistines asses in a historically documented war of conquest.

the hebrews BUILT jersualem, as the center of HEBREW society in a HEBREW kingdom called Israel.

the assyrians conquered the HEBREWS and subjugated them as a province called... ISRAEL

the baylonians conquered the assyrians and assumed dominion over the HEBREWS of ISRAEL

the balylonians fell,, and for a while ISRAEL was free again and was under HEBREW law which was dominated by the tribe of Judah

the Persian empire conquered ISRAEL and made it a province of their empire called ISRAEL

the romans conquered ISRAEL and put the HEBREWS under their governorship as a province called JUDEA after the dominant variety of HEBREW at the time.

the romans renamed it Palestine as a slap i the face to the HEBREW population who held 3 (count em, three) insurrections against roman rule.

Rome Fell and ISRAEL was free again, for a while under HEBREW law

the moslem caliphate conquered ISRAEL and adopted the roman name for the region (Palestine) as a second slap in the face of the HEBREWS

the moslem caliphate attempted to eject all the HEBREWS from ISRAEL with mixed success over several hundred years

the ottoman empire took over ISRAEL and contiunued the trend of ccalling it Palestine, and let the jews who remained stay as long as they didnt get up to mischeif and paid ther jizya and tribute on time.

the british beat the ottomans in ww1 and took the entire region as the spoils of war.

at this time Jerusalem was a majority HEBREW city but the "west bank" (the agriculturally useful land) of the jordan river and the area known as gaza was predominantly moslem.

the rest of the land of british palestine was worthless desert.

the brits said fuckit and declared ISRAZEL was to be given to the HEBREWS as a jewish state, and their homeland in 1948.

HEBREWS from all over the world bought land in ISRAEL from the local arab and hashemite moslems with the intention of moving in

the HEBREWS from around the world BOUGHT this land from the moslems who owned it at the time, which was unfortunate for the local moslems who rented, squatted and otherwise occupied land they did not own.

the HEBREWS turned that desert into a garden, and the moslems suddenly wanted it back.

learn some history, and quit being such a hebrew hater. the "palestinians" are predominantly ARABS not hashemites, or canaanites, or philistines or parthians, or persians...


Well-Known Member
HEBREWS from all over the world bought land in ISRAEL from the local arab and hashemite moslems with the intention of moving in

the HEBREWS from around the world BOUGHT this land from the moslems who owned it at the time, which was unfortunate for the local moslems who rented, squatted and otherwise occupied land they did not own.

the HEBREWS turned that desert into a garden, and the moslems suddenly wanted it back.

learn some history, and quit being such a hebrew hater. the "palestinians" are predominantly ARABS not hashemites, or canaanites, or philistines or parthians, or persians...
“On October 31, 1948, the commander of the Northern Front, Moshe Carmel, issued an order in writing to his units to expedite the removal of the Arab population...There is no doubt in my mind that this order originated with Ben-Gurion [the first Prime Minister of Israel]”​
— Israeli Historian Benny Morris, in Ha’aretz

It happened on the day after Independence Day, when Israel was immersed in praise of itself and its democracy almost ad nauseam, and on the eve of (virtually outlawed ) Nakba Day, when the Palestinian people mark the "catastrophe" - the anniversary of the creation of Israel. My colleague Akiva Eldar published what we have always known but for which we lacked the shocking figures he revealed: By the time of the Oslo Accords, Israel had revoked the residency of 140,000 Palestinians from the West Bank. In other words, 14 percent of West Bank residents who dared to go abroad had their right to return to Israel and live here denied forever. In other words, they were expelled from their land and their homes. In other words: ethnic cleansing.
While we are still desperately concealing, denying and repressing our major ethnic cleansing of 1948 - over 600,000 refugees, some who fled for fear of the Israel Defense Forces and its predecessors, some who were expelled by force - it turns out that 1948 never ended, that its spirit is still with us. Also with us is the goal of trying to cleanse this land of its Arab inhabitants as much as possible, and even a bit more. After all, that's the most covert and desired solution: the Land of Israel for the Jews, for them alone. A few people dared to say it outright - Rabbi Meir Kahane, Minister Rehavam Ze'evi and their disciples, who deserve a certain amount of praise for their integrity. Many aspire to do the same thing without admitting it.


Well-Known Member
Even if you believe that the Torah is nonfiction (LOL) then you aren't reading it if you think Palestine was full of cities built by Hebrews and Jews.

Deuteronomy Chapter 6

[SUP]10 [/SUP]And it shall be, when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not,
[SUP]11 [/SUP]And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full;
[SUP]12 [/SUP]Then beware lest thou forget the Lord, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
“On October 31, 1948, the commander of the Northern Front, Moshe Carmel, issued an order in writing to his units to expedite the removal of the Arab population...There is no doubt in my mind that this order originated with Ben-Gurion [the first Prime Minister of Israel]”​
— Israeli Historian Benny Morris, in Ha’aretz

It happened on the day after Independence Day, when Israel was immersed in praise of itself and its democracy almost ad nauseam, and on the eve of (virtually outlawed ) Nakba Day, when the Palestinian people mark the "catastrophe" - the anniversary of the creation of Israel. My colleague Akiva Eldar published what we have always known but for which we lacked the shocking figures he revealed: By the time of the Oslo Accords, Israel had revoked the residency of 140,000 Palestinians from the West Bank. In other words, 14 percent of West Bank residents who dared to go abroad had their right to return to Israel and live here denied forever. In other words, they were expelled from their land and their homes. In other words: ethnic cleansing.
While we are still desperately concealing, denying and repressing our major ethnic cleansing of 1948 - over 600,000 refugees, some who fled for fear of the Israel Defense Forces and its predecessors, some who were expelled by force - it turns out that 1948 never ended, that its spirit is still with us. Also with us is the goal of trying to cleanse this land of its Arab inhabitants as much as possible, and even a bit more. After all, that's the most covert and desired solution: the Land of Israel for the Jews, for them alone. A few people dared to say it outright - Rabbi Meir Kahane, Minister Rehavam Ze'evi and their disciples, who deserve a certain amount of praise for their integrity. Many aspire to do the same thing without admitting it.
at what point did i claim that the israelis were innocent of any shenanigans? "restraint" was described in comparison to the regional traditions,, and yes,, in that region telling 140,000 out of nearly 4 MILLION palestinians that they are no longer welcome to return to israeli controled areas is RESTRAINT, in fact it's goddamned GENEROUS in when compared the the usual reaction to an indignant minority group in that area of the world.

ben gurion was a soldier fighting for his natiuon's survival,, and the pallies were potential saboteurs and spies in his midst. of course around this same time, the japanese "internees" of FDR's regime were finally being released from their ACTUAL APARTHEID! and were being allowed to go back and look at all the shit they lost during their time in the joint under FDR's personal orders...

also 140,000 pallies not being given the option of returning could easily be the israelis legitimately refusing the re-entry of pallies who were members of hamas, hezzboilla, al aqsa martyrs brigade, fatah, or the PLO. but the author doesnt mention WHY the individuals were denied, the author simply shouts the number of 140,000 between 1948 and 1993 ZOMG!! JUST LIKE THE HOLOCAUST! excepth the "victims" arent dead. they are told to GTFO.

your citations do not invalidate or disprove my comments, most of the residents of the british mandate were TENANTS and when the landlords sold the land to various and sundry jewish persons and groups those jews naturally assumed they would be moving into their new lands... too bad for the tenants and squatters. they gots to leave.

copy and paste party:

"Despite the growth in their population, the Arabs continued to assert they were being displaced. From the beginning of World War I, however, part of Palestine’s land was owned by absentee landlords who lived in Cairo, Damascus and Beirut. About 80 percent of the Palestinian Arabs were debt-ridden peasants, semi-nomads and Bedouins. [SUP]18[/SUP]

Jews actually went out of their way to avoid purchasing land in areas where Arabs might be displaced. They sought land that was largely uncultivated, swampy, cheap and, most important, without tenants. In 1920, Labor Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion expressed his concern about the Arab fellahin, whom he viewed as “the most important asset of the native population.” Ben-Gurion said “under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to fellahs or worked by them.” He advocated helping liberate them from their oppressors. “Only if a fellah leaves his place of settlement,” Ben-Gurion added, “should we offer to buy his land, at an appropriate price.” [SUP]19[/SUP]
It was only after the Jews had bought all of the available uncultivated land that they began to purchase cultivated land. Many Arabs were willing to sell because of the migration to coastal towns and because they needed money to invest in the citrus industry. [SUP]20[/SUP]
When John Hope Simpson arrived in Palestine in May 1930, he observed: “They [Jews] paid high prices for the land, and in addition they paid to certain of the occupants of those lands a considerable amount of money which they were not legally bound to pay.” [SUP]21[/SUP]
In 1931, Lewis French conducted a survey of landlessness for the British government and offered new plots to any Arabs who had been “dispossessed.” British officials received more than 3,000 applications, of which 80 percent were ruled invalid by the Government’s legal adviser because the applicants were not landless Arabs. This left only about 600 landless Arabs, 100 of whom accepted the Government land offer. [SUP]22[/SUP]
In April 1936, a new outbreak of Arab attacks on Jews was instigated by a Syrian guerrilla named Fawzi al--Qawukji, the commander of the Arab Liberation Army. By November, when the British finally sent a new commission headed by Lord Peel to investigate, 89 Jews had been killed and more than 300 wounded. [SUP]23[/SUP]
The Peel Commission’s report found that Arab complaints about Jewish land acquisition were baseless. It pointed out that “much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it was purchased. . . . there was at the time of the earlier sales little evidence that the owners possessed either the resources or training needed to develop the land.” [SUP]24[/SUP] Moreover, the Commission found the shortage was “due less to the amount of land acquired by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population.” The report concluded that the presence of Jews in Palestine, along with the work of the British Administration, had resulted in higher wages, an improved standard of living and ample employment opportunities. [SUP]25[/SUP]" ~

“It is made quite clear to all, both by the map drawn up by the Simpson Commission and by another compiled by the Peel Commission, that the Arabs are as prodigal in selling their land as they are in useless wailing and weeping” ~ Transjordan’s King Abdullah


Well-Known Member
Stop calling them "Pallies" please, you're the only one referring to any group with out calling them by the accepted name. Nobody else here is using made up terms to refer to an ethnic group.