Have you ever done a good deed for someone you will never meet?


Well-Known Member
Today myself and my fiancee went to the lake to go feed the ducks some bread, and me being the hunter I am I strolled off into the deep woods tracking some deer tracks and came across a camp in the middle of the woods. I began to look around the camp and I came across this note on a stump that read:

"I have lost everything and I am currently at the shelter and I return every night. I promise that I will clean everything up when I get back on my feet and you will never know that I was here."

Well as it turns out, my fiancee kept scaring away the ducks and she came and found me in the woods with the pack of bread, so I took the bread, found a sharpie that was laying in the camp and wrote on this persons note " Left you some bread, Merry Christmas."
Driving out in the country during the winter saw an old lady slip on the ice in front of her house I drove for another 10 seconds and had to turn around. When I got there she was still on the ground. I asked her if she needed help. Long story short I helped her back in her house. When I got home that night I got a new job. Self employed so, things can get rough at times. Moral to the story. KARMA!. Sorry technically i'm off subject seeing how I did meet her. Thought i'd share about karma.
Good on ya SirGT... I can't remember a time that I left something for someone like in your situation. That was good of you. It's nice to know there are still ppl out ther with some sort of consideration for others.
I have helped quite a few ppl in need or that i thought needed help at that moment.
I was with my wife (at the time), we were leaving a grocery store and there was some chick that looked like she was all dressed up for a night out clubbin, but she was all fucked up. Looked like someone kicked her ass, her knees were scraped up, dress ripped, hair all mangeled, and she was on the pay phone crying and shivering asking for her friend to come pick her up. It was cold and raining that night. My (ex)-wife didn't see her and we kept walking. When we got to the car I grabbed my flannel, ran back and gave it to her. I aske her if we could give her a ride and she said her friend was already on her way. She asked how she could return the flannel. Of course told her not to worry about it, and ran off.

I can think of a lot of stuff like that, that I have done. To me it's the right thing to do. Nothing wrong with helping ppl in true need.
I'm inspired to do something for someone now.

I feel like finding this dude and giving him a tent or some blankets or something. I'll tell you what, it doesn't look like a bad way to live, I mean if he's eating of course.
what i meant was, He's got a beautiful location.

sorry, I'm rambeling. stay high
Used to do the operation christmas child. You pack a shoebox full of necessities for children in other countries. toiletries, toys, ect. It's usually the only Christmas present those children have ever received and def makes their day....

$20 off every paycheck goes to the united way

I'm sure there's tons of other stuff I do but don't remember.
I don't think I ever have, but being kind to people is something I try to do as often as possible.

Today while I was in walmart, getting some garbage bags that were 1.56 and I was at the register trying to get the stupid machine to take my debit card, which is all messed up and gives me hell all the time..anyways...I tell the guy in line behind me that I"m sorry for holding the line up. He just smiles and says that he's in no hurry, all he's got to do today is drink the 2 cases of beer hes getting. After another few minutes of the casheir trying to get it to work, and the plastic bag method failing, he offers, with a smile, to pay for it.

I know it was only a couple dollars, but still, It made me feel really good. Its nice to have strangers do nice things for you. Especially when you do the same so much.
And weed smokers are a menace to society? My dog has given something to someone she's never met. She just took a dump (I can smell it) on the floor, and now she's about to meet her maker. Jk, but she really did just shit so I gotta go clean that up lol bongsmilie
Its hardly of the same magnitude but I'm big on pay it forward. Anytime I can I try and buy for the family behind us or at the next table. And I always buy for military.
Good on ya SirGT... I can't remember a time that I left something for someone like in your situation. That was good of you. It's nice to know there are still ppl out ther with some sort of consideration for others.
I have helped quite a few ppl in need or that i thought needed help at that moment.
I was with my wife (at the time), we were leaving a grocery store and there was some chick that looked like she was all dressed up for a night out clubbin, but she was all fucked up. Looked like someone kicked her ass, her knees were scraped up, dress ripped, hair all mangeled, and she was on the pay phone crying and shivering asking for her friend to come pick her up. It was cold and raining that night. My (ex)-wife didn't see her and we kept walking. When we got to the car I grabbed my flannel, ran back and gave it to her. I aske her if we could give her a ride and she said her friend was already on her way. She asked how she could return the flannel. Of course told her not to worry about it, and ran off.

I can think of a lot of stuff like that, that I have done. To me it's the right thing to do. Nothing wrong with helping ppl in true need.
I'm inspired to do something for someone now.

I feel like finding this dude and giving him a tent or some blankets or something. I'll tell you what, it doesn't look like a bad way to live, I mean if he's eating of course.
what i meant was, He's got a beautiful location.

sorry, I'm rambeling. stay high

He does truly have a beautiful place to live there in the woods. If you think about it he has plenty of food. There are deer in those woods and there is a lake full of fish. I was thinking about going back one day and building a teepee back there, but my fiancee said she seen a tent. Even still, maybe I could go build him a furnace out of stone. Idk. Or I could write him a note and tell him how to build a fridge there in the woods. (Dig a hole about a foot deep, make a screen out of sticks to set on top of the hole, cover the screen with moss. Walaa things will stay nice and cool. And the moss will keep animals away from your food.)
It's nasty here today , -25c and hail. So after work I stopped for gas, went inside and paid, on my way out I noticed an older man slowly making his way, cane in hand across the lot, so I waited and held the door, fucker never even looked at me or even said thanks.
Sometime I wonder how people can be so damn rude when others take their time to do something nice for u, just rude! lol
So only my wife and one friend that lives out west knows but I donate my time at a local soup kitchen every wednesday. I swear I saw finshaggy this past wednesday, lol. I've seen old customers from former jobs and a couple of the homeless guys I would give money or food to on the street. One of the old homeless guys recognized me right away, smiled and said thank you vato as I took his tray. Fuck it, I lost my well paying job so I can't donate money to the organization so I decided to give time while I have it.
I've worked for a charity or 6 years or so. Part of giving is enjoying the look of relief or happiness on the face of the recipient of your gesture, but there is also the pleasure in leaving a gift for someone to find- be it as simple as turning your bill with tip into origami for the waiter, passing on a bible tract or leaving your bus ticket at the shelter for that person who has no money to get home.

I know it sucks, April.. People are not always grateful when you do offer kindness face to face, but your integrity is maintained in giving not to receive an turning the other cheek.
Quite often actually, that was a good deed you did sir:)

I don't give money to charity or churches our whatever.. But I always give money to people playing instruments, or creative hobos..
Making other peoples lives easier seems to be the name of the game.even if they show they are ungrateful, or are really ungrateful. Need not get angry, it made their lives easier and helped you with you're self image.
I've done some long distance deals on snowmachine parts as favors.Pay later type of stuff.Never been screwed,(yet).Gotta have good sled karma when you are out in no mans land
Used to give a homeless guy money on the side of the road in Naples Fl who had a sign I'm Not Going To Lie I Need Beer Money. Hooked him up a couple times a week.
It's nasty here today , -25c and hail. So after work I stopped for gas, went inside and paid, on my way out I noticed an older man slowly making his way, cane in hand across the lot, so I waited and held the door, fucker never even looked at me or even said thanks.
Sometime I wonder how people can be so damn rude when others take their time to do something nice for u, just rude! lol

I do that to the cute girls.The big ole ugly ones get a smile and thank you.fwiw-lol(true story,haha)However I am not old or handicapped,just a dink