• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

First time growing MJ. Also first time growing shrooms. Doing it SAME TIME!


Well-Known Member
I've been a gardener for a while now but finally decided to grow for my first time. I recently built a grow box and just planted last week. I ordered an indoor seed mix from BC Seed King and so I have no clue what the strains are. We'll just have to see as it goes. Also, I decided that if I was going to grow this, why not throw shrooms into the mix as well. And so I am at the fruiting stage of my first time growing them. I have one little shroom forming, but the cakes have only been in the fruiting chamber for two days. Hopefully within a week I'll have shrooms growing.

The young MJ plants are with some other plants I am starting inside to transplant to my garden in a couple weeks (brocolli, collards, etc.). When they get big enough to transfer into larger pots, I'll be moving them into the grow box. I look forward to updating this as I go along and hoping for success. Thanks for reading!



Well-Known Member
Obviously there's nothing really new to report about the girls just a day later, but the shrooms made a breakthrough. Really it's just one of the cakes, and it's just a few pins, but it's given me confidence in a successful harvest. Woke up this morning and found that pins had formed overnight.


Well-Known Member
It's week two for the girls. They're starting to get some new leaves and seem to be very healthy. When I moved the from the seed starter mix I planted them in to a larger container, I decided to try a little experiment. I moved 4 of the 6 into a soil mixture I made myself consisting of 2 parts peat moss, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part pearlite, and a little bit of compost, bone meal, blood meal, and lime. The other 2 I planted in Miracle Grow Organic potting mix with a little pearlite added for drainage (it was more dense than the average potting mix). I wanted to see if it was really necessary to go through all the work of making my own potting mix. So far, it seems the homemade stuff is outperforming the MG. Granted, it's early still and the seeds are a variety of strains, so there's no way to tell for sure. As far as the eyeball test goes, however, it seems the MG just isn't quite at the level of the other stuff.

As for the shroomies, they are coming along nicely. Pins have formed on 4 of the 8 cakes now, and the only setback so far was the loss of about 1/3 of a cake. It had some bluish greenish growth going on at the top. Not sure if it was mold or just bruising, but I opted to lop it off. The inside of the cake seems healthy so I stuck it back in. I really can't wait for the shrooms. I haven't had any in over a decade, so I'm really eager to give them a shot. This hobby is teaching me the virtue of patience, whether I like it or not!



Well-Known Member
So I'm about 10 days into veg, and about the same into fruiting the shrooms. Both seem to be moving right along. One of the plants has a little discoloration on some of the leaves, but not much. Overall, they seem very healthy. Two of them are behind the others because of my experiment with the miracle grow organic soil. The homemade soil mix resulted in about double the growth in week one, so I transplanted the other two into the good soil. They seem to be doing well since.


This is the one with the discoloration. Any idea what it could be?

As for the shrooms, well it looks like I am really close to a harvest. I actually already picked the first of them, as I had a little champion that wanted to grow a week before the rest. As for the remaining shrooms in the first flush, it looks as though they should be ready any day now. I can't wait!



Well-Known Member
lookin phat not sure about the discoloration doesnt look to far spread. lots of luck on u shrooms just dont get carried thru the looking glass LOL. thumbs for a first run.
stay chill


Well-Known Member
The girls have been transplanted out of dixie cups and into 1 gal containers. All seem to be quite healthy at the time. If I had it over, I'd have made the veg chamber in my box about a foot shorter. The light is too high and even with my makeshift scaffold, the plants are still a good foot below the light. That said, they don't seem to be stretching too much as of yet. Hopefully there is enough light to prevent it.


The shrooms have finished their first flush and are ready to be harvested. I forgot to ever mention the strain. They're golden teachers.


I had one cake that was a go getter and flushed a few days ago. I went ahead and harvested that one. It netted 31g wet, 20 of which I ate. Now, I'm not sure if I have become a lightweight since my teenage days or if these fuckers are just extremely potent, but I tripped my ever loving balls off for 8 fucking hours! Not what I was expecting. My internet research led me to believe that about 35g wet is a decent dose. I opted for 20 to "ease myself back in". It'd been about 10 years since I last tripped on shrooms. After tripping hard for 4 or 5 hours, I hit that wall that all experienced trippers know about. The one where your body is tired, but your mind isn't ready to settle down. I ended up dry heaving and tossing and turning in a failed attempt to sleep for the last few hours. I eventually cashed out about 9 hours after dosing. So much for taking it easy. Next time I think I'll roll with half the amount.


Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Looking good drudinpc. i am subbed for the ride. What are you going to put you plants under? The shroom farming looks like a fun hobby, do you get a few flushes of each cake?



Well-Known Member
Grats on the successful shroom harvest, the ball tripping, and the start of a hopefully successful weed grow, i too am in the middle of doing both I've got a 1 month old white Russian and Blue cheese grow going and myself and my friend are collaborating on a shroom grow, we are colonizing KOH super strain right now and it will soon be ready to go into a Martha, I'm so excited its been a few years since I've had shrooms and i cant wait. Well man good luck with your grows they both look like they are doing wonderfully.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how many flushes I'll get. I have what i harvested drying under a fan and I've dunked the cakes again. Tomorrow I'll put them back in the fruiting chamber and we'll see if a second flush comes along. I've got almost fully colonized jars of Ecuador strain on deck, so if these cakes don't look like they're going to do much, i won't waste much time with them.


Well-Known Member
The first flush of shrooms netted ~20g dry. They seem to be potent as hell and I am very happy with it. I redunked them for a second flush, and they started pinning again the next day. That came as a pleasant surprise to me considering the first flush took probably 5 or 6 days to start pinning. I've got some Ecuador strain fully colonized in jars that I plan on trying a bulk grow with next. Any advice on doing so would be much appreciated.

The plants are still doing well. There's one plant that has some blotchy discoloration on some of the leaves and the bottom set of leaves (first node) are yellowing and look like they're ready to die. If it gets too much worse I may try and doctor it. Remember, I bought an indoor mix so there are most likely several different strains. One has some purple/pink on the branches and stem. Another has a really nice smell going already. I was under the impression that they would be in flower before they started smelling dank. Wrong! Granted, you have to get close to it, but when you do it smells oh so nice. It's the one I named "Pearl", and I really hope it turns out to be a fem.




Well-Known Member
Plants are starting to get a little smell. Walked in the room the other day and caught a hint of that good smell. I wish I could just let it fill the room with the sweet aroma, but it is not to be. So I hooked up on of my homemade carbon filters and the smell cleared right up. I'm definitely starting to notice some of the differences in the species I have growing. Some have fat dark green leaves and others have thinner leaves. Seems the ones with the thinner leaves have stronger smell at this time.


I seem to have a little trouble with one of the plants. It's had blotching on the leaves since it's second set of true leaves came in. It continues to produce healthy looking new growth so I just sorta hoped it'd outgrow it. However, it seems to be spreading and the bottom set of leaves has turned yellow. I'm using distilled water and just fed them their second dose of Jack's Classic nutes. First dose was about a week and a half ago at half strength. Full dose yesterday. Any idea about what the problem could be?


As for the shroomies, they are about a day away from harvesting the 2nd flush. First set was potent as shit, way more so than I expected from golden teachers. I have to give props to sporefarmer for those. Some have bad things to say about them but I've had as good of results as I dreamed of having for a first timer.



Well-Known Member
It was time, so I topped the plants. I let it go a little longer than I had to because I wanted to try cloning the tops. That said, it was kind of depressing because it meant basically chopping them in half! Oh well, worth it in the end. With the limited space I have, it just didn't make sense to me to let these plants get really tall.

I harvested the second flush of shrooms and will be moving on to the next batch soon. I could go for a third flush, but I think I'm gonna go ahead and try a bulk grow with these Ecuador strain jars I've got. They've been fully colonized for at least two weeks so it's time to do something with them. I think I netted about 25g dry total out of the two flushes. Not too bad for a first timer, if I say so myself. :lol:



Well-Known Member
OK, so it's time to get my second attempt at growing shrooms underway. The maiden voyage was successful and I ended up with a little over 30 grams dried. I was thinking about doing a bulk grow this time, but I'm lazy and it requires an extra step. So I'll be putting cakes straight into the fruiting chamber once again.

The jars are fully colonized and ready to go. I made 3 with wild bird seed as a test, and the rest with brown rice flour and vermiculite (pf tek) which is what I did last time. I lost one of each kind of jar to mold.


Looks like there was an eager beaver in one of the WBS jars!


Here the cakes have been removed from the jars and are ready to be dunked.


Here they are getting their 24 hour soak. These sumbitches really want to float. It's a pain in the ass to keep them down. I use a sophisticated technique called "throw a bunch of jars on top and yell at them".


It won't be long until I have another set of these little beauties growing in my closet. Hopefully this grow turns out to be as good as the first one.


Well-Known Member
The plants are thriving and have outgrown the little troubles they seemed to have had with splotching. I added some lime to the water a couple weeks ago and all has been well since then. I'm thinking I might need to get them flowering pretty soon due to their outgrowing the veg chamber. They're about 8" tall now and I was shooting for 10-12" before I started flowering. I think I'm going to give it about another week. Will they show sex before they go into flower, or will they only show once flowering? I guess I'm going to just put all these pots in the flowering chamber and once they show sex, cull the males and transplant into larger pots. I've read you shouldn't transplant during flower but I have 6 plants and only room for 4 in the flower chamber, so I gotta do what I gotta do.

2012-10-01_18-10-07_359.jpg 2012-10-01_18-10-22_954.jpg

As for the shrooms, well those have gone crazy. The Ecuador strain seems to be a bigger producer than the Golden Teachers. I can't speak for the potency, as I haven't tried them yet, but the first flush netted me 26g dry. I just dunked them and put them back in the fruiting chamber today for the second flush. I now have more shrooms than I'll probably ever use for the rest of my life. Ever. And none of my friends do them. In fact, pretty much nobody in town seems to want them these days. And that includes me, after the insanely intense trip I had a couple weeks ago. I think I'm gonna try again soon, but I'll be making tea this time. I wish I could find someone to trade shrooms in exchange for nugs, but as I said, nobody cares about shrooms. I guess psychedelics are trending down right now. When I was in high school everyone wanted all the shrooms and acid they could find. Times change, I guess. In any event, they're fun to grow and I'm glad I did it. I



Well-Known Member
Well, out of 6 plants I ended up with 3 bitches. The others had nuts and so they died early courtesy of the lawn mower. Yet another example of males fucking my life up, but i digress....

They've been transplanted into 3 gallon pots. I went ahead and continued using the same soil mixture as I did originally. There were no dry spots and very healthy roots in the males I ditched, so I'm pleased with it. That, and it doesn't require any of the expensive bullshit people swear by. I'm starting to feel like growers are as bad as Apple fanboys. I mean really, do you need to spend $15 or $20 a piece on bags of soil? 30 fucking dollars on a bottle of nutes? Um, no. It's all bullshit that's marked up for suckers. My soil and nutes costs for these plants probably will end up running somewhere around $10. So next time you're thinking about buying Fox Farms or any of that organic "specialty" soil, do this instead:

Buy shit to mix it yourself, buy JR Peters nutes off the internet, and treat yourself to a big ass ribeye and a fucking lobster tail at your local steak house. Cost will be about the same, but you'll feel like a fucking boss. You're welcome. Now I better knock on wood so my shit doesn't die, but I'm feeling confident. I've been growing tomatoes, peppers, collards, turnips, lettuce, carrots, cabbage....you fucking name it for a few years now. I was a little intimidated starting this up because of all the troubles I read about people having. Now that I'm halfway into my first grow, I'm feeling like most of the troubles people have are more about being inexperienced with growing plants, period, not so much that cannabis is hard to grow. This shit grows more easily than some garden vegetables, at least so far. Of course, now that I've gone popping off at the mouth, the flowering stage will probably kick my ass. But fuck it. If I wasn't a loud mouth, I wouldn't be me.


As is the experience with most, the girls showed after the boys. I was amazed at how fast the boys went from one little nut on a stick that I had to look through a magnifying glass to see, to a cluster of sweaty, greasy, nasty ass balls. Fuckers. Meanwhile the fems are just barely starting to show a week into flower. My camera sucks nuts so I can't really get good close ups, but if you look close you can see some of the first pistils I've found. Fucking beautiful.
