Club 600 Breeding Showcase

Here are some Blue Pits in flower.
make sure u insulate well, dont want you roof glowing red hot in the winter. Imajin the first snow fall and u go out side to see ur roof the only one clear of snow lol.
Finally got some balls on my CS sprayed flowering lady! I think I left my rods in there a little too long. I sprung 40 bucks for a couple 999 silver rods and one of them is half gone from the conduction lol. I think I only need to leave it on for an hour or so when using an ac outlet.
I use 9volt dc shwag, lol. No wonder the rods cream crackered, hehe. Good to here you got baws:shock:
I would love to see a cross of The DOGxPsycho killer, maybe call it Psycho dog?. or blue pitxpsycho killer. psycho pit?? If thats possible for any of you to do in the future haha. I would definetly want some of those genetics
i wonder how dog will cross with a sativa? it is already heady itself. btw my dog X's are up n good. gonna go ahead n call em Kennel Cough, since it didnt work out first time. but i have a question, i got 2 pheno's of dog pollinated by the same male, is it two strains or one??
Off spring will be from similar linneage, but the phenotypes used will have different dominant and recessive traits no doubt, so the offspring are going to be different.
i wonder how dog will cross with a sativa? it is already heady itself. btw my dog X's are up n good. gonna go ahead n call em Kennel Cough, since it didnt work out first time. but i have a question, i got 2 pheno's of dog pollinated by the same male, is it two strains or one??
So here i am trying in earnest to grasp this process so i learn proper techniques and really wanna avoid inundating dst or you other fine farmers dabbling in the genetics pool. I need to get the basics under my belt, by this understand i grasp phenotypes and the hunting that requires however im wondering if there's any literature i can get my hands on to start from scratch sort of speak and help to develop my own creations to share with our community. This weekend will mark my try with grape stomper from gage green.
There's so much reading material mate. Perhaps a more general book which will probably have a chapter on breeding and or genetics would be a good start. I have done most of my reading online. And you will also get sites with free downloads of books. Good luck lad.
I have a relative with thuis strain he calls duckfoot? Claims its very nice and very rare this parts anyways. I am gonna pop the 5 beans he has given me and show pics to the group so i can get feedback on maybe using this as a first time tryout of hybridzation. I am currently reading about grafting techniques used in the netherlands..oh my dst so true about the internet...a plethora of info. See its things like these topics that always keep me asking questions and just as interested in this plant as the day i first laid eyes on a swollen lady crying for a male!