My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
Thanks Im digging the new setup myself... I love the amount of space I have and also the damn thing actually drains! Im going to change water and flush tomorrow... Im thinking that I have to much nitrogen or maybe not enough not sure.. but from some of the reading ive been doing it seems that its nitrogen related. so im going to stick the the chart that ive been using but go a bit lower with the flora grow and micro.. both are higher in nitrogen...


Well-Known Member
Yes, yellow leaves can mean a N deficiency, but you are giving them lots of nutes right?


Well-Known Member
I just tucked the lil ladies in for the night and noticed that I am starting to get a nice skunky smell in the room... Guess it is time for me to set up the scrubber and outlet fan....


Well-Known Member
Yea, mine did that for a while to. Seems like that only lasted a week or so. I'm now in 12/12 and still don't smell shit. How much did that set you back?


Well-Known Member
this may disturb you but not a penny... I inherited all that stuff...
Damn you!!


Now that I've gone back and looked at your plants..those pics down towards the bottom look like an MG problem and a N problem. They get those brown spots when they have an MG deficiency and turn yellow and eat themselves when they have an N deficiency. How much nutes are you really giving them? You've been giving them quite a bit right?

Wierd...I'll look into this..


Well-Known Member
Im about to go and change the nute solution right now. I'm going to put half of what I did before which was the growth on the flora series schedule... gonna go back to the mild growth and see what happens...


Well-Known Member
yea I usually try to get at 5.5... when I first go the water in and went to get the level I wanted it was at 5.7 so I left it there. after adding nutes and checking ppm I checked ph again and it was down to 5.1, I didnt try to raise it because I am not sure if the solution is harmful to the nutes, adding them after the fact that is...


Well-Known Member
Yea..when you add nutes to your water, it is always going to lower it. You probably don't need to add any PH down if your nutes are dropping it that low.

Test the waters PH without PH down or nutes, then add nutes and check again.


Well-Known Member
Yea..when you add nutes to your water, it is always going to lower it. You probably don't need to add any PH down if your nutes are dropping it that low.

Test the waters PH without PH down or nutes, then add nutes and check again.
that is How I do it. Ill add 5 gal of distilled water and check the ph... try to get it to 5.5 then add my nutes and check again after at the same time that I check my pph...


Well-Known Member
OK, well maybe stop doing the first step. We already know that your waters PH is going to be pretty high, so when you add the nutes, that should adjust it properly.


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics one day after dropping my ppm down from 1600 to 717.. Hoping that will help the poor lil hurtin leaves towards
the bottom.... How do they look to yall??


Well-Known Member
YES! Looks much much better.

Keep it that PPM and your PH and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm going to be transplanting my lil lovelies to pots with hydroten rocks today!! Ill post pics later... I may add some more cfl and do away with the florescent....