World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
The rust coloring makes me think that they need some cal/mag. Drop that in for your next feeding. Also, I dont think molasses is proper in hydro (but please correct me if I'm wrong). I use pineapple rush myself with floralicious. I'm on Lucas 2 part GH.


Well-Known Member
Here is some fresh 54 day 12/12 TGA Jillybean candy yummy.
Damn bro that looks fucking tasty!!! Wow! Making me wanna run some jillybean!!! I have 2 crazy trains and a Cali connection blue dream haze that I popped for my next run. Hoping to get a female out of the QT!


Active Member
Molasses has cal mag in it too but I'll add calmag as well I guess. I'm thinking I have a defiency. Imma try to increase my grow mutes then. Is the last pic the claw from over feeding or droop from underwatering

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
and i noticed how my leaves are so small compared to other peoples leaves by now. reason i did 5.5 is because when i had my dry out a few weeks ago. i was told to put my ph to 5.0-5.3 range to dissolve the salts in my medium. so i been doing a low ph lvl. maybe i should keep it at 5.8 from now on .

To dissolve salts??? WOW! Bad advice.Target 6.
How does the drain hole smell these days?


Well-Known Member
I'm loving this Hempy stuff. I've completed 3 grows, all in soil FFOF. My next grow is definitely going to be Hempy. I've read a lot about Osmocote CRF with Hempy and how great the results are, but I really want to grow organically. I found DYNAMITE ORGANIC CRF that seems to work the same way Osmocote does. Anyone have any experience with this? Also, has anyone found or tried growing Hempy style in grow bags? I can't seem to find any bags that don't have holes. But if they're out there, it would be an extremely cost effective alternative to pots/buckets. Keep up the good work everybody.
I've used dynamite. I can't remember if it was the red or purple, I do know it was a 13-13-13, and I didn't think it was organic. So I might not have used the same product. The one I used worked well, and seemed to work better than the osmocote in hi temps. But in the end I get better results more consistently using the Osmocote. I did try one organic CRF, it was the fox farms Marine Cuisine, and it didn't perform nearly as well as the OC or DYM.

I've never seen a hempy bag or a bag that would be a good candidate for hempy. I personally wouldn't try a bag for fear of a tear in the rez area. Just keep your eye out and you can find cheap to free items that will work great for hempy.


Well-Known Member
How often do you water? I am in 3/4 gallon pots and I water every 3rd day.
It all depends. Feel the weight of the bucket and determine how light it feels. Also, tip it forward in the side with the whole and if water comes out, you can let it go a day.


Well-Known Member
How essential is it to pre-wash your perilite in hempy? I realized I did not wash the fine particulates off my first round, wondering if I am eventually going to have some issues with the drain hole with all the perilite fines in the bottom of my 2l bottles.


Well-Known Member
How essential is it to pre-wash your perilite in hempy? I realized I did not wash the fine particulates off my first round, wondering if I am eventually going to have some issues with the drain hole with all the perilite fines in the bottom of my 2l bottles.
I think you'll be fine. The perlite just happens to be extremely dusty and it leaves a film on the bottom of the bucket.


Well-Known Member
How essential is it to pre-wash your perilite in hempy? I realized I did not wash the fine particulates off my first round, wondering if I am eventually going to have some issues with the drain hole with all the perilite fines in the bottom of my 2l bottles.
It doesn't seem to hurt anything, I've done it several times but it will leave a layer of sludge in the bottom of the bucket.
It does bug me so I always (almost) pre-rinse new perlite. That's why I like to recycle. After a end of grow rinse you end up with the best grade of perlite. All the weak shit is rinsed away.


Well-Known Member
guys i need help again. ph is 5.5 light nutes. idk whats wrong. leaves keep getting yellowish. and brown starts from outside of leave and moves in. it cant be a phos def. cuz theres alot in my grow nutes. and cal mag cant be it cuz i feed with molasses to feed the beneficials. so idk whats wrong.

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last one is of one that has the claw. might be underwatering since i hadnt watered in 2 days. but idk but the rest.
Hi smoothness, please don't think I'm hating on you, because I'd like to see you succeed. But here's my thoughts on your grow.

First the 7 1/2 gal trash can is way to large. If your container is over 14" tall you are extending the root setting time way too much, which isn't efficient. When you say trash can I envision something 24” tall.

Get rid of the molasses, I would never put a raw sugar in a passive hydro, maybe in an active system where it keeps mixing into solution. And I've never seen a perlite (or couch) grow using molasses. Get rid of the other additives to benefit microbe, stalk, stem, budsite,or whatever, growth. Just go with your basic NPK & micros. This will remove a lot of variables.

Ph is too low but that's been addressed.

Now your plant problem. All the damage is in the older growth, which means the problem is with a mobile nute, (N,P,K,Mag) you can see that the lower growth is giving itself up to feed the new, which isn't pristine, but still growing. So either you're not giving them any food or there is a lockout.

Lockouts could be from too much CA or MAG, or PH there are others but those are the biggies.

S..skunk asked about your nutes,,,,, what brand and what is the NPK and does it have any micro nutes included?? (boron, zinc, copper, iron, etc)
Also please enlighten me on the dimensions of the 7 1/2 gal container.

Actions to take.

I'd think about putting them in smaller containers, but I don't know what your container dimns are.

Tip and carefully Drain off as much of the rez as you can out the hole. I would then take straight tap water and run many gals through the medium (put em in the tub or kitchen sink) just to fully rinse the medium out. This is where perlite shines, it rinses out well. When finished flushing tip and drain the rez again. Let it sit for a cycle (12hr). Now water with ph 6 & nutes, a little stronger than base at this point of the grow. Since that base point hasn’t been established yet, maybe stick with the level you were at. Maybe some other EC feeders could throw an estimate in. Then from here on out you’ll have to water at least once a day. I’d recommend to 2 light waterings daily. You may want to read Rusty’s 1[SUP]st[/SUP] hempy journal he details daily light watering well,
It’s not my watering style but he nailed it in the end. And until you hit the rez you’ll need to water frequently to get aggressive growth.

Now you mentioned that your tap water was 200+ ppm. Do you have any mineral buildup on your faucets?? This would be a sign of mineral salts in your water.


Active Member
thanks for the advice. the dimen. of the container is about 12 inchs long. 6 inches wide and about 20-24 inches tall. its been a week or so already and i do see some growth back in some of the earlier almost dead burnt looking survivors. only bout 2-3 out of the 15 are still at a standstill-ish. i will flush tomorrow since i am not near the growroom at the moment. i took a pic of the plants today so i will try and upload them. the light is high since we couldnt find a longer chain to hang them from and i suggested keeping it that high until this comign week when we finally get our mh/hps systems. (partner has been stalling with cash) i have 3 still in solo cups and they are still growing strong. so since they are raised a few inches above the rest and are doing so well is because of they get more light. i use dynagro liquid grow solution along with calmag and root excelurator. i think since the babies are already growing in the big containers that i should just let them be. no point stressing them out more. we got the trashbins for free. i will stop with the molasses as of now. after the flush i will update on their progress. thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
Mapito hempy update....G13 Pineapple Express at 17 days from seed...the larger on the right is only 14 days but has a coco topping over the mapito as an experiment since they all were drying out every day requiring daily feeds (big air between chunks). They look good for transplant now so I'm soaking a bigger batch of mapito at 5.8ph and ~375 ppm with Canna Substra and Rhizotonic to go in 2gal buckets. Roots are looking nice. Here's hoping the bigger buckets don't need watering as coco in cups, in the past was not as "thirsty".



Well-Known Member
Dalek will love this: I had another hempy fever attack today, I'm in an IKIA store....I'm not lost yet (LOL) but I wander aimlessly into the bedding section and see the cheap $12 pillows labeled with poly-fill. Then it hit one end open...mix in some coco chunks and shove the whole thing into a 5gal bucket with a hole in the side. Drape the excess pillow case around the bucket like a collar. Plant and grow! When the grow is finished...jerk out the contents by collar and your bucket is clean, ready for another pillow. I know...I's just "pillow talk".


Active Member
Yea, depending on how big they are, that Pot will be pretty dry by the next day, I can imagine how dry they are at 3 days.. Are you seeing fast growth, or is it kinda just Mozying along?
I topped my plants twice and lst'd in a one month veg cycle and still have 14" plants. I wouldn't say the growth was mind blowing but I think they have come along just fine. Bud onset was very quick though.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice. the dimen. of the container is about 12 inchs long. 6 inches wide and about 20-24 inches tall. its been a week or so already and i do see some growth back in some of the earlier almost dead burnt looking survivors. only bout 2-3 out of the 15 are still at a standstill-ish. i will flush tomorrow since i am not near the growroom at the moment. i took a pic of the plants today so i will try and upload them. the light is high since we couldnt find a longer chain to hang them from and i suggested keeping it that high until this comign week when we finally get our mh/hps systems. (partner has been stalling with cash) i have 3 still in solo cups and they are still growing strong. so since they are raised a few inches above the rest and are doing so well is because of they get more light. i use dynagro liquid grow solution along with calmag and root excelurator. i think since the babies are already growing in the big containers that i should just let them be. no point stressing them out more. we got the trashbins for free. i will stop with the molasses as of now. after the flush i will update on their progress. thanks everyone.
I remember the dynagro now. It's a good all in one fert. 20" is a tad too tall from what I've seen, I tried standard 5gal before and it seemed to take too long for the roots to hit the rez. Next run you could take a utility knife and cut em' down to the 12 to 14" range. Hang in there and be patient, they will bounce back.