What we are working on


Well-Known Member
Kindone - I dry mine depending on how I feel. Sometimes I do the 4 days on the line, package, let set a couple days and let drying complete. Sometimes I do the long cure. All depends kindone all depends.

Slayxr - Yes and Yes only if the piece you cut is large enough to clone. Is that a female?

I move to set in motion that 2 posts a day are cool! If not I could get lost that way as well.... So yea 2 post are cool as long as it deals with work.


Well-Known Member
You are not welcome here abe... you are like smith in the matrix you infect everything with your lips. Make your own thread....One with no pictures you can call it "what us pussies are working on with no pics."

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I've already recovered metadata specifics from your photos this past year, gps locations included.
most ppl remove that first ya know.

(third post of the day)


Well-Known Member
I am not a topologist, but I would not go that low on your topping. I am interested to see what others say though.


Well-Known Member
According to Uncle Ben:
To get 4 main colas, let your seedling or cutting (clone) grow to about 5-6 nodes and pinch out (cut) the stem just above the 2nd true node.
I'm not sure what the intention for topping was but based on the pic..... :)


Well-Known Member
Secret Garden Seeds Pink Bud x Fruit Salad
I've got extra room in my veg tent and thought I'd try an autoflower for the first time. Ebb and Flow. When they show sex I'll spread em out a bit to every other hole. Got these off seedbay. Sent $35 cash in the mail and got these in the mail 11 days later with 12 Foxtail Sativa freebies. Not bad.

There are a variety of colors that show up in this strain. Can't wait to see how these turn out.
Found this pic online that shows the color variation. I'll update as it goes. 60-70 days to finish.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
schizophrenia is so cool in that it can sound like genius now and again when the rant gets going. LOL. He was a very smart man before his head turned to mental illness jell-o.


Well-Known Member
schizophrenia is so cool in that it can sound like genius now and again when the rant gets going. LOL. He was a very smart man before his head turned to mental illness jell-o.

You gotta watch them doctors...for 2 years they said I had schizophrenia. I told then I did not. They told me to take pills. I took them and it made the world worse. I took a new pill and if fucked me all up. shit hit the fan I went to a master of his craft. I was told I had aspergers and I have been fucked around for many years. I told the court the truth. The dr's office was raided weeks latter. Needless to say she will not be practicing medicine ever again.

Just because they have passed mans test to get their little degree does not make them all that. In a dr it takes more then a degree it takes vision. It is too bad what that man did in the link for sure...that is not scitzo that is evil. Dont be fooled.

there is 1 for the day.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
we're all vicitims and we're all perpetrators its in our point of view that we find sanity/harmony and give name to normalcy .


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2408634View attachment 2408635View attachment 2408636View attachment 2408637View attachment 2408638

Well those sprouts are on the 3rd day of fower. I gotta get them in 2 gallons before the weekend. Sucks being new to the area I have no idea where to go buy 20 or so 2 gallon pots at a time let alone finding em for a good price. Back where I came from the greenhouse was 2 miles away with plenty of pots to spare for a good price.

So anyway I have my eye on 2 herixvortex x bb ladies. The sativa ladies have been dealt with. 1 of the herixvortex x black widows has the feel and scent of the mother, which I am very pleased to see. These girls in flower are just to run and get a feel of what has been made recently. I did not take any clones or anything cause I got at least 200 seeds of everything that is being grown today.

I cannot wait for the Blueberry seeds and various blue crosses to arrive although they are not to be germinated till around the 20th I still want em in my hand. Things are good and all is well.


I think I'm just going to let my plants go, the whole topping thing is confusing me. lol

In good news all my new seeds popped and are in soil :D
Can't be more excited. Now I need more lights lol


Well-Known Member
hic said:
...I was told I had aspergers and I have been fucked around for many years. I told the court the truth. The dr's office was raided weeks latter. Needless to say she will not be practicing medicine ever again...
Yep. Let's snitch off those Dr's. who tried to help us because we aren't responsible for nothing.
Does Asbergers eliminate any moral code as well?
Or do you just feel entitled?

Yep . Let's snitch off the breeders who won't give me free stuff.
Yep . Let's snitch off the cardholders because I have stupid friends.

I see a pattern here.
Stay the fuck away from me hic.


I am working on patience... It is taking forever for the girls to finish. My first grow pick a long stavia. UGhh.