What's wrong with this plant?


Active Member
I picked up a airpot last time just to see if i could notice a difference. Def a cool product. The seedling i planted grew 2-3x times faster then ones used in a regular starter pot. Don't know if it's just a super strong plant or if the airpot really helped in rapid root growth.


Well-Known Member
I picked up a airpot last time just to see if i could notice a difference. Def a cool product. The seedling i planted grew 2-3x times faster then ones used in a regular starter pot. Don't know if it's just a super strong plant or if the airpot really helped in rapid root growth.
Lotsa good comments on them if you look around a bit, but probably you'll find them in the indoor section.


Active Member

So i tested the soil with a soil ph meter today and it tested 6.5

I also noticed that every single damaged leaf has 2 or more new leaf starts so im guessing things are maybe getting back to normal.

Ill take some pictures later tonight.


Active Member
Ok so things are not getting any better. And it seems like my other plant is getting the same thing as the other.


Soil PH is 6.5

Soil Run Off 6.5

Water PH adjusted with PH down ( nitrogen & phosphate )

Nutes at full strength

I don't know what todo next I feel like im watching my plants die. Even tho both have plenty of new growth. But over all growth has seemed to slow down.


Well-Known Member
Are you still using distilled water?
If so, try using tap water, after letting it sit open in a bucket or something with open surface area for 24 hrs.
Also, maybe try giving her 4-6 hrs of dark to rest some, instead of solid 24hr light.
Here's a thread I found after some looking about your nutes.
I didn't see anything about using in soil, but I did not like the part where it was mentioned that they produce an odor, and require cleaning weekly (IDK if this is normal since I don't do hydro, but still it did not sound like it would be good for soil).
I did notice, though that the OP mentioned using double dosage for hungry plants, and also I am kinda bewildered that even googling a couple pages, could not find any info on the NPK content.


Active Member
It is dying your are fucked just chop it and start over :D
LOL i hope not

I cut off the dead leafs today.. the plant looks a lot better, But i noticed that today one of the seedlings im planting is getting the same thing.

I been watching PH like crazy , but maybe i missed it late?


Active Member
Are you still using distilled water?
If so, try using tap water, after letting it sit open in a bucket or something with open surface area for 24 hrs.
Also, maybe try giving her 4-6 hrs of dark to rest some, instead of solid 24hr light.
Here's a thread I found after some looking about your nutes.
I didn't see anything about using in soil, but I did not like the part where it was mentioned that they produce an odor, and require cleaning weekly (IDK if this is normal since I don't do hydro, but still it did not sound like it would be good for soil).
I did notice, though that the OP mentioned using double dosage for hungry plants, and also I am kinda bewildered that even googling a couple pages, could not find any info on the NPK content.

I did notice a funny smell a few days ago. Very fishy lol.

I cant find any NPK info as well.. Maybe i should switch nutes.

more pics comming soon. Thanks for the help guys!


Active Member
It is dying your are fucked just chop it and start over ...... dude that said that is an idiot, to many new growers on here giving other new growers advice. Imchucky might be onto something, i think u are not feeding nutes that posses micro nutes, change nute brand to nutes that do have micro nutes. Its a defficiancy if you know temps, light air, water are correct. IL send u a defficiancy chart so u can try compare yours and find out wtf is happening. Ps : dont chop that lovely plants till its nearly snapping with the weight of buds :D EDIT: [img=http://s7.postimage.org/emyulcmfb/2366736d1299345995_ph_question_leafdeficiencies.jpg] There you go, peace


Active Member
Im not chopping anything. Im in it to win lol.

Im starting to think my nutes maybe are not cutting it. I don't know why.. Maybe they are old?

I really appreciate all the feedback and help.


Active Member
Here's a update with some new pics.

I also just mixed up a new batch of nutes (which i do everytime) but 1.5x the feeding amount.


Notice the new growth.

This is the seedling that i was taking about.. Its like 3 weeks old but starting to get the deficiency as well.


Active Member
check if u have burnt tips on the leaves, if u do your over feeding. I dont think your under feeding already bro sont fuck it by adding more, check your not over watering. Change your nutes, create a feed, water, water cycle aswell to keep them healthy and salt build ups impossible, and flush them before starting your feeding cycle. Anyways im high so what do i know ;)


Well-Known Member
LoL I was just being a troll man. Do not chop it, finish it no matter what, for the experience and to learn what to do or what not to do next time around.