First date


Well-Known Member
On a first date....

Do any of you like to get really verbally abusive or even deliver a vicious back hand when she's not expecting it?
I mean do you go out with her and tell her what a stupid bitch she is or leave her at the restaraunt with the bill and no ride home or just slap her when she answers the door and be like why did you make me knock, you knew I was coming why weren't you ready and waiting for me?
I think most relationships start out good and then once the person is comfortable they start being abusive, does anyone just start out with a slap so she doesn't have high expectations or get the wrong idea?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
First date? No, she comes to my house and gives me head while I watch porn. If she has enough self respect not to do it, well then she ain't the girl i'm looking for.


bud bootlegger
i kind of think he has a point. so many people go out on a few dates and act like someone that their not only to turn into the real them months later..

do you really think the guy who hits a girl after dating her for a year just started hitting chics then or that he was just waiting for her to get comfy in the relationship?/
my money is on the later of course..

plus, if he had hit her on the first date instead of after a year of investing all of her time into him, she would have learned faster that he wasn't for her, or maybe he was, :D


Well-Known Member
Can't stop laughing but I agree with racerboy. I love you beardo, you certainly are a character.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
What a dark & facetious sense of humor, beardo! darn!

Smack my Bitch Up! (uncensored).....ya know...the song by the Prodigy! Great music video!

I'd say smacking your bitch on the first date is a bad idea!



Prisoner #56802

New Member
A cop smacks up a chick and he's caught on camera

(edit: changed to a better video)
