That's some beautiful bud. I bet it smokes as good as it looks.
Thanks. As you might expect, ST4 has a sweet, perfumey flavour. Very smooth when you have got the moisture content right, a real joy in a big fat jay. My circle has been smoking it for the last 6 years and all still love it. Can't grow enough of ST4, ppl always come back for more. A real success for a production grow and a damn nice smoke, too. Hard to get as beans these days, I hear. I sprouted these in 2002 and have been propagating by cuttings since.
al b fuct you are the greatest! I just bought 2 darkrooms one is 7'10x7'10 for flowering and one thats 2'5x2'5 for the mother plants.
I want to do your grow setup as close as possible
What do you suggest i put in them? Or if you can draw a small picture on how i should set it up. I just have no idea this is my first grow.
Thanks, ftg. Hang around here, catch up reading this thread in its entirety if you can, we'll bust ya cherry.
Start small, but not so small you smoke your entire production in a week. SoG relies on a large number of small plants, plan on 1/4-1/2oz per budstalk in the beginning of a grower's learning curve. For a first op, you might do a single 900mm x 900mm (3'x3') flood tray & a 400HPS for flowering, perhaps a 300mm x 1500mm (1'x3.5)' tray with a 175MH or 250 HPS for mums.
Ventilation is job 1. Pick a space that can easily be ventilated, either by dumping your waste air into an attic, crawlspace, or less desirably, out a window. Exhaust air must not be easily drawn back into the op.
Cooltubes are a great investment but between duct, blower, reflector and cooltube, isn't hard to wrap up a cpl $100 in them. Cooltubes vastly improved temp stability in my op. Stays at 25C +/- 1C at all times now. If you have the dough, get 'em now. If not, plan the op to suit cooltubes and duct installation later on.
You also need a clonebox, Enigma modded up an old bookcase with some pandafilm, fluoro lighting and presumably a thermostatically controlled exhaust fan & heatmat as a clonebox. Sounds a beaut.
Let me know when you have all that done, k?
Sorry I dont think i was specific enough, I was wondering what size Fan you think I should use and what size filter and how i should ventalate the hut. Thank you
Your room exhaust blower in a cooltubed room should be able to shift the room's air volume in about 3 minutes. A 500cu ft room thus needs a roughly 170CFM fan (500cu ft / 3minutes = 166.67CFM),or more. You can use passive intake, with no intake blower, or you can use an axial blower rated about 80-90% of the exhaust blower's CFM rating.This keeps the room at slightly negative pressure, sucks air into the room via small gaps in construction instead of allowing scents to escape, were the intake blower bigger than the exhaust.
The cooltube will use a typical 150mm axial (most are about 200CFM) if your duct is under about 6-7m long and has only a couple of 90 bends. Long, sweeping bends are better than sharp ones in duct lines.
If you're going to use a carbon filter, you will need to use a centrifugal blower for the exhaust. Axials won't do the job pushing air into a high static pressure caused by the obstruction of the carbon filter. Match the filter to the flow rate of the blower.
Should be arranged a bit like this: