Random Jibber Jabber Thread


New Member
I love most of Seth's work but I can't find much to laugh at when watching the Cleveland show, feels like I'm watching the Simpsons.


Staff member
LOL..you made the mistake of answering the phone,I bet you won't do it anymore lol..
..i didnt answer the phone, i wasnt going to text back at 2 am. but she does this all the time its getting really annoyin she expects me to want to live at the shop like she does, sorry man i love my job i do but its not all my years of labour and effort into that place like it is for her...ya know?


Well-Known Member
I sacrificed alot,lost friends,lost family,but I also gained knowledge,found faith,became stronger.Will I go back and do it over if I could?...Nope,a real man will play the cards he was delt,and no matter what bullshit that life or people throw at me,I'll over come it and be stronger,by my damn self.I needed help but never asked for it,so at this point,I'll never need it.I know I may do wrong in others eyes,but I'll lay in the bed I made for myself,with no complaint,and sleep like a baby.


Well-Known Member
Damn my back is sore. Spent the whole day trimming . But i got some new shears so at least my hands dont hurt too. Guess im gna smoke this blunt and laugh at some riu stuff till i pass out.


Well-Known Member
Reading the art of war,before I go to bed.
Sun tzu said

"The moral law allows the people to be in complete accord with their ruler,so that they will follow him,regardless of their lives,undismayed of any danger"
"Heaven signifies,night and day,cold,and heat,times,and seasons"
"Earth comprises distances,great and small,danger,and security,open ground,and narrow passes,the chances of life,and death"
"The commander stand for the virtues of wisdom,sincerity,benelovence,courage,and strictness"

The learning process never stops for me,I try to soke up as much game as possible.Pick up a book,it work hurt hahaaa...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
How do I post a YouTube video?...am I fuckin retarded?
Click on the insert video icon and you will have a window that pops up like illustrated below. Enter in the youtube url. If you look below the input window you will see an example. Your youtube url should look similar.

Click the o.k. button after you put in the url and you should see something similar to what's illustrated below:

Then submit your post.


Voila! She is done.


Well-Known Member
Get Baked, watch old movies, eat, and repeat. I need to relax this week end. I refuse to do anything even remotely productive on any level until Monday.
What about yourself?
Most likely get my penis moist,get ceribrally stoned,and just chill,I don't feel like going out 2night,.What kind of movies are you watching?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It's cooooold. I'm staying home. I just finished dinner and a bowl of sage and sour. Now I'm going to indulge in some tequila. :p