Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Good answer.. lol! No need to eat what youve already tainted. Gives new meaning to sour cream cheese pie dont ir?
But what if somebody was already eating it and it was too late to tell that person,would you just let them eat it,knowing that they already have a mouth full of dick baked cherry cheese pie?


Well-Known Member
But what if somebody was already eating it and it was too late to tell that person,would you just let them eat it,knowing that they already have a mouth full of dick baked cherry cheese pie?
Absolutely. If they cant smell the chlorine filled cream puff, chances are they cant taste it. Unless hes being a good bro and doesnt want to ruin the mood. Either way, his bad...


Well-Known Member
Absolutely. If they cant smell the chlorine filled cream puff, chances are they cant taste it. Unless hes being a good bro and doesnt want to ruin the mood. Either way, his bad...
Yeeeeah,kind of weird to know that they don't know that they are considered a swallower now,and don't even know it.


Well-Known Member
I wonder why the fuck it took people forever to upload,the campaigne to torrent sites.I been looking forever for it.


Well-Known Member
Don't get feminist on me wolf girl, you know I'm just joking about the bitches part... kind of

I surrender!!
Lolol, I didn't even nip you on that one ;3 But girls that age are often unstable because the guys slutting around have got them all in a spin.... Or they're just shallow and/or hormonal. All they need is a dick to pin them to the mattress and point them to the kitchen and that'll mellow them the fuck out.

Did that sound man-friendly enough? :3

Worked for me XD


I'm on the bus to see Tip Top, and I'm going to lay the loving on him fufufufufufuuuuu =^^=

Hep, be a cute little mushroom growing in my closet an I'll sing to you at night. I think I'm still high from my pre-long-distance-travel-spliff...


Ursus marijanus
Lolol, I didn't even nip you in that one ;3 But girls that age are often unstable because the guys Sutton around have got them all in a spin.... Or they're just shallow and/or hormonal. All they need is a dick to pin them to the mattress an point them to the kitchen and that'll mellow them the fuck out.

Did that sound man-friendly enough? :3

Worked for me XD


I'm on the bus to see Tip Top, and I'm going to lay the loving on him fufufufufufuuuuu =^^=
On another forum somewhere else far away and long ago, there was this older Midwestern fellow who was not up on all the lingo, but his heart was in the right place. We had a week of laughter when he misused a figure of speech meant to encourage. i will transmit his blessing as he formulated it:
Go, you girl!
:mrgreen: cn


Well-Known Member
My grandma passed,june of 2010,my niece seen a picture of her in my living room and said "Is that grandma?" I said yes it is,she says "Where is she,in the sky?" I almost broke down,love that little girl to death,and my grandma I really miss her.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My grandma passed,june of 2010,my niece seen a picture of her in my living room and said "Is that grandma?" I said yes it is,she says "Where is she,in the sky?" I almost broke down,love that little girl to death,and my grandma I really miss her.
I'm still trying to explain where Grandma went to my younger nephews and nieces. They're having a hard time with her recent passing. She was the center of their universe (and a little bit of mine, too) :)


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to explain where Grandma went to my younger nephews and nieces. They're having a hard time with her recent passing. She was the center of their universe (and a little bit of mine, too) :)
I know how that is man.I use to go see her everyday,the hospital called us and told us that she was slipping away.the doctor told my grandmother that we were on our way to see her,she couldn't talk,she just nodded ok,but she passed a couple minutes of us arriving.I couldn't believe a person I loved so much,and seen almost everyday of my life was gone.I still dream about her every now and then.


Well-Known Member
I found that once you fully understand that everybody dies,and embrace death,and knowing it can come anyday,you can start enjoying and living your life to the fullest.I honestly can say that I'm not afraid to die,but until then best believe I'm gettin mine.


New Member
People die and should be thought of the good times and celebrated of their life, alot of people now days are telling their families to have a party instead of a funereal. We're too far into civilization to grief over this expected death thing and the trend is growing.